Published March 17, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Evaluation of natural compounds from beetroot against cervical cancer cells HeLa


The leaves and stems of beet (Beta vulgaris L.) are known to present higher total phenolic contents than the root. Some phenolic compounds present in beet, such as betaninas, quercetin and myricetin are potent agents that can reduce and/or inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reducing changes in endothelial structure. Besides, beetroot juice is used as a popular folk remedy for the treatment of liver and kidney diseases as well as for the stimulation of immune and haematopoietic systems. Here we aim to analyze the anti cancer effects of natural compounds derived from extracts from beet's roots and leaves, including betanin and apigenin, in the cell line derived from human carcinoma of uterus, HeLa. After treatment of HeLa cancer cells, proliferation, migration, cell cycle, apoptosis and mTOR pathway status will be evaluated.

This dataset was already published: 10.1002/ptr.7255


This study was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation, FAPESP (grant numbers: F.M.S. 2018/14818-9; R.M.N.B. 2016/06457-0; fellowship numbers: S.A.R. 2019/13848-4; A.P.M. 2019/00607-9; I.C.B.P. 2015/00311-1; M.C.S.M. 019/25582-9)



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