Published March 16, 2022 | Version 1
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Quantum Mechanics, Information and Bound State Entanglement


 In previous notes we discussed quantum mechanics as a statistical theory and also the idea of losing information i.e. exp(ik1 x) exp(ik2 x) = exp(i (k1+k2) x) for a product of free particle “probabilities” (1). In this note we wish to continue the investigation of the statistical behaviour of quantum bound states in terms of A= px - Et = classical action which treats x,t,p and E as independent variables. This leads to P(p) with no x information or P(x) with no p information and we argue is also responsible for features of entanglement in the quantum mechanic bound state which do not appear in classical statistical mechanics which retains  pp/2m + V(x) = E for a single particle which is not colliding in an ideal gas.



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