Published March 16, 2022 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

Recommendations for Responsible Regional Innovation

  • 1. South-East European Research Centre (SEERC)


The policy recommendations developed within TeRRItoria address RRI integration into all stages entailed by a policy’s lifespan –starting from its design and reaching up to sustaining its results. The recommendations are therefore outlined with respect to: i) the design stage of regional policies and S3 (including the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process – EDP); ii) the implementation stage of regional policies and S3; iii) the stage of monitoring and evaluation; iv) some overall suggestions, highlighting aspects to be generally considered when attempting to integrate RRI principles in regional innovation; v) some suggestions for enhancing the sustainability of RRI-driven regional policies and their results. The contribution of these policy recommendations lies in enhancing the development of responsible regional R&I policies, in developing an indicative but robust basis for the creation of multi-level and steering regional governance system, and ultimately enhancing a smooth and non-fragmented transition to S4+ (Smart Specialization Strategies for Sustainability). As for their follow-up utilisation, the TeRRItoria policy recommendations can ultimately be exploited by various groups dealing with the future of regional innovation and S3 in the light of RRI, namely: i) Quadruple Helix stakeholders involved in R&I at the local and regional level; ii) National, regional and local authorities involved in the regional innovation cycle; ii) the EC and its agencies involved with planning and monitoring R&I, including the JRC S3 platform.


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European Commission
TeRRItoria – Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Through the involvement of local R&I Actors 824565