Published April 30, 1982 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Kinetics of the Acid Catalysed Hydrolysis of Formamide in Binary-Aqueous Mixtures


Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302 004

The kinetics of acid hydrolysis of formamide have been studied in binary aqueous mixtures with acetone, dioxan, 2-propanol and dimethylsulphoxide. The dipolar aprotic and non-hydrogen bond donor solvents like dioxan and acetone have a rate enhancing effect. On the other hand probe solvents like alcohols, which can act both as hydrogen bond donor and acceptor, exert a rate decreasing effect. DMSO, although a dipolar aprotic non-hydrogen bond donor solvent, has a rate decreasing effect possibly due to its strong interaction with hydrogen ions and association with water molecules.



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