Published March 16, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Quantitative Study of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM Subjects in US Universities


This is the complete raw data for the National Association of Scholars' 2022 Quantitative Study of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM Subjects in US Universities. It can be dropped into the project's root folder and used to recreate the files in the ./out directory, which are used to create the visualizations in the final report.

The replication files for the project (processed data and code) are here:

Please note that it was necessary to split the data into multiple zip files in order to upload it to Zenodo.

To get the files and replicate the analysis, these are the steps.

1. Download all the files and put them in a folder. Navigate to that folder in the command line.

2. Combine the files into a single zip file, like this: 

cat ./quantdei_nas_data.z0* ./ > ./

3. Unzip that amalgamated file: (gui tools won't work)

unzip ./


Now you should have a folder called "data" that has all of the data. 


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