Published March 10, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paracephaelis pauciflora De Block 2022, sp. nov.

  • 1. Meise Botanic Garden, Nieuwelaan 38, BE- 1860 Meise, Belgium.


Paracephaelis pauciflora De Block sp. nov.

Figs 1B, 14


Differing from Paracephaelis sericea by having smaller stipules (4–9 mm vs 8–30 mm long), smaller leaves (2–15 × 1–5.5 cm vs 7–21 × 4.5–12 cm), smaller inflorescences (1–2 × 1.5–3.5 cm with first order axes 0.3–0.7 cm long and 3–12 flowers vs 1.5–7 × 3–9 cm with first order axes 0.3–4 cm long and 15 to numerous flowers), longer corolla tubes (1.1–3.3 cm vs 0.6–1.7 cm long), less exserted styles and stigmas (exserted for 2–6 mm vs 6–17 mm), and longer calyx tubes (4–10 mm vs 2–5 mm long).


The species epithet is based on the few-flowered inflorescences.

Type material

MADAGASCAR – Toamasina Province, Alaotra-Mangoro Region, Moramanga District • 1–2 km S of Hotel de la Gare at Andasibe (Perinet); 1000 m a.s.l.; 5 Mar. 1988; fl; Schatz, Dransfield & Henderson 1941; holotype: MO; isotypes: BR [00000822147], K [K000176002], P [P04023495], TAN.

Other material studied

MADAGASCAR – Toamasina Province, Alaotra-Mangoro Region, Ambatondrazaka District • Nonokambo, forêt aux confins du pays Sihanaka; 18 Aug. 1937; fr; coll. ignot. (Herbier Jardin botanique de Tananarive) 2791; P • commune Antanandava, fkt. Antanandava, 3 km SW d’Ankosy; 1157 m a.s.l.; 27 Jan. 2001; fl; Randrianasolo, Rakotozafy, Ratovoson, Andrambolantsoa & Rajoelison 186; K, MO, P • Manaka-Est; 23 Mar. 1960; fl; coll. ignot. 11251-RN; P • partie NW de la RNI 3, Zahamena, 1 km SW du village d’Antenina, commune Imerimandroso; 910 m a.s.l.; 15 Aug. 1994; fr; Randrianjanaka & Zafy 203; BR, K, MO, P, TAN. – Amparafaravola District • forêt d’Andranovakoana, W de Manohilahy, Andrazaka; 1100–1300 m a.s.l.; 30 Aug. 1958; fr; Capuron 18761-SF; BR, P, TEF • sables d’Andilana; 1100 m a.s.l.; 7 Jan. 1945; fl; Cours 2208; P, TAN • ibid.; 1000 m a.s.l.; 7 Jan. 1945; fl; Homolle 2208; P. – Moramanga District • Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Ambatovy, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga, Analamahy; 1042 m a.s.l.; 16 Mar. 2005; fl; Andriatiana & Razafindasy 162; BR, MO, P, TAN • Andasibe, Menalamba, forêt d’Ambatovy; 15 Feb. 1997; fr; Andriatsiferana, Rakotomamonjy, Rafamantanantsoa, Leporaka & Rolland 2516; BR, MO, P • Andasibe, Berano, Ambatovy forest, Analamay; 1117 m a.s.l.; 2 Mar. 2005; fl; Antilahimena & Razafindasy 3534; BR, MO, P, TAN • commune Ambohibary, fkt. Ampitambe, Sahaviana forest; 1147 m a.s.l.; 13 Feb. 2007; fl; Antilahimena 5314; MO n.v., P online, TAN n.v. • Morarano, Marovoay, Ankosy forest; 1111 m a.s.l.; 24 Apr. 2009; fr; Antilahimena, Bernard, Edmond, Ravelonarivo, Ratodimanana & Radona 7076; BR, MO, P, TAN • Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Ambatovy, Betsingilo forest; 1041 m a.s.l.; 7Aug. 2012; fr; Antilahimena, Ratolojanahary & Felix 8428; BR, MO, P, TAN • Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Andranovery, Ambatovy; 1019 m a.s.l.; 10 Jun. 2009; fr; Bernard, Antilahimena, Edmond & Radona 1443; BR, MO • Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Ambatovy, zone de défrichement 22; 1069 m a.s.l.; 28 Apr. 2010; fr; Bernard, Ratodimanana, Randrianasolo & Ramahenina 1563; BR, MO, P, TAN • Perinet-Analamazaotra; 8–9 Aug. 1961; fr; Capuron 20320-SF; P, TEF • Perinet; 27 Mar. 1951; fr; coll. ignot. 3322-SF; P, TAN, TEF • Analamazaotra-Perinet; 27 Mar. 1957; fr; coll. ignot. 3732-SF; P, TAN, TEF • S du parc des orchidées, Analamazaotra; 13 Feb. 1980; fl; coll. ignot. 29692-SF; TEF • limite droite de Mananara PN, Mantadia, fkt. Faliarana, fir. Andasibe; 850–1250 m a.s.l.; 14 Oct. 1993; fr; coll. ignot. 34483-SF; TEF • station forestière d’Analamazaotra, environs de la parc des orchidées; 880 m a.s.l.; 23 Feb. 1999; fl; De Block & Rakotonasolo 848; BR, G, K, MO, P, TAN, WAG • ibid.; 880 m a.s.l.; 23 Feb. 1999; fl; De Block & Rakotonasolo 855; BR, G, K, MO, P, TAN, WAG • parc Mitsinjo (Analamazaotra); 880 m a.s.l.; 22 Jan. 2006; fl; De Block, Tosh & Rakotonasolo 1908; BR, MO, TAN, UPS • Andasibe, station forestière d’Analamazaotra; 900 m a.s.l.; 2 Apr. 1999; fl; Labat, Haevermans & Rabenantoandro 3079; BR, K, P, TAN, WAG • Ambatovy, NE of Moramanga, azonal forest S of Dynatec offices, on slope below flat area; 1110 m a.s.l.; 12 Apr. 2006; fr; Lowry, Antilahimena & Andriamahefarivo 6798; MO n.v., P online • Ambatovy, 10 km NE de Moramanga; May 1969; fr; Morat 3224; P • Moramanga, RN 2, PK 6 after Moramanga; 900 m a.s.l.; 21 Aug. 1999; fr; Rakotonasolo 97; BR, G, MO, TAN • 4.5 km NNW of Moramanga; 1030 m a.s.l.; 6 Oct. 2002; fr; Rakotonasolo 428; BR, K • commune Ambohibary, fkt. Ampitambe, Ambatovy, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga; 1123 m a.s.l.; 1 Mar. 2005; fl; Rakotovao, Razafindasy & Edmond 1415; BR, MO, P, TAN • ibid.; 1123 m a.s.l.; 1 Mar. 2005; fl; Rakotovao, Razafindasy & Edmond 1445; BR, MO, P, TAN • ibid.; 1141 m a.s.l.; 2 Mar. 2005; fl; Rakotovao, Razafindasy & Edmond 1459; MO, TAN • ibid.; 1060 m a.s.l.; 4 Mar. 2005; fl; Rakotovao, Razafindasy & Edmond 1510; BR, MO, P, TAN • Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Ambatovy, Saviraha, by pass; 1042 m a.s.l.; 23 Feb. 2010; fl; Ramahenina, Edmond, Rasolofoniaina & Rakotonandrasana 16; MO n.v., P online, TAN n.v. • Andasibe, Analamazaotra-Perinet PN, Amboasary; 1022 m a.s.l.; 14 Feb. 2013; fr; Rasoazanany, Antilahimena, Bernard, Razafindraibe, Edmond & Ratolojanahary 358; BR, MO, P, TAN • Ambohibary, Antsily, Andakana, forêt de Bekomy; 902 m a.s.l.; 7 Sep. 2012; fr; Razakamalala & Randrianaivo 6984; MO n.v., P online, TAN n.v. – Atsinanana Region, Vatomandry District • commune Ambalabe, fkt. Ambinanindrano II, forêt de Vohibe à Antenanala, 4 heures de marche d’Ambalabe; 986 m a.s.l.; 2 Jun. 2007; fr; Ravelonarivo 2484; BR, MO, P, TAN. – Vohibinany District • commune Maroseranana, fkt. Ambodilendemy, Ankerana; 921 m a.s.l.; 25 Mar. 2011; fr; Antilahimena 7823; BR, MO • Anjahamamy, Anivoranokely, Ankerana forest; 1092 m a.s.l.; 20 Jan. 2012; fr; Antilahimena 8005; BR, MO, P, TAN • entre Sahalampona et Sahamalaza; 1200 m a.s.l.; 21 Jan. 1945; fl, fr; Cours 2635; BR, P, TAN • Maroseranana, Ambodilendemy, vers le sommet d’Ankerana; 804 m a.s.l.; 20 Mar. 2011; fr; Ravelonarivo, Felix, Edmond & Lejoma 3742; BR, MO • Vohimanana, commune Maroseranana, fkt. Ambatolampy, point 2 d’atterrissage d’hélicoptère d’équipe qui avait fait le sondage (Héliport); 805 m a.s.l.; 23 Jan. 2012; fl; Ravelonarivo, Edmond & Laindrirana 4169; BR, MO • Maroseranana, fkt. Ambatolampy, Ankerana; 735 m a.s.l.; 2 Feb. 2012; fl; Ravelonarivo & Edmond 4292; BR, MO, P, TAN • forêt de Tampina; Dec. 1936; fr; Ursch s.n.; L. – Mahajanga Province, Sofia Region, Mandritsara District • Ambilobe, Bandabe, suivant la piste vers Antsiradava, 5 km E de Bandabe à vol d’oiseau, W de la forêt de Makira, à la limite de la province de Tamatave et de Majunga, Ambolotsangana, une ligne de crête; 3910 ft a.s.l.; 25 Apr. 2007; fr; Ravelonarivo, Lehavana, Tsiady & Manankaja 2338; BR, MO, P, TAN. – Antananarivo Province, Analamanga Region, Anjozorobe District • Anjozorobe; 28 Jan. 1987; fl; Rakotozafy & Raharilala 1822; TAN • Vanjamanitrabe; 30 Jan. 1989; fl; Rakotozafy & Raharilala 2440; TAN. – Without locality • s.dat.; fr; Baron 3114; K • s.dat.; fl; Homolle s.n.; BR, P • s.dat.; fr; Homolle J5; BR, P.


Shrub or tree, 2–8(–15) m tall; pubescence tawny. Young shoots brown to reddish brown, densely covered with short erect hairs; older branches pale or greyish brown, flaking, glabrescent. Petioles 0.4–2 cm long, densely covered with short erect hairs. Leaf blades obovate, elliptic, narrowly obovate or narrowly elliptic, 2–15 × 1–5.5 cm, coriaceous, drying brown or dark brown and hardly discolorous, upper surface somewhat glossy, sparsely to moderately covered with short erect hairs or glabrous with pubescence restricted to midrib and secondary veins, lower surface densely covered with longer erect hairs or glabrous with pubescence restricted to midrib and secondary veins; margin ciliate; base cuneate, obtuse, unequal or somewhat attenuate; tip acuminate with acumen 0.3–1.5 cm long or rarely acute; hair tuft domatia usually present; midrib sparsely to densely covered with short erect to appressed hairs on both surfaces; 8–13 secondary veins on each side of midrib, somewhat impressed above, raised below, glabrous or sparsely to moderately covered with short erect or appressed hairs on both surfaces; higher order venation inconspicuous on both surfaces (in mature leaves). Stipules triangular, often somewhat keeled, 4–9 mm long, gradually tapering into an acute or, more rarely, obtuse tip, outer surface densely covered with short erect hairs, inner surface glabrous with 2–3 rows of colleters at the base. Inflorescences sessile, compact, 1–2 × 1.5–3.5 cm, with 3–12 flowers; inflorescence parts densely covered with short erect hairs; first order axes 0.3–0.5(–0.7) cm long; higher order bracts with stipular parts reduced or absent, foliar parts narrowly triangular and vaulted, 3–4 mm long; bracteoles at base of ovary, opposite, stipular parts absent, foliar parts triangular, 1–2 mm long, tips acute. Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, pedicels 0–1.5 mm long. Calyx densely covered with short erect hairs outside, inner surface densely covered with minute appressed hairs all over but most dense at the base; tube 4–10 mm long; lobes triangular or quadrangular, (0.5–) 1–2 mm long, often somewhat keeled, tips rounded, obtuse or acute. Corolla tube 1.1–3.3 cm long, inner surface moderately covered with long erect hairs in upper ⅔; lobes 5–9 mm long. Anthers 5–7 mm long, completely exserted or basal part (ca 1 mm long) included in corolla tube at anthesis; filaments ca 1 mm long. Ovary 2–3 mm long, longitudinally ribbed (when dried), densely covered with short erect hairs; per locule 6–9 ovules arranged at periphery of placenta attached just above middle of septum. Style and stigma 1.5–3.7 cm long, exserted for 2–6 mm; style densely covered with long upwardly directed hairs for 3–8 mm below papillate zone; stigmatic lobes 7–15 mm long. Fruits ovoid, longitudinally ribbed and glossy (when dried), 9–12 × 7–10 mm, densely covered with short erect hairs; fruit wall well-developed, with multi-layered anastomosing network of sclerified vascular bundles; pyrenes hemi-ovoid, 8–10 × 5–6.5 mm, crustaceous, with rounded base and tip, small adaxial opening in the upper half and faint longitudinal central ridge running from the apex to the top of the adaxial opening and continuing into a longitudinal depression below it. Seeds 6–10 per fruit, ca 4.5 × 3 mm.


Restricted to central eastern Madagascar (Alaotro-Mangoro, Atsinanana and Analamanga Regions), also known from Makira Forest on the border between Toamasina and Mahajanga Province. Present in: Ambatondrazaka, Amparafaravola and Moramanga Districts, Alaotra-Mangoro Region, and Vatomandry and Vohibinany Districts, Atsinanana Region (Toamasina Province); Mandritsara District, Sofia Region (Mahajanga Province); Anjozorobe District, Analamanga Region (Antananarivo Province) (Fig. 23C).

Habitat and phenology

Mid-elevation humid forest; elev. 700–1400 m. Flowers: January–March, one collection reported flowering in April (Labat et al. 3079); Fruits: March–December.

Vernacular names

Ankahatra (Cours 2635); hazo mafany (Ursch s.n.); kafeala (coll. ignot. 3322-SF and 3732-SF); sofintsoy (Antilahimena 8005); taolananafotsy (coll. ignot. 29692-RN); tsotsorovarika (coll. ignot. 11251-RN).

Provisional IUCN assessment

Near Threatened. This assessment is based on 46 herbarium collections with detailed locality data, collected between 1937 and 2013. The EOO of P. pauciflora sp. nov. is estimated to be 22 340 km 2, which somewhat exceeds the upper limit of the Vulnerable category under criterion B1. The AOO is 116 km 2, which complies with the Endangered category under criterion B2. The species occurs in 15 locations, which exceeds the upper limit for Vulnerable category under subcriterion ‘a’ of criterion B2. However, circa 30% of the specimens of P. pauciflora sp. nov. were collected at Ambatovy, which is the site of the world’s largest lateritic nickel mine, where open pit nickel and cobalt mining is ongoing ( The mining location will be completely cleared within the next thirty years, which will reduce the number of locations to 14 and have a negative effect on the AOO, but not on the EOO. Paracephaelis pauciflora sp. nov. occurs in the Andasibe-Mantadia and Zahamena National Parks and in Makira Natural Park (1 specimen currently known). Outside the protected areas, clearing of forest (Harper et al. 2007), mainly for subsistence agriculture, continues at a rapid pace. Inside the protected areas, land clearing for subsistence farming, cattle grazing, and human settlement also occurs, as well as logging, production of charcoal, collection of non-timber forest products, and hunting (Nicoll & Langrand 1989; Hannah & Boltz 2003; Rasolofoson et al. 2007; Dolch 2008). The Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, close to the capital Antananarivo, is one of the main destinations for tourists interested in Madagascar’s nature. But the remote location of Zahamena and Makira and the limited resources for the management of these protected areas (both monetary and in terms of staff) are negative factors not aiding the conservation of these protected areas. Because of the above-mentioned facts, a reduction in the extent and quality of the habitat of P. pauciflora sp. nov. is inferred and a future reduction in the AOO, the number of locations, the habitat and the number of mature individuals is projected. Because of the size of the EOO and the number of locations, P. pauciflora sp. nov. does not qualify for Vulnerable status. However, because the EOO is only just over 20 000 km 2 and the number of locations is 14 (taking into account the future destruction of the Ambatovy location), the species is assessed as Near Threatened.


1. Paracephaelis pauciflora sp. nov. is easily recognized by the pauciflorous inflorescences and the flowers with well-developed calyx tubes.

2. Prior to the synonymization of Homolliella with Paracephaelis (De Block et al. 2015), herbarium specimens were annotated by the author as “ Homolliella pauciflora ”, a name which was never published.


Published as part of Block, Petra De, 2022, Monograph of the western Indian Ocean genus Paracephaelis (Rubiaceae - Pavetteae), with description of thirteen new species, pp. 1-99 in European Journal of Taxonomy 801 on pages 55-59, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.801.1685,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1937-08-18 , 1945-01-07 , 1945-01-21 , 1951-03-27 , 1957-03-27 , 1958-08-30 , 1960-03-23 , 1961-08-08 , 1980-02-13 , 1987-01-28 , 1988-03-05 , 1989-01-30 , 1993-10-14 , 1994-08-15 , 1997-02-15 , 1999-02-23 , 1999-04-02 , 1999-08-21 , 2001-01-27 , 2002-10-06 , 2005-03-01 , 2005-03-02 , 2005-03-04 , 2005-03-16 , 2006-01-22 , 2006-04-12 , 2007-02-13 , 2007-04-25 , 2007-06-02 , 2009-04-24 , 2009-06-10 , 2010-02-23 , 2010-04-28 , 2011-03-20 , 2011-03-25 , 2012-01-20 , 2012-01-23 , 2012-02-02 , 2012-08-07 , 2012-09-07 , 2013-02-14
Material sample ID
00000822147, K000176002, P04023495
Scientific name authorship
De Block
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , isotype
Verbatim event date
1937-08-18 , 1945-01-07 , 1945-01-21 , 1951-03-27 , 1957-03-27 , 1958-08-30 , 1960-03-23 , 1961-08-08/09 , 1980-02-13 , 1987-01-28 , 1988-03-05 , 1989-01-30 , 1993-10-14 , 1994-08-15 , 1997-02-15 , 1999-02-23 , 1999-04-02 , 1999-08-21 , 2001-01-27 , 2002-10-06 , 2005-03-01 , 2005-03-02 , 2005-03-04 , 2005-03-16 , 2006-01-22 , 2006-04-12 , 2007-02-13 , 2007-04-25 , 2007-06-02 , 2009-04-24 , 2009-06-10 , 2010-02-23 , 2010-04-28 , 2011-03-20 , 2011-03-25 , 2012-01-20 , 2012-01-23 , 2012-02-02 , 2012-08-07 , 2012-09-07 , 2013-02-14
Taxonomic concept label
Paracephaelis pauciflora Block, 2022


  • Harper G. J., Steininger M. K., Tucker C. J., Juhn D. & Hawkins F. 2007. Fifty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Environmental Conservation 34: 325 - 533. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / s 0376892907004262
  • Nicoll M. E. & Langrand O. 1989. Madagascar: Revue de la Conservation et des Aires protegees. World Wide Fund for Nature, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Hannah L. & Boltz F. 2003. Zahamena Protected-Area complex. In: Goodman S. M. & Benstead J. P. (eds) The Natural History of Madagascar: 1466 - 1472. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
  • Rasolofoson D., Rakotondratsimba G., Rakotonirainy O., Rasolofoharivelo T., Rakotozafy L., Ratsimbazafy J., Ratelolahy F., Andriamaholy V. & Sarovy A. 2007. Le bloc forestier de Makira charniere de Lemuriens. Lemur News 12: 49 - 53.
  • Dolch R. 2008. Andasibe (Perinet). Les efforts actuellement entrepris sont-ils suffisants pour proteger la nature du " hot-spot " de biodiversite a Madagascar? In: Goodman S. M. (ed.) Paysages naturels et Biodiversite de Madagascar: 547 - 557. Museum national d'histoire naturelle, WWF, Paris.
  • De Block P., Razafimandimbison S. G., Janssens S., Ochoterena H., Robbrecht E. & Bremer B. 2015. Molecular phylogenetics and generic assessment in the tribe Pavetteae (Rubiaceae). Taxon 64: 79 - 95. https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / 641.19