DCASE 2022 Challenge Task 2 Development Dataset
- 1. Hitachi Ltd.
- 2. Doshisha University
- 3. Google, Inc.
- 4. NTT Corporation
- 5. Hitachi, Ltd.
This dataset is the "development dataset" for the DCASE 2022 Challenge Task 2 "Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring Applying Domain Generalization Techniques".
The data consists of the normal/anomalous operating sounds of seven types of real/toy machines. Each recording is a single-channel 10-second audio that includes both a machine's operating sound and environmental noise. The following seven types of real/toy machines are used in this task:
- Fan
- Gearbox
- Bearing
- Slide rail
- ToyCar
- ToyTrain
- Valve
Overview of the task
Anomalous sound detection (ASD) is the task of identifying whether the sound emitted from a target machine is normal or anomalous. Automatic detection of mechanical failure is an essential technology in the fourth industrial revolution, which involves artificial intelligence (AI)-based factory automation. Prompt detection of machine anomalies by observing sounds is useful for monitoring the condition of machines.
This task is the follow-up to DCASE 2020 Task 2 and DCASE 2021 Task 2. The task this year is to detect anomalous sounds under three main conditions:
1. Only normal sound clips are provided as training data (i.e., unsupervised learning scenario). In real-world factories, anomalies rarely occur and are highly diverse. Therefore, exhaustive patterns of anomalous sounds are impossible to create or collect and unknown anomalous sounds that were not observed in the given training data must be detected. This condition is the same as in DCASE 2020 Task 2 and DCASE 2021 Task 2.
2. Factors other than anomalies change the acoustic characteristics between training and test data (i.e., domain shift). In real-world cases, operational conditions of machines or environmental noise often differ between the training and testing phases. For example, the operation speed of a conveyor can change due to seasonal demand, or environmental noise can fluctuate depending on the states of surrounding machines. This condition is the same as in DCASE 2021 Task 2.
3. In test data, samples unaffected by domain shifts (source domain data) and those affected by domain shifts (target domain data) are mixed, and the source/target domain of each sample is not specified. Therefore, the model must detect anomalies regardless of the domain (i.e., domain generalization).
We first define key terms in this task: "machine type," "section," "source domain," "target domain," and "attributes.".
- "Machine type" indicates the kind of machine, which in this task is one of seven: fan, gearbox, bearing, slide rail, valve, ToyCar, and ToyTrain.
- A section is defined as a subset of the dataset for calculating performance metrics. Each section is dedicated to a specific type of domain shift.
- The source domain is the domain under which most of the training data and part of the test data were recorded, and the target domain is a different set of domains under which a few of the training data and part of the test data were recorded. There are differences between the source and target domains in terms of operating speed, machine load, viscosity, heating temperature, type of environmental noise, SNR, etc.
- Attributes are parameters that define states of machines or types of noise.
This dataset consists of three sections for each machine type (Sections 00, 01, and 02), and each section is a complete set of training and test data. For each section, this dataset provides (i) 990 clips of normal sounds in the source domain for training, (ii) ten clips of normal sounds in the target domain for training, and (iii) 100 clips each of normal and anomalous sounds for the test. The source/target domain of each sample is provided. Additionally, the attributes of each sample in the training and test data are provided in the file names and attribute csv files.
File names and attribute csv files
File names and attribute csv files provide reference labels for each clip. The given reference labels for each training/test clip include machine type, section index, normal/anomaly information, and attributes regarding the condition other than normal/anomaly. The machine type is given by the directory name. The section index is given by their respective file names. For the datasets other than the evaluation dataset, the normal/anomaly information and the attributes are given by their respective file names. Attribute csv files are for easy access to attributes that cause domain shifts. In these files, the file names, name of parameters that cause domain shifts (domain shift parameter, dp), and the value or type of these parameters (domain shift value, dv) are listed. Each row takes the following format:
[filename (string)], [d1p (string)], [d1v (int | float | string)], [d2p], [d2v]...
Recording procedure
Normal/anomalous operating sounds of machines and its related equipment are recorded. Anomalous sounds were collected by deliberately damaging target machines. For simplifying the task, we use only the first channel of multi-channel recordings; all recordings are regarded as single-channel recordings of a fixed microphone. We mixed a target machine sound with environmental noise, and only noisy recordings are provided as training/test data. The environmental noise samples were recorded in several real factory environments. We will publish papers on the dataset to explain the details of the recording procedure by the submission deadline.
Directory structure
- /dev_data
- /fan
- /train (only normal clips)
- /section_00_source_train_normal_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_00_source_train_normal_0989_<attribute>.wav
- /section_00_target_train_normal_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_00_target_train_normal_0009_<attribute>.wav
- /section_01_source_train_normal_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_02_target_train_normal_0009_<attribute>.wav
- /test
- /section_00_source_test_normal_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_00_source_test_normal_0049_<attribute>.wav
- /section_00_source_test_anomaly_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_00_source_test_anomaly_0049_<attribute>.wav
- /section_00_target_test_normal_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_00_target_test_normal_0049_<attribute>.wav
- /section_00_target_test_anomaly_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_00_target_test_anomaly_0049_<attribute>.wav
- /section_01_source_test_normal_0000_<attribute>.wav
- ...
- /section_02_target_test_anomaly_0049_<attribute>.wav
- attributes_00.csv (attribute csv for section 00)
- attributes_01.csv (attribute csv for section 01)
- attributes_02.csv (attribute csv for section 02)
- /gearbox (The other machine types have the same directory structure as fan.)
- /bearing
- /slider (`slider` means "slide rail")
- /ToyCar
- /ToyTrain
- /valve
Baseline system
Two baseline systems are available on the Github repository baseline_ae and baseline_mobile_net_v2. The baseline systems provide a simple entry-level approach that gives a reasonable performance in the dataset of Task 2. They are good starting points, especially for entry-level researchers who want to get familiar with the anomalous-sound-detection task.
Condition of use
This dataset was created jointly by Hitachi, Ltd. and NTT Corporation and is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
If you use this dataset, please cite all the following three papers.
- Kota Dohi, Keisuke Imoto, Noboru Harada, Daisuke Niizumi, Yuma Koizumi, Tomoya Nishida, Harsh Purohit, Takashi Endo, Masaaki Yamamoto, Yohei Kawaguchi, Description and Discussion on DCASE 2022 Challenge Task 2: Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring Applying Domain Generalization Techniques. In arXiv e-prints: 2206.05876, 2022. [URL]
- Kota Dohi, Tomoya Nishida, Harsh Purohit, Ryo Tanabe, Takashi Endo, Masaaki Yamamoto, Yuki Nikaido, and Yohei Kawaguchi. MIMII DG: sound dataset for malfunctioning industrial machine investigation and inspection for domain generalization task. In arXiv e-prints: 2205.13879, 2022. [URL]
- Noboru Harada, Daisuke Niizumi, Daiki Takeuchi, Yasunori Ohishi, Masahiro Yasuda, and Shoichiro Saito. ToyADMOS2: another dataset of miniature-machine operating sounds for anomalous sound detection under domain shift conditions. In Proceedings of the 6th Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2021 Workshop (DCASE2021), 1–5. Barcelona, Spain, November 2021. [URL]
If there is any problem, please contact us:
- Kota Dohi, kota.dohi.gr@hitachi.com
- Daisuke Niizumi, daisuke.niizumi.dt@hco.ntt.co.jp
- Yohei Kawaguchi, yohei.kawaguchi.xk@hitachi.com
- Keisuke Imoto, keisuke.imoto@ieee.org
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