Published February 24, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Establishing the influence of technical and technological parameters of milking equipment on the efficiency of machine milking

  • 1. Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • 2. State Biotechnological University
  • 3. National Scientific Center «Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine»
  • 4. Sumy National Agrarian University
  • 5. Veterinary Clinic "Vet Service"
  • 6. State Scientific and Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise


One of the tasks that imply increasing the milk productivity of cows is to create optimal maintenance conditions that ensure the increased use of the genetic potential of cattle based on the implementation of engineering and technological solutions.

A mathematical model has been built that links the technical and technological parameters of the vacuum system of milking equipment, namely, the value of the working vacuum P, the pulsation frequency n, the ratio of pulsation cycles, and the tension strength of milking rubber FH to cows’ milk yield rate V. The range of milking plant operating parameters for milking in the milk line has been determined, at which the milk yield rate is maximum: P=52 kPa, n=57.6–58.8 min–1, δ=0.59–0.64, FH=59.3–60.4 H. Under these parameters, the milk yield rate is V=1.48–1.53 l/min.

The results of the multifactor experiment have helped construct an adequate mathematical model of the second order, which confirms the theoretical dependence of the influence of the technical and technological parameters of the vacuum system of milking equipment on milk yield rate and the air flow of the milking machine. Analysis of the mathematical model has made it possible to establish the rational structural and technological parameters for the vacuum system of a milking machine: the value of the working vacuum, P=50.6 kPa; pulsation frequency, n=55.9 min–1, the ratio of pulsation cycles and the tension force of milking rubber FH=64.8 H. Under these parameters, the milk yield rate is maximum: V=1.47–1.52 l/min; the air flow consumption of the milking machine is Q=2.19 m3/h.

The mathematical model built fully reveals the influence of technical and technological parameters of milking equipment on the efficiency of machine milking. Owing to this, the issue related to the rational choice of equipment is resolved.


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