There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 11, 2022 | Version 1.6
Working paper Open

A new translation of the Ezerovo ring: and the first correct translation


A new translation of the Thracian inscription on the Ezerovo gold ring found in 1912. After all these years since its discovery, this is very likely to be the first correct translation of the inscription and hence the first actual decipherment, and if so it gives us more information about the Thracian language than any other Thracian inscription found so far, enabling one to get a better sense of Thracian's actual place among the Indo-European languages. 


seventh version: I have clarified the etymology of Arachne/Arachnes now, with definitive new evidence that the earlier meaning of the word was "spindle"; it relates directly to the new discovery published in the 6th version, where I found that the Ara in Ara Zea actually meant "tree, woods", so Ara Zea="Goddess of the Woods". The fortuitous way that came about was unexpected, and the way the evidence aligned so exact, it is amazing. This is indeed the first correct translation of the inscription on this Thracian gold ring. Along the way I've also improved a number of sentences and corrected several typos. This seventh version also has a very likely and new etymology of Achilles and of the river Achelous: I've included them here because they provide background for my etymology of Arachne/arachnes. This version also has added: the Ancient Greek rax (=grape), the Adriatic toponym Ragusa, and more new information. In this version, I also begin to incorporate my findings gleaned from my translation of the Moesian Kjolmen inscription.


First translation of the Thracian Ezerovo ring, March update.pdf

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