Published September 22, 2020 | Version v1
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Dataset - Patterning of the Surface Electrical Potential on Chalcogenide Glasses by a Thermoelectrical Imprinting Process

  • 1. Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, UMR 5255, Université de Bordeaux


Dataset related to the article:

Patterning of the Surface Electrical Potential on Chalcogenide Glasses by a Thermoelectrical Imprinting Process           Ricardo Alvarado, Lara Karam, Redouane Dahmani, Antoine Lepicard, Florian Calzavara, Andréa Piarristeguy, Annie Pradel, Thierry Cardinal, Fréderic Adamietz, Evelyne Fargin, Matthieu Chazot, Kathleen Richardson, Luc Vellutini, Marc Dussauze. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2020, volume 124, issue 42, pp. 23150–23157

The data collected correspond to (1) the surface potential measured by KPFM Format: AFM data types



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Is supplement to
10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c06507 (DOI)


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