Published September 30, 2021 | Version 1.00
Project deliverable Open

BIM based services and applications - review and service design


The current deliverable D3.3 “BIM based services and applications – review and service design” aims at documenting the web service that exposes specific interfaces with the aim of representing building data, while in parallel, the core entities of the Building semantic model are presented. In the frame of the service which exposes the Building data, a RESTful web service is implemented in order to facilitate the data manipulation towards the creation of the necessary correlations which constitute the semantic model. These correlations will be defined for the first responders to have a clear overview of the building during a S&R operation. At the same time, the core components of the web service will be documented. Each of these components aims to fulfil specific requirements for the scope of the service to be delivered, not only against the BIM domain, but also against the Situation Awareness domain and its concepts, which have been documented in D3.2. Moreover, due to the fact that the implementation of the web service is currently ongoing and its first release is expected by M18, an example of how the data can be exposed will be provided. The second and final iteration of the web service, along with the completed semantic model for the building data will be presented in D3.4 “BIM based visualisation support integrated with VR interface” on M30.


SnR_D3.3 - BIM based services and applications - review and service design_v1.00.pdf

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Search and Rescue – Search and Rescue: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations 882897
European Commission