Published April 30, 1984 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Co(ll), Ni(ll) ancil Cu(II) Complexes of Some Phenylazosalicylaldehyde Derivatives


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Benha, Zagazig University, A. R. Egypt

Manuscript received. 29 November 1982, revised 12 .August 1983, accepted 21 February 1984

Complexes of some phenylazosalicylaldehyde derivatives with Co(ll), Ni(ll) and Cu(ll) are investigated using spectrophotometric and potentiometric methods in buffer solutions. The study revealed the formation of 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 (metal : ligand) com-plexes. The conditional stability constants Kt and \(\bigtriangleup\)Gvalues are determined. The structure of the ligands in the solid chelates are studied by ir spectroscopy and shows
that chelate formation takes place through proton displacement from the ligand.



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