Published January 17, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Current Knowledge and Awareness of Dengue Fever among Students of Government College University Faisalabad

  • 1. Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, 12622, Egypt


Background: Dengue fever is a vector-borne infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus, the most common arthropod-borne infection in humans. According to WHO, the best strategy to avoid dengue endemic is to educate people about the disease and preventative measures? Despite the efforts to avoid the dengue virus, the newest national survey statistics show that dengue fever is still on the increase among the population. The major goal of this study was to examine university students' knowledge of dengue and preventative measures, as well as to determine the relationship between awareness of dengue and drivers of knowledge of dengue infection in Government College University Faisalabad students.

Aim: The aim of this review is to highlight Dengue fever (break-borne fever).

Materials and methods: This was a survey review article. This research work was conducted at Government College University, Faisalabad. And this research work was conducted in three months (Between February 2020 and April 2020). A cross-sectional study investigation was carried out. A total of 500 students were interviewed, with pre-tested questioners being used.

Results: A cross-sectional investigation was carried out. A total of 500 students were interviewed, with pre-tested questioners being used. The sampling was done in a convenient manner. In Government College University Faisalabad, several medical terminologies were put in plain English, and interviewers were trained for data collecting. The research was carried out at Government College University in Faisalabad. The course of study was also thought to have an influence on Dengue fever knowledge. SPSS was used to examine the findings of this investigation. The total score range was 25. The participants (26.4%) showed scores from a range of 10 or below 10 which means they had poor knowledge about dengue awareness. While the participants (45.4%) showed scores from a range of 11 to 18 which means they had fair knowledge about dengue awareness. The participants (28.2%) s showed scores ranging from 19 to 25 which means they had good knowledge about dengue fever awareness.

Conclusion: Of this study is that knowledge is poor between the study respondents while the majority of persons had clear understanding of fever, headache, joint pain as general signs and symptoms of dengue viral fever. However, a huge proportion exhibited vague opinions of other different signs and symptoms involving muscular pain and skin rashes. Only rare of them knew that dengue viral fever is caused by mosquito bites, and was conscious that the mosquito causing dengue breeds in artificially collected water.



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