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Published December 31, 2004 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Psectrocladius (Psectrocladius) sokolovae Zelentsov & Makarchenko 1988


Psectrocladius (Psectrocladius) sokolovae Zelentsov & Makarchenko, 1988: 40

Orthocladius pubitarsis Zett. sensu Lundström (1915: 9) not Chironomus pubitarsis Zetterstedt, 1838: 821.

Material examined. RUSSIA: New Siberian Islands, south coast of Kotelnyj Island, 2 ɗ, 23–24 vi 1903, A. W. Koltschak & P. W. Olenin.

The specimens key to P. (P.) barbimanus (Edwards) in Wülker (1956) and Langton (1980). However, Zelentsov & Makarchenko (1988) erected the species P. sokolovae differing in among other features a slightly higher antennal ratio and higher numbers of setae The present specimens have numbers of dorsocentrals, scutellars, setae on tergite IX, and length of the anal point as in P. sokolovae, while the number of clypeal setae (13–22) are within the variation of P. barbimanus (11–21, while 28–35 in P. sokolovae). The antennal ratio is about 2.5–3.1 in the present specimens, 3.0– 3.05 in P. sokolovae, 2.4–2.8 in P. barbimanus according to Zelentsov & Makarchenko (1988). In all other details the specimens examined here conform to P. sokolovae.

The genus Psectrocladius, even if several partial revisions exist, is in need of a complete revision. Unpublished results suggest that the spring generation often is so different from the autumn generation of the same species that they easily could be regarded as different species. This applies both to pupae and imagines. Complicating this is that a species may have two generations a year in one locality, a one­year generation with a different appearance in another.


Published as part of Saether, Ole A., 2004, The chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) described by Lundström (1915) from arctic Siberia, with a redescription of Derotanypus sibiricus (Kruglova & Chernovskii), pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 595 on page 11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.157906


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  • Zelentsov, N. I. & Makarchenko, E. (1988) Khironomidy roda Psectrocladius Kieff (Diptera, Chironomidae) krajnego Severo-vostoka SSSR (Chironomids of the genus Psectrocladius Kieff. (Diptera, Chironomidae) in the north-eastern region of USSR.) In: Levaninova, I. M. & Makarchenko, E. A. (Eds.) Fauna, sistematika i biologyia presnovodnykh bespozvonochnykh. (Fauna, systematics and biology of freshwater invertebrates.) Akademii Nauk CCCP, Vladivostok, 1 - 115.
  • Lundstrom, C. (1915) Resultats scientifiques de lExpedition Polaire Russe en 1900 - 1903, sous la direction du Baron E. Toll. Section E: Zoologie. Volume II, livr. 8. Diptera Nematocera aus den arctischen Gegenden Sibiriens. Memoires de lAcademie Imperiale des Sciences, Classe Physico-Mathematique, VIII Serie, 29 (8), 1 - 33.
  • Zetterstedt, J. W. (1838) Diptera .. In: Insecta Lapponica, Sect. 3, 477 - 868.
  • Wulker, W. W. (1956). Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Psectrocladius Kieff. (Dipt., Chironom.). Individuelle Variabilitat, Grenzen und Moglichkeiten der Artentrennung, Okologie und Verbreitung. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, Supplement, 24, 1 - 66.
  • Langton, P. H. (1980) The genus Psectrocladius Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Britain. Entomologists Gazette, 31, 75 - 88.