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Published December 31, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paradelia uleforsi Michelsen, sp. n.


5. Paradelia uleforsi Michelsen, sp. n.

Figs. 39–44.

Etymology. The present species is named after Sven-Olof Ulefors, Alsterbro, Kalmar, an amateur specialist on Phoridae and skilled collector of Diptera. He found the first and only Fennoscandian specimens in northern Sweden.

Description. Medium-sized (WL 4.8–6.1mm; n=5).

Male. Mainly dark brown to black, tending to become light brown to ochre yellow on anterior parts of head, on palpal base and on leg bases and knees. Head and body mainly densely olive-grey dusted; three narrow darker stripes vaguely indicated on anterior mesonotum. Wing tinted with brown, wing base, calyptrae and haltere ochre yellow. Abdomen in hind views revealing a narrow, mid-dorsal dark stripe interrupted posteriorly on tergite II, but without indication of dark bands anteriorly on tergites; caudal segments sparsely dusted, with a matt shine except polished black on sternite V and on dorsal base of epandrium.

Upper frons narrower than diameter of anterior ocellus; linear parafrontals widely contiguous. Frontal setae c. 3 pairs confined to lower half of frons. A pair of interfrontal setulae at middle of frons. Genal setae arranged in two irregular rows. Parafacial in middle moderately narrow, wider than basal width of fore tibia. Prealar seta shorter than posterior notopleural seta. Proepisternals 2; proepimerals 5–7. Prosternum bare. Vein C extensively setulose on both dorsal and ventral surfaces. Mid femur with longish pv setae on basal half standing in single row. Hind femur only with a few short, inconspicuous pv setae confined to basal half. Tergite VI free. Sternite V (Figs. 39, 40): upraised posterior lobes very long, with non-setose, angular lamella forming a slender, horn-shaped distal extension reaching far beyond level of short, non-articulated digitiform process. Hypopygium (Figs. 43, 44): epandrium moderately convex dorsally; cerci very obtuse apically, strongly convex in lateral aspect; surstyli relatively short and stout. Gonites (Fig. 41) typical for the infrasection. Phallus (Fig. 42) typical for the genus.

Female. Unknown.

Material examined. SWEDEN [ZMUC, MZLU]: Torne Lappmark: Kiruna: Poikkitjärn, 1 male [holotype] 30.vii.1969 (S.-O. Ulefors); Kurra (north), 1 male [paratype] 8.viii.1969 (S.-O. Ulefors); Kurra (pine heath), 1 male [paratype] 13.viii.1969 (S.-O. Ulefors). AUSTRIA [BMNH]: Tyrol: Obergurgl: Pirchhüttberg, 1 male 6–7.viii.1972, Malaise trap (A.C. & B. Pont). MONGOLIA [HNHM]: Uws aimak: 3km NE of Somon Öndörchangaj, 2200m, 1 male 11.vii.1968 (Exp. Z. Kaszab).

Distribution. A rarely collected Eurasian species known so far from northern Sweden (Torne Lappmark), Austria (Tyrol) and Mongolia (Uws aimak).


Published as part of Michelsen, Verner, 2007, Taxonomic review of Eurasian Paradelia Ringdahl (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) with descriptions of two new species, pp. 1-44 in Zootaxa 1592 on pages 11-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.178592


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sp. nov.
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Paradelia uleforsi Michelsen, 2007