Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Notocochlis dillwynii Payraudeau 1826


Notocochlis dillwynii (Payraudeau, 1826) [new comb.]— Fig. 6 B [egg mass: Figs. 3, 11 C, D, E, c, d, e]

Natica dillwynii Payraudeau, B. -C. 1826. Catalogue descriptif et méthodique des annelides et des mollus- ques de l'ile de Corse; avec huit planches representant quatre-vingt-huit especes, dont soixante-huit nouvelles. Béchet, Paris, 218 pp., p. 120, pl. 5, figs. 27-28.

Natica dillwynii Payraudeau, 1826. Weinkauff (1867), p. 248; Kobelt (1901), p. 81, pl. 49, Figs. 11-10; Hidalgo (1917), p. 483; Villa (1986b), pp. 179-180, p. 180; Alf et al. (1993), p. 190; Demir (2002), p. 110; Terreni (1981), p. 31

+ Nacca fasciata Risso 1826. Sabelli et al. (1990), p. 169

Natica (Naticarius) dillwynii (Payraudeau, 1826). Settepassi (1972), p. 23, pls. 4, 8

+ Tectonatica operculata farolita Nordsieck, 1973. Bouchet & Warén (1993), p. 759

Naticarius (Naticarius) dillwini (Payraudeau, 1826). Schiró (1978c), p. 3, fig. 1 (first row)

Naticarius dillwynii (Payraudeau, 1826). Nordsieck (1982), p. 186, pl. 57, fig. 63.13 (Ibiza, Mediterraneo); Sabelli & Spada (1980), pp. 2-3, figs. 4a-b; Poppe & Goto (1991), p. 119, pl. 17, fig. 23, Barash & Danin (1992), p. 108


Size: Up to 19.7 mm height (Djidjelli, France; MNHN, Paris). Specimens (n = 30) from Giglio Island: 5.5 - 17.0 mm (mean: 11.0 mm ± 0.6 mm) height; 5.2 – 16.8 mm (mean: 10.8 ± 0.6 mm) width. Ratio [h/w] = 1.03 ± 0.006. Aperture approximately 80% of shell height. The larval shell has a diameter of approx. 135 µm. General shape: Globose, slightly elevated spiral whorls, rather thin, 5.5 [teleoconch: 4] whorls. Sculpture: Axial wrinkles on shoulder; fine growth striae.

Shell color: Whitish-cream, yellowish-grey or light-brown with three distinct horizontal white bands with chevron-shaped brown marks; one band on shoulder, one around periphery, broadest band with somewhat fuzzy marks encircles umbilicus; in addition, unmarked yellowish band below suture. Protoconch: Dark protoconch, 1.5 embryonal whorls.

Aperture & outer lip: Aperture half-moon shaped, oblique, angled at the top; outer lip simple, sharp; basal lip slightly drawn out.

Umbilical area: Open umbilicus; relatively large, centrally located whitish funicle; funicular callus slightly enlarged, merging anteriorly with columellar callus which is tapering towards basel lip; distinctive sulcus; distinct, whitish parietal callus.

Operculum: Calcareous, glossy, with a deep, broad (as broad as ribs) furrow in front of two distinctive, massive ribs separated by a narrow ridge next to outer lip.

Animal: Propodium and mesopodium translucent whitish-grey, speckeled with red, irregularly shaped dots; dots more dense on propodium, which appears darker colored than mesopodium; when extended, mesopodium twice the length of the shell; propodium about as long as the shell; tentacles nearly as long or longer than propodium, colored with red dots on a whitish grey background, similar to coloration of foot.

Egg mass: Rigid, multispiral, even-walled coil of mucus-cemented sand grains (Figs. 3, 11 C,D,E/c,d,e), 3–5 circles; outer diameter 20–40 mm (N = 6; mean: 30.25 mm ± 7.961 [SD]).

Differential diagnosis: This species cannot be confused with any other Mediterranean species; distinct morphological features include the operculum with the furrow in front of two distinctive, thick ribs next to the outer lip; the reddish color pattern of the shell and foot, the long tentacles, and the elongated mesopodium.

Geographical distribution

Giglio Island: Cala dell´Allume (4), Pt. del Corvo (5), Pt. del Morto (6), Cannelle Bay, Pt. della Campana (7), (8), Pt. delle Secche (3)

General distribution: Common in the entire Mediterranean Sea and the Eastern Atlantic, South to Ghana (Villa 1986), and offshore to the Cape Verde Islands (Rolán 2005).


Published as part of Huelsken, Thomas, Marek, Carina, Schreiber, Stefan, Schmidt, Iris & Mann, Michael Holl-, 2008, The Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Giglio Island (Tuscany, Italy): Shell characters, live animals, and a molecular analysis of egg masses, pp. 1-40 in Zootaxa 1770 on pages 22-23, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182119


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  • Weinkauff (1867) Die Conchylien des Mittelmeeres, ihre geographische und geologische Verbreitung. Theodor Fischer, Cassel, 1 - 501.
  • Hidalgo, J. G. (1917) Fauna Malacologica de Espana: Portugal y las Baleares, Moluscos testaceos marinos. Trabajos del Muso Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, 30, pp. 477 - 491.
  • Villa, R. (1986 b) La famiglia Naticidae Forbes, 1838 nel Mar Mediterraneo - Part III. Argonauta (Roma), 2 (3 - 4), 179 - 182, (August 1986).
  • Alf, A., Brummer, F. & Koch, I. (1993) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der marinen Molluskenfauna der Insel Giglio (Isola del Giglio, Grosseto, Italien). Club Conchylia Informationen, 25, 187 - 197.
  • Terreni, G. (1981) Molluschi conchiferi del mare antistante la costa Toscana (Gastropoda, Scaphopoda, Amphineura, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda). Tip. Benvenuti & Cavaciocchi, Livorno, 106.
  • Risso, A. (1826) Historie naturelle des principales producions de l´Europe meridionale et particulierement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. F. - G. Levrault, Paris, 438.
  • Sabelli, B., Giannuzi-Savelli R. & Bedulli, D. (1990) Catalogo annotato dei Molluschi marini del Mediterraneo, vol. 1. Libreria Naturalistica Bolognese, Bologna, 348.
  • Settepassi, F. (1972) Familia Naticidae = Naticoidea in: Settepassi (Ed.), Atlante malacologico: i Molluschi marini viventi nel Mediterraneo - Part III. INVAG, Roma, 1 - 34.
  • Bouchet, P. & Waren, A. (1993) Revision of the Northeast Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Mesogastropoda. Bollettino Malacologico, Supplement 3, 577 - 840.
  • Schiro, G. (1978 c) Naticidae (moon shells) of the Mediterranean - Part V. Riv. " La Conchiglia ", 10 (110 - 111), 3 - 4.
  • Nordsieck, F. (1982) Superfamilia Naticoidea in: F. Nordsieck (Eds.), Die europaeischen Meeres-Gehauseschnecken (Prosobranchia). Vom Eismeer bis Kapverden, Mittelmeer und Schwarzes Meer. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart - New York, 182 - 188.
  • Sabelli, B. & Spada, G. (1980) Guida illustrata all'identificazione delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo. No. 16. Fam. Naticidae. - Part III. Supplemento a Bollettino Malacologico, 16 (1 - 2), [1 - 4].
  • Poppe, G. T. & Goto, Y. (1991) European Seashells. 1. (Polyplacophora, Caudofoveota, Solenogastra, Gastropoda). Verlag Christa Hemmen, pp. 352.
  • Barash, A. & Danin, Z. (1992) Annotated list of Mediterranean molluscs of Israel and Sinai. The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Fauna Palaestina - Mollusca I, Jerusalem, 405.
  • Rolan, E. (2005) The malacological fauna of the Cape Verde archipelago. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, 88 - 91.