Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tomosvaryella kalevala Kehlmaier, spec. nov.


Tomosvaryella kalevala Kehlmaier spec. nov.

Type material: Finland: Kb, Tohmajärvi, 690:67: 1ɗ (holotype), 9.VI.1979, Albrecht (MZH); Al, Saltvik, 6707:110: 1Ψ (allotype), 22.V.1978, Albrecht (MZH); Ab, Kuusisto (Kuustö): 1ɗ, Lundström (MZH); Ab, Bromarv, 665:27: 1ɗ, 2.VI.1979, Albecht (MZH); N, Sibbo, 668:41: 3ɗ, 1.VI.1985, Albrecht (1ɗ KBIN, 2ɗ MZH); Ta, Lammi, Laaviosuo, 677:39: 1ɗ, 8.VI.1981, Albrecht (MZH); Sb, Leppävirta, 694:53: 1Ψ, 7.VI.1979, Albrecht (MZH); Kb, Värtsilä, 690:68: 2ɗ, 8.VI.1979, Albrecht (MZH); Kb, Ilomantsi, 693:71: 1ɗ, 8.VI.1979, Albrecht (MZH); Kb, Tohmajärvi, 690:67: 4ɗ 1Ψ, 9.VI.1979, Albrecht (1ɗ 1Ψ PCCK, 1ɗ HNHM, 2ɗ MZH); Lkor, Pelkosenniemi, Pyhäjärvi: 1ɗ, 29.VI.1951, Lindberg (MZH); Lkor, Pelkosenniemi: 1ɗ, Frey (MZH); Russia: Murmansk Oblast, Kandalaksha (Kantalahti): 1ɗ, Sahlberg (MZH); Leningrad Oblast, Mohla (Muolaa): 1ɗ, 16.VI.1934, Krogerus (MZH); Karelian Republic, Impilaks: 1Ψ, Forsius (MZH).

Etymology: The species epithet referrs to the Kalevala epos, a compilation of numerous traditional poems and songs from Finland, Russian Karelia and Ingria gathered and written down by Elias Lönnrot and others in the 19th century. It represents a rich source of information on the life and beliefs of northern people in former times and is regarded as an important cultural heritage of this region.

Differential diagnosis: Male terminalia of T. kalevala spec. nov. is closest to T. palliditarsis (Collin, 1931) but shows broader and shorter surstyli in strictly dorsal view (compare Figs 93 & 100). Other outer morphological features differentiating the two are the yellow postpronotal lobes (brown in T. palliditarsis) and eyes touching for length of ocellar triangle or 4–6 ommatidia (1.5 times length of ocellar triangle or 8–9 ommatidia in T. palliditarsis). Female T. kalevala spec. nov. stands closest to T. minima. In T. kalevala spec. nov. the base is slightly longer (lateral view) whereas the piercer is somewhat shorter (dorsal view) with stronger developed lateral flanges compared to T. minima, i.e. piercer as long as base in T. kalevala spec. nov. in contrast to piercer longer than base in T. minima (compare Figs 101–102 & 103–104).

Male: Flagellum evenly brown but may be of a lighter brown to yellowish in lower half, pointed to shortly tapering and with outer surface grey pollinose. Face and lower part of frons silver-grey pollinose. Eyes meeting for 4–6 ommatidia which equals about length of ocellar triangle. Upper part of frons without pollinosity, shining. Occiput greyish pollinose in lower and weakly brown pollinose in upper half. Postpronotal lobe yellow. Prescutum and scutum entirely brownish pollinose or with anterior quarter to third grey pollinose. Scutellum predominantly brownish pollinose. Pleura weakly grey to brownish-grey pollinose. Legs predominantly dark brown, only apex of femur and basal third of tibia yellow. Tarsal segments except distitarsi yellowish to lighter brown. Fore and mid tibia with apical spine. Pulvilli of all legs shorter than distitarsi. All legs weakly grey pollinose except hind femur shining posteroventrally. Hind trochanter without any spines but with two to three bristly hairs. Wing length 2.19–2.43mm (n=4), with length of third costal section normally slightly longer than half the length of fourth costal section (LTC:LFC about 0.5–0.75). Halter with base and beginning of stem dark brown, otherwise white or knob yellowish-orange. Tergite 1 with five to six longer lateral hairs. Tergites 1–5 dark, dorsally weakly brown, laterally weakly grey (tergite 1) to brownish-grey (others) pollinose. Sternites 1–6 greyish pollinose. Syntergosternite 8 with short epandrium. Surstyli rather short and broad in dorsal view (Fig. 93), laterally with ventral margin only weakly concave (Figs 97–98). Phallus trifid, with microscopic hair pile underneath ejaculatory ducts, the latter with some small membranous teeth (Figs 94 & 96). Phallic guide and ejaculatory apodeme as in Figs 95 & 99.

Female: Differing from the male in the following points: Frons slightly broadened in its middle, with lower half silver-grey pollinose. In its upper half, the pollinosity is weaker, grey to greyish-brown and confined to the central area, i.e. upper half of frons shining narrowly along lateral margins and prior to ocellar triangle. Frontal facets enlarged, about the size of 3 to 4 ordinary facets. Front femora with 2, mid femora with 1 ventrobasal spine. Pulvilli of front legs slightly longer than distitarsi, of mid and hind legs as long as distitarsi. Ovipositor (Figs 103–104) with base dark brown and weakly greyish pollinose in basal three quarters. Piercer yellowish, shining and straight and reaching anterior margin of sternite 3; dorsally with weak lateral flanges in basal half.

Annotations: Kuznetzov (1994) introduced numerous new species from the Palaearctic, their identity being difficult to understand because male genitalia are only illustrated in lateral view. Nevertheless, T. kalevala spec. nov. seems to be related to T. tenuata Kuznetzov, 1994. Of the Japanese taxa described by Morakote et al. (1990), none seems to be closely allied to T. kalevala spec. nov.


Published as part of Kehlmaier, Christian, 2008, Finnish Pipunculidae (Diptera) studies Part I: Taxonomic notes on Cephalops Fallén, 1810, Pipunculus Latreille, 1802 and Tomosvaryella Aczél, 1939, pp. 1-42 in Zootaxa 1672 on pages 33-37, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.180216


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Scientific name authorship
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sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Tomosvaryella kalevala Kehlmaier, 2008


  • Kuznetzov, S. Y. (1994) New Palaearctic species of Tomosvaryella Aczel (Diptera, Pipunculidae) with redescription of T. rondanii (Collin). Dipterological Research, 5, 107 - 207.