Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Araeopteron makikoae Fibiger & Kononenko, 2008, sp. n.


Araeopteron makikoae sp. n.

(Figs. 7, 8, 16, 24, 29)

Material examined. Holotype. Male, RUSSIA, Primorye terr., Gornotaezhnoe, 17.vii. 1994 (V. Kononenko), coll. M. Fibiger (to be deposited in ZMUC). Paratypes. 4 males, 1 female: 1 male, same data as holotype, genit. prep. 5856 M. Fibiger; 1 male, Russia, Primorye terr., Kraunovka river, 5.vii. 1993 (K.T. Park, C.K. Lee), genit. prep. 5866 M. Fibiger; 2 males, 1 female, same locality, 30.viii– 3.ix. 1998 (V. Kononenko), male genit. preps 5750, 5751, female 5753 M. Fibiger. Colls IBSS, CIS, M. Fibiger.

Diagnosis. A. makikoae is distinguishable from other East Asiatic Araeopteron species by the well marked and patterned, dark grey ground colour; the smoothly rounded dorsal part of valva; the almost equally wide and curving sacculus; lack of an ampulla; the spined, broad patch on the vesica; and the shape of the signum.

Description. Adult (Figs. 7, 8). Wingspan 10–12 mm. Antennae of both sexes without lamellae, with scales. Labial palps strongly upturned, 3 rd segment 2.5 times as long as 2 nd. Head small, eyes large. Head, patagia, thorax, and ground colour of forewing and hindwing dark grey, forewing suffused with white scales at costal area; both wings with discal spots. All crosslines present, well marked; terminal line on both wings prominently indicated by black interveinal spots. Underside unicolorously grey, without pattern. Colour of abdomen basally and apically grey, medially dark grey. Male genitalia (Fig. 16). Uncus relatively short, stout, slightly curved; membranous part of valva broadest 2 / 3 from base, there smoothly rounded; sacculus curved ventrally, almost equally broad throughout, rounded apically; clasper fused to sacculus, ampulla lacking. Aedeagus relatively short and broad; vesica with a spined, broad, sclerotised patch with many small, thin cornuti. Female genitalia (Figs. 24, 29). Antrum triangular, laterally with long posterior extensions; ductus bursae relatively short and narrow, membranous; posterior part of corpus bursae cylindric, anterior part ovoid, with broad shuttlecock-shaped signum, having broad convexity with small opposite directed spines.

Distribution. Russian Far East, southern Primorye terr. (Fig. 37).

Etymology. Named for and dedicated to Makiko Kononenko, daughter in law of the second author.


Published as part of Fibiger, Michael & Kononenko, Vladimir, 2008, A revision of the subfamily Araeopteroninae Fibiger, 2005 in the Russian Far East and neighbouring countries with a description of four new species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), pp. 39-54 in Zootaxa 1891 on pages 49-50, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.184345


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sp. n.
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Araeopteron makikoae Fibiger & Kononenko, 2008