Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paulodora subcontorta (Schockaert, 1982) Artois & Schockaert 1998


Paulodora subcontorta (Schockaert, 1982) Artois & Schockaert, 1998

(Fig. 4 C, K)

Syn. Polycystis subcontorta Schockaert, 1982

Known distribution. North of Mogadiscio (Hawadli) (Schockaert 1982).

New localities in the Indian Ocean. Bird Island (Seychelles): south-east part of the island, coarse sand from a little pool on the reef front (24/12/1992). Desroches Island (Seychelles): a little bit of sand and Halimedia from rocks under the reef (24 m) (07/01/1993). Zanzibar Island (Tanzania): Ulva -like algae and short encrusting algae from rocks and a rocky stair behind the Institute of Marine Sciences (10/08/1995).

Material. The material of the original description, including the holotype (now in SMNH). Three animals studied alive, one from each new locality, all of them mounted.

Remarks. The record in Kenya by Jouk & De Vocht (1989) refers to another species: P. h a m i f e r n. sp. (see earlier). The prostate stylets type I of the newly-found specimens are 100–145 µm long (= 124, n = 3). This range clearly fits the measurement on the holotype, which has a 126 µm-long stylet (Schockaert 1982). In one of the newly-found specimens, the “vesicles” communicating with the oviducts (see Schockaert 1982) are filled with sperm, thus they function as seminal receptacles.


Published as part of Artois, Tom J. & Tessens, Bart S., 2008, Polycystididae (Rhabditophora: Rhabdocoela: Kalyptorhynchia) from the Indian Ocean, with the description of twelve new species, pp. 1-27 in Zootaxa 1849 on page 16, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.183373


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  • Schockaert, E. R. (1982) Turbellaria from Somalia II. Kalyptorhynchia (Part 2). Monitore Zoologico Italiano (N. S.), Suppl. 17, 81 - 96.
  • Artois, T. J. & Schockaert, E. R. (1998) A cladistic re-assessment of the Polycystis species complex (Polycystididae, Eukalyptorhynchia). Hydrobiologia, 383, 97 - 102.
  • Jouk, P. E. H. & De Vocht, A. J. - P. (1989) Kalyptorhynchia (Plathelminthes Rhabdocoela) from the Kenyan coast, with descriptions of four new species. Tropical Zoology, 2, 145 - 157.