Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Idiopyrgota setiventris Aczel


Idiopyrgota setiventris Aczél

Idiopyrgota setiventris Aczél, 1956a: 167.

(Other citations: Aczél, 1956b: 15; Aczél, 1956c: 16; Steyskal, 1967: 2.)

Type material. Holotype Ψ Idiopyrgota setiventris (pinned): Brazil: “Com. I.O.C. [Commission Instituto Oswaldo Cruz] BRAZIL / Mato Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul] -Salobra / 24.8 [viii] a 6.9 [ix] – 1940”, “ Idiopyrgota n.g./ setiventris n.sp. / Dr. M. Aczél det.”, “ HOLOTIPO” [red paper label]. Paratype Brazil: “Com. I.O.C. [Commission Instituto Oswaldo Cruz] BRAZIL / Mato Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul] -Salobra / 24.8 [viii] a 6.9 [ix] – 1940”, “ Idiopyrgota n.g./ setiventris n.sp. / Dr. M. Aczél det.”, “PARATIPO” [White paper label] (3 Ψ); “Mato Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul] / Salobra / x-1938, F. Lane”, “ Idiopyrgota n.g./ setiventris n.sp. / Dr. M. Aczél det.”, “PARATIPO” [White paper label] (Ψ).

Non-type material. Brazil: “Com. I.O.C. [Comission Instituto Oswaldo Cruz] BRAZIL / Mato Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul] -Salobra / 24.8 [viii] a 6.9 [ix] – 1940”, “ Idiopyrgota / setiventris Aczél / N. Papavero det. 62”, (ɗ, 2Ψ); “Mato Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul] / Salobra / x-1938, F. Lane”, (Ψ); “Est. M. Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul State] / Rio Paraguai / Worontzov col. / 11-935 [handwritten], (ɗ, Ψ); “Salobra x – 38 / Mato Grosso [Mato Grosso do Sul] / Comissão I. O. C. / Idiopyrgota / setiventris Aczél / N. Papavero det. 1964”, (2 ɗ, 2 Ψ); Argentina: “Jujuy, JUJUY / XII-1949 / Col. Prosen / Idiopyrgota / setiventris Aczél / N. Papavero det. 1964”, (Ψ).

Note: In 1977 the Brazilian Mato Grosso state was divided in two parts. The northern area kept the Mato Grosso name and the southern part of the original state was named Mato Grosso do Sul. After this political change, Salobra, the type locality of I. setiventris, became a municipality of the Mato Grosso do Sul state.

Body (Fig. 1A) yellowish brown; all setae and setulae reddish yellow; body length 9.5–11 mm in male, 9.8–12.2 mm in female (holotype 12.2 mm); wing length 9.0– 11.5 mm in male, 8.3–9.8 mm in female (holotype 9.0 mm).

Head (Figs. 1B–C): yellowish brown; frontal-head ratio 0.6–0.8; eye ratio 0.5–0.6; genal-eye ratio 0.2– 0.3; first flagellomere-pedicel ratio 0.8–1.3; medial vertical seta 0.3–0.4 times as long as longest diameter of eye; lateral vertical seta 0.4–0.7 times as long as medial vertical seta; ocellar seta 0.7–1.3 times as long as medial vertical seta, orbital seta 0.4–0.6 times as long as medial vertical seta; frons yellowish to dark brown; frontal vitta with sparse setulae and a slender longitudinal yellowish stripe; frontal plate yellowish; antennae: scape and pedicel dark brown, covered by setulae; first flagellomere oval, yellow, bare, 1.3–1.8 times as long as wide, narrowly in apex; arista micropubescent; antennal groove separated by median dark brown carina; face dark brown; frontogenal suture reddish brown; median carina 1.5–2.0 times as long as facial height; parafacial pitted and bare, 0.6–1.3 times as wide as first flagellomere; sclerite orbital yellowish; gena yellowish brown, with dark brown subocular spot; postgena yellow; occiput yellow, with sparse setulae and dark brown horseshoe shaped spot; mouth parts dark brown, ventral surface covered by setulae; palp yellowish brown, 1.6 times as long as first flagellomere in male, covered by setulae.

Thorax (Fig. 1D): yellowish brown; postpronotal lobe yellow, with 4–9 setulae and 0–2 setae (bare in holotype); 3 dorsocentral setae; 2 notopleural setae; 1 intra-alar, supra-alar, and postalar setae; acrostichal seta absent; scutum yellowish brown, with pair of longitudinal reddish brown stripes between anterior margin and transverse suture, dark brown longitudinal stripe between dorsocentral setae and intra-alar seta; triangular dark brown spot on insertion of supra-alar seta, covered by setulae; scutellum yellow, apical margin brown, with a pair of thin latero anterior projections, with 3 pairs of convergent setae, apical pair cruciate at apex; pleura yellowish brown with two longitudinal dark brown stripes; anepisterum 2–4 setae, 23–29 setulae; katepisternum 2–4 setae, 17–29 setulae; anepimerum 1–2 setae, 7–10 setulae.

Legs: yellowish brown, all segments covered by setulae; forecoxa with 3 apical setae on anterior surface, 21–23 sparse setulae on anterior surface; midcoxa with 2 apical setae on anterior surface, 8–12 setulae on anterior surface; hindcoxa with 3–5 basal setae on ventral surface, 20–25 postero-ventral setulae; fore and mid trochanter with 1 apical seta on dorsal surface; hind trochanter with 2 apical setae on posterior surface; fore femur 3.7–4.2 times as long as wide, with a longitudinal row of 8 setae decreasing in size from base to apex, 2 median setae on dorsal surface; midfemur (Fig. 1E) with a longitudinal row of 3–5 basal setae on ventral surface, femoral organ whitish yellow, 0.3–0.4 times as long as midfemur, 0.5–0.7 times as wide as midfemur; hindfemur with longitudinal row of 5–7 ventral setae decreasing in size from base to apex, 3–6 median setae on dorsal surface; midtibia with 2 apical setae on ventral surface.

Wing (Fig. 1F): yellowish, dark brown on cells bc, bm, br, c, cup, r1, r2+3, r4+5 and almost 2/3 of dm; vein R4+5 bare; crossvein r-m with a spur vein; M strongly convex at margin of cell r4+5; wing-thorax ratio 2.6–3.1; vein R4+5 ratio 0.5–0.6; vein M ratio 0.8–0.9.

Male abdomen: yellowish brown; syntergite1+2 1.2–1.5 times as long as tergites 3 and 4 combined; 1.5–1.6 times as long as tergite 5; syntergite1+2 1.4 times as long as wide at center; sternites 3 and 4 with almost 9 setae on apical margin; postabdome like Fig. 2A; male terminalia (Figs. 2B–D): epandrium saddle-shaped; medial surstylus M-shaped, almost 0.8 as wide as epandrium; lateral surstylus peg-like; hypandrium U-shaped; aedeagal apodeme fultelliform; aedeagus long, almost four times as wide as epandrium; ejaculatory apodeme 1.5 times as long as epandrium; cercus 0.5 as long as epandrium width.

Female abdomen (Fig. 3A): yellowish brown; syntergite1+2 1.9–2.4 times as long as tergites 3–6 combined; sternite 2 with 2 setulae on apical margin; sternites 3 and 4 with 6 stronger setae on apical margin; oviscape (Fig. 3B) with apical ventral opening 1.1–1.4 times as long as preabdominal tergites combined, yellowish brown, apex with 6 setulae joined on base; aculeus (Fig. 3C) piercing part 4.0 times as long as its bulky base; two cylindrical weakly sclerotized sphermathecae (Fig. 3D).

Variation: some specimens have one lateral posterior setulae near ocellar seta.

Remarks: This species can be easily recognized by the pattern of setae on apical margins of sternites 3 and 4 as well as by the patterns of spots on occiput and scutum. Although Aczél (1956c) stated that the holotype and five paratypes, all females, were returned to MZUSP, only four are currently registered in the collection with paratype labels. Besides the type-series, the MZUSP collection has one male and two females (one female with dissected abdomen stored in glycerol, in a plastic vial, fixed to the insect pin) with the same data label of the type-series, but with a second label “ Idiopyrgota [handwritten] / setiventris Aczél [handwritten] / N. Papavero det. 62 [printed]”. It is unknown why these specimens were not analyzed by Dr. Aczél.

Distribution: Argentina (Jujuy), Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul).


Published as part of Mello, Ramon Luciano & Lamas, Carlos José Einicker, 2008, Review of the monotypic genus Idiopyrgota Aczél (Diptera, Pyrgotidae), pp. 59-64 in Zootaxa 1817 on pages 60-63, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182937


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  • Aczel, M. (1956 a) Revision parcial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y antarticas con synopsis de los generos y especies (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 4, 161 - 184.
  • Aczel, M. (1956 b) Revision parcial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y antarticas con synopsis de los generos y especies (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 5, 1 - 70.
  • Aczel, M. (1956 c) Revision parcial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y antarticas con synopsis de los generos y especies (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 6, 1 - 38.
  • Steyskal, G. C. (1967) Family Pyrgotidae, in: N. Papavero, (ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States 56,1 - 8.