Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Aulieezidium Szwedo & Żyła, 2009, gen. n.


Genus Aulieezidium gen. n.

Type species Aulieezidium karatauense sp. n.; here designated.

Diagnosis. Differs from the similar genera Eofulgoridium Martynov, 1939 (Lower Jurassic of Kyrgyzstan and China) and Fulgoridium Handlirsch, 1906 s. str. (Lower Jurassic of Europe) by the following combination of characters: tegmen with thickened costal margin, uniformly narrow costal area with a few terminals in apical portion (costal area with transverse veinlets developed in Eofulgoridium; costal margin thickened and narrow at base and widened in distal portion with a few apical terminals present in Fulgoridium s. str.); costal cell with distinct, oblique and sigmoid veinlets (only a few transverse veinlets in Eofulgoridium; no veinlets in Fulgoridium s. str.); stem ScR forked basad of stem CuA forking (stem ScR forked apicad of stem CuA forking in Fulgoridium s. str. and Eofulgoridium); stem M forked slightly distad of claval apex (similarly as in Fulgoridium s. str., tegmen with stem M forked distinctly basad of claval apex in Eofulgoridium); stem Cua multibranched (three main branches in Fulgoridium s. str., three main branches in Eofulgoridium, with branch CuA1 forked slightly apicad of claval apex), branch CuA2b2 with 4 terminals, first terminal shifted from claval apex (CuA2b not forked or if forked, the first branch close to apex of clavus in Fulgoridium s. str.; CuA2b not forked in Eofulgoridium) tegmen with two elongately sigmoid veinlets m-cua, imitating longitudinal veins, the second vein about 4 times as long as width posterior discal cell at level of CuA stem forking (no such developed veinlets in Eofulgoridium and Fulgoridium s. str.); cell C5b developed, narrowed in apical portion, cell C5c developed (additional cells C5b and C5c not developed in Fulgoridium s. str.; other pattern of cubital veins branching in Eofulgoridium).

Description. Lateral margins of frons continued on postclypeus as lateral carinae, converging but not fused, not reaching apex of postclypeus. Mesonotum with 5 carinae. Tegmen about 3 times as long as wide, not narrowed at base; with costal margin thickened and somewhat widened, stems CA and Pc+CP merely shifted, costal area narrow, less than half of costal cell width, a few terminals of Pc+CP in apical portion of costal area. Costal cell with sigmoid, oblique veinlets, costal cell wider than cell C1 (outer anteapical cell). Stem Sc+R forked basad of stem CuA first branching. Branch RP not forked to the level of claval apex. Stem M forked at level of claval apex, branch M1+2 not forked, branch M3+4 forked on membrane. Stem CuA multibranched. Cell C4 with two oblique veinlets m-cua basad of claval apex, and straighter veinlet m-cua apicad of claval apex; the second veinlet m-cua partly parallel to longitudinal veins.

Etymology. The genus name is derived from the name of the locality – Aulie, the name of the important category of spirits from the Central Asian mythology – taika eezi (“the master of the mountain”) combined with the ending ~idium. Gender: neuter.

Composition. Only the type species is included so far.


Published as part of Szwedo, Jacek & Żyła, Dagmara, 2009, New Fulgoridiidae genus from Upper Jurassic Karatau deposits, Kazakhstan (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoroidea), pp. 40-52 in Zootaxa 2281 on pages 42-43, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.191200


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Taxonomic status
gen. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Aulieezidium Szwedo & Żyła, 2009


  • Martynov, A. V. (1939) Liassic insects from Shurab and Kisyl-Kiya. Trudy Instituta Paleonotologii Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1937, 7 (1), 5 - 232 (1 - 231).
  • Handlirsch, A. (1906 - 1908) Die fossilien Insekten und die Phylogenie der rezenten Formen. Ein Handbuch fur Palaontologen und Zoologen. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1430 pp.