Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) maya Ibanez-Bernal


Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) maya Ibáñez-Bernal, May-Uc and Rebollar-Tellez sp. nov.

(Figures 12−20)

Female. General body coloration not observed, thorax uniformly heavily sclerotized. Head: nearly rounded in frontal view, vertex not enlarged, ratio of head length to width: 1.04, setae alveoli patches extending anteriorly at midline, meeting supraocular alveoli patches. Frons without intra-ocular sutures. Eyes large, about twice the length of clypeus. Ratio of labrum length to head length: 0.60; ratio labrum length to flagellomere 1 length: 0.85; ratio of flagellomere 1 length to length of flagellomeres 2+3: 1.11 (Fig. 12). Ascoids (Figs. 15−17) with short basal projection, those of flagellomere 2 about 0.56 times as long as flagellomere, both ending after the level of the sensory papilla rosette-like, inserted slightly at different level (Fig. 16); flagellomere 3 with rosette-like sensillum (Fig. 16). Palpal formula: 1.0: 2.1: 3.5: 1.7: 3.3 (Fig. 12). Newstead´s scales numbering approximately 20, sparse over the 0.75 distal-internal surface. Pharynx unarmed but with strong comb-rugosities. Cibarium with arch slightly sclerotized medially, pigment patch about 0.33 as wide as the cibarium, armed with about 16 teeth centrally, arranged in an irregular row of approximately 4 vertical teeth and 12 horizontal teeth, with a group of relatively small teeth laterally (Figs. 13−14). Thorax: without ventrocervical sensilla; pleura strongly sclerotized, as notum; katepisternum without distinct setae on frontal margin; with 10−14 upper and 4−5 lower mesanepisternal setae. Wings as long as 2.9 their width, delta very variable from 0.02 mm negative, to 0.04 mm positive (Fig. 18). Abdomen: sternite 2 as long as medial width, with lateral translucent spots at middle and 10−11+ 10−11 distal setae (Fig. 19). Terminalia: Spermathecal ducts striated, common duct as long as spermatheca, individual ducts are as long as 2.0X the common duct, common duct + individual duct as long as furcal stem; spermatheca striated, with a median constriction, wider apically; apical knob longer than wide, with a digital projection (Fig. 20).

Measurements (mean s. d. (interval), n= number of measures). Head height: 0.416 0.016 (0.40−0.44) n=6; head width: 0.403 0.005 (0.40−0.41) n=6; interocular distance: 0.125 0.005 (0.12−0.13) n=7; labrum length: 0.258 0.012 (0.25−0.28) n=7; flagellomere 1 length: 0.284 0.009 (0.27−0.30) n=7; flagellomere 2 length: 0.128 0.006 (0.120−0.140) n=7; flagellomere 3 length: 0.118 0.006 (0.11−0.13) n=7; palpal segment 1 length: 0.045 0.005 (0.04−0.05) n=7; palpal segment 2 length: 0.112 0.004 (0.11−0.12) n=7; palpal segment 3 length: 0.17, n=7; palpal segment 4 length: 0.086 0.005 (0.08−0.09) n=7; palpal segment 5 length: 0.17 0.008 (0.16−0.18) n=7; wing length: 2.160 0.118 (1.92−2.22) n=6; wing width: 0.703 0.034 (0.67−0.76) n=6; alpha length: 0.373 0.028 (0.33−0.40) n=6; beta length: 0.336 0.028 (0.28−0.36) n=6; gamma length: 0.251 0.029 (0.21−0.29) n=6; delta 0.023 0.022 (0.02−0.04) n=6; sternum 2 length: 0.12-0.14, n=2; sternum 2 width: 0.13, n=1.

Male. Unknown.

Type locality. MEXICO, Quintana Roo, Municipality of Othon P. Blanco, Altos de Sevilla.

Material examined. 7 females. Holotype female: MEXICO, Quintana Roo, Municipality of Othon P. Blanco, Altos de Sevilla (18° 50´31.59 N, 88° 40´1.5 W), 10-II-2008, EMU, Shannon trap 21:00 h, conserved vegetation (DP-9678, 1 female, IEXA). Paratypes 6 females: MEXICO, Quintana Roo, Municipality of Othon P. Blanco, Altos de Sevilla (18° 50´31.59 N, 88° 40´1.5 W), 9-II-2008, EMU, CDC light trap, conserved vegetation (DP-9525, 1 female, CAIM); 9-II-2008, DML, Shannon trap 20:00 h, perturbed vegetation; 10-II-2008 (DP-13979, 1 female, CLEM); Municipality of Solidaridad, Cobá (20° 29´52.6 N, 87° 42´35.3 W), 5-III-2008, ACMOA, Shannon trap 19:00 h, conserved vegetation (DP-10992, 1 female, MZCFS); Municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Francisco I. Madero (20° 13´0 1.4 N, 88° 02´30.8 W), 27-III-2008, DML, CDC light trap, conserved vegetation (DP-13280, DP-13282, 2 females, CAIM, and CLEM, respectively); Petcacab (19° 14´59.7 N, 88° 12´35.6 W), 11-II-2008, EMU, Shannon trap 19:00 h, perturbed vegetation (DP- 9924, 1 female, MZCFS).

Etymology. This species is named maya, after the ancient civilization and the actual ethnic group and language of the people inhabiting the Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Chiapas, and the Central American countries Belize and Guatemala, as well as the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador (Schmidt et al. 1998).

Comments. Following the classification of Young and Duncan (1994), this species corresponds to Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) or to the aragoi or lanei species groups, characterized by the ascoids with a proximal spur, palpomere 5 usually shorter than palpomeres 2+3+4, and longer than 0.5 the length of palpomere 3, female with an armed cibarium with 4 horizontal teeth, pharynx unarmed, and spermathecae smooth-walled, cylindrical with annulations. On the other hand, following the Galati´s classification, the species here described has all the characteristics of the tribe Phlebotomini Rondani 1840, and subtribe Psychodopygina Galati 1995, because it does not have ventrocervical setae, palpomere 4 is shorter than palpomere 2, and the cibarium has horizontal teeth that are not easily distinguishable from the vertical teeth which are arranged in transversal rows. The species here described has all the diagnostic characteristics of the genus Psathyromyia Barretto 1962, by having ascoids with proximal spur long or short, and hind tarsomere 1 as long as the sum of 2−5. Psathyromyia maya sp. nov. is a member of subgenus Psathyromyia series lanei (sensu Galati 2003), because it does not have rosette-like sensilla in the flagellomeres 10−11, the palpomere 5 as long as 3, the ascoid proximal spur is rudimentary, annulated spermathecae, and individual ducts longer than common duct. The lanei series includes three species: Psathyromyia (Psa.) lanei (Barretto and Coutinho 1941) known to occur in Brazil and Paraguay, Pa. (Psa.) pelloni (Sherlock and Alencar 1959) from Brazil, and Pa. (Psa.) digitata (Damasceno and Arouck 1950), also from Brazil; females of the first two species are indistinguishable and the female of Pa. digitata has not yet been described (Galati 2003).

Psathyromyia maya sp. nov., is the first record of a species of the lanei series occurring outside South America, and the fifth Mexican species of the subgenus Psathyromyia. There is indirect evidence suggesting that Pa. maya females may have some degree of anthropophily as they were captured with a human-baited Shannon trap.


Published as part of Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio, May-Uc, Emigdio & Rebollar-Tellez, Eduardo A., 2010, Two new species of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from Quintana Roo, Mexico, pp. 26-34 in Zootaxa 2448 on pages 31-33, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.195120


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  • Schmidt, P., M. de la Garza, and Nalda, E. (Coords.) (1998) Los Mayas. CNCA-INAH / Landucci Ed. Mexico-Italy, 541 pp.
  • Young, D. G., and Duncan, M. A. (1994) Guide to the identification and geographic distribution of Lutzomyia sand flies in Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America (Diptera: Psychodidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 54, 1 - 881.
  • Galati, E. A. B. (1995) Phylogenetic systematics of the Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) with emphasis on American groups. Boletin de la Direccion de Malariologia y Saneamiento Ambiental, 35 (supl. 1), 133 - 142.
  • Galati, E. A. B. (2003) 2. Morfologia e Taxonomia, 2.1. Classificacao de Phlebotominae, pp. 23 - 175. In: Rangel, E. F. and R. Lainson (Eds.). Flebotomineos do Brasil. Ed. FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 367.