Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Angarotipula aspina Liu & Yang, 2010, sp. nov.


Angarotipula aspina sp. nov.

(Figs. 1–3, 7–13)

Diagnosis. Antennal flagellum strongly nodulose (Fig. 2), black except first flagellomere yellow. Wing yellowish, with costal portion yellow. Tergites of abdomen yellow with a continuous black median stripe; sternites brownish black with posterior border yellow. Lobe of gonostylus very broad; clasper of gonostylus ventrally smooth.

Description. Male. Body length 10.0–12.5 mm, wing 11.0–13.0 mm. Female. Body length 14.0–15.0 mm, wing 14.0–16.0 mm.

Head (Fig. 2). Rostrum obscure yellow, ventral half slightly brown. Nasus distinct, obscure yellow. Vertex obscure yellow, medially with a black stripe, either side above antenna with a brown spot; occiput obscure yellow, with a broad vague bordered brown stripe; orbits yellow. Hairs on head brown. Antenna 3.4 mm long; scape and pedicel obscure yellow; first flagellomere obscure yellow, long and cylindrical, a little longer than scape; second flagellomere black with yellow base; other flagellomeres black; flagellomeres 2–10 short, with basal enlargement strongly produced beneath, terminal flagellomere slender and short. Proboscis brown; palpus brown.

Thorax. General yellow with grayish yellow pruinescence. Pronotum yellowish brown, but brown medially; mesonotal prescutum brownish yellow with four brown longitudinal stripes, intermediate pair lighter, separated by a capillary dark brown vitta, lateral margins of prescutum yellow; scutum brown, margined with brownish yellow; scutellum yellowish brown with lateral lobe yellowish; mediotergite yellow, medially broadly light brown. Anepisternum and katepisternum blackish, variegated with yellow; anepimeron and katepimeron light yellow; laterotergite light yellow; meron blackish. Coxae light brownish yellow; trochanters light yellow; femora obscure yellow with tips brown; tibiae obscure yellow; tarsi blackish brown. Hairs on coxae and trochanters yellow, while those on other segments of legs brown. Wing yellowish with cells c and sc yellow. Stigma light brownish yellow. Rs long, subequal to R3. Cell m1 1.5 times as long as its petiolate. Cu posteriorly margined with yellow. Veins yellow. Halter with stem yellow, knob brownish yellow.

Abdomen. Ground color yellow. Tergites 1–8 yellow with a broad black central stripe. Venter brownish black with posterior borders of sternites yellow.

Hypopygium (Fig. 7). Tergite 9 (Fig. 8) with posterior margin bearing a large V-shaped median incision and a short obtuse lateral process. Lobe of gonostylus (Fig. 9) unusually broad, apex curved, with a tumid, setiferous lobe on posterior margin before apex; clasper of gonostylus (Figs. 10 and 11) with apical beak elongate, tip slightly enlarged, laterally with a black flange at midlength, ventrally smooth without spine-like process.

Female. Similar with male. Ovipositor (Fig. 12) obscure orange. Cercus elongated, about three times as long as hypogynial valve, ventrally distinctly expanded at base; hypogynial valve (Fig. 13) separated, subtriangular, with obtuse tip.

Type material. Holotype male, Yunnan: Tengchong, Jietou Village, Datang (N 25°25΄, E 98°39΄, 1500 m), 2006. VII. 13, light, Kuiyan Zhang. Paratypes 5 males, same data as holotype; 1 male, Yunnan: Tengchong, Jietou Village, Datang (N 25°25΄, E 98°39΄, 1500 m), 2006. VII. 14, Kuiyan Zhang; 1 male, Yunnan: Tengchong, Jietou Village (N 25°25΄, E 98°39΄, 1500 m), 2006. V. 17, light, Xingyue Liu; 1 male, Yunnan: Tengchong, Jietou Village, Longxiang stockaded village (N 25°25΄, E 98°39΄, 1600 m), 2006. VI. 1, light, Xingyue Liu; 1 female, Yunnan: Tengchong, Jietou Village, Datang (N 25°25΄, E 98°39΄, 1500 m), 2006. VII. 15, light, Kuiyan Zhang; 2 females, Yunnan: Tengchong, Jietou Village, Longxiang (N 25°25΄, E 98°39΄, 1600 m), 2006. VI. 1, light, Xingyue Liu.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Remarks. This new species is similar to A. laetipennis (Alexander, 1935), but it can be separated from the latter by tergite 9 without spine-like process on the posterior margin, the clasper of gonostylus without spinelike process ventrally, and the hypogynial valve separated. In A. laetipennis, the posterior border of tergite 9 has a long spine-like process laterally; the clasper of gonostylus has a black spine-like process ventrally; the hypogynial valve are appressed, but slightly separated only at tip (Alexander 1935, Savchenko 1961).

Etymology. Name of the new species refers to the disappearance of spine-like process on tergite 9 and clasper of gonostylus.


Published as part of Liu, Qifei & Yang, Ding, 2010, Two new species of the genus Angarotipula Savchenko, with a key to world species (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 60-68 in Zootaxa 2653 on pages 62-63, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.198874


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Angarotipula aspina Liu & Yang, 2010


  • Alexander, C. P. (1935) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XXV. Philippine Journal of Science, 57, 81 - 148.
  • Savchenko, E. N. (1961) Crane-flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam. Tipulinae, Genus Tipula L., 1. Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2 (3) (N. S.) 79, 1 - 488 (in Russian).