Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Chrysometa waikoxi Nogueira, Pena-Barbosa, Venticinque & Brescovit, 2011, new species


Chrysometa waikoxi new species

Figures 4A–E

Type material. Holotype: Male from Pico da Neblina (1,550 m), São Gabriel da Cachoeira, (0°46'N 66º00'W), Amazonas, Brazil, X.2007, A.A. Nogueira et al. coll. (INPA-AR 6159).

Paratypes: four males and six females from the same locality and date (INPA-AR 6160 (1 female), 6161 (1 female), 6162 (1 female), 6163 (1 female); IBSP 160466 (1 female), 160467 (1 male), 160470 (1 male), 160471 (1 female); MPEG 15682 (1 male), 15684 (1 female)).

Additional material examined. Brazil: Amazonas: São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Pico da Neblina, (0°46'N 66º00'W), three males and 27 females, X.2007, A.A. Nogueira et al., coll. (INPA-AR 6269-6278; IBSP 160468, 160469, 160472, 160477; MPEG 15683).

Etymology. The species epithet is taken from the Yanomami word for spider, a noun in apposition, and represents a tribute to the Yanomami people, since the places sampled in our expeditions are located at the Yanomami Indigenous Land, and also for the help received in the field from some members of the tribe.

Diagnosis. Males of Chrysometa waikoxi differs from all other species of the genus by a projection on the middle of the cymbial apophysis turned posteriorly, and the tip turned to the ventral, on ventral and retrolateral views (Figs. 4A, B); and the conical cymbial membranous projection (Figs. 4A, B). Males of C. waikoxi are similar to C. alajuela Levi, 1986, figs.: 716, 717 and C. harmata (Bryant) on Levi, 1986, fig. 58.

Females of C. waikoxi differ from other species by the curved shape of the anterior edge of the copulatory opening, producing a curved projection on each side, on ventral view (Fig. 4C). Females of C. waikoxi are similar to C. troya Levi, 1986, figs.: 413–416.

Description. Male (holotype). Carapace yellow, with a longitudinal black line on the thoracic region; sternum, chelicerae, labium and endites brown. Legs yellow, with black spots. Dorsum of the abdomen grey, with transverse black lines. Sides with some white to silver spots. Venter black, with two white spots. Spinnerets black. Total length 2.5; Carapace 1.1 long, 0.9 wide. Leg I length: femur 2.5; patella+tibia 3.0; metatarsus 3.0; tarsus 0.8. Patella+tibia II 1.6; III 0.6; IV 1. 0. Palp: Paracymbium “M”-shaped in ventral view, with the lower prong with the same size of the upper prong (Fig. 4A).

Female (paratype, INPA-AR 6161). Colour as in male. Total length 3.1; Carapace 1.2 long, 1.0 wide. Leg I length: femur 2.2; patella+tibia 2.3; metatarsus 1.8; tarsus 0.6. Patella+tibia II 1.5; III 0.6; IV 1. 1. Epigynum: Lateral plates subrectangular in shape; copulatory openings subtriangular(Fig. 4D). Spermathecae apical with copulatory ducts right below (Fig. 4E).

Distribution. Only known from the type locality.


Published as part of Nogueira, André A., Pena-Barbosa, João P. P., Venticinque, Eduardo M. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2011, The spider genus Chrysometa (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) from the Pico da Neblina and Serra do Tapirapecó mountains (Amazonas, Brazil): new species, new records, diversity and distribution along two altitudinal gradients, pp. 33-51 in Zootaxa 2772 on pages 39-40, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.203087


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  • Levi, H. W. (1986) The Neotropical orb-weaver genera Chrysometa and Homalometa (Araneae: Tetragnathidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 151, 91 - 215.