Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Empria tridens Konow 1896


Empria tridens (Konow, 1896)

Poecilosoma (Poecilosoma) tridens Konow, 1896: 54, 58. Type locality: Europe “ Europa fere tota ” [original description]. Lectotype (here designated) Ψ: “Satrup. 19.5.82 ” [pale, handwritten: 19.V.1882 (not VIII!), possibly Satrupholz around Sønderborg, Denmark; Fig. 35]; “Coll. Konow” [white, printed]; “ Syntypus ” [red, printed]; “ Empria tridens Knw Ψ O. Conde det. 1936.” [white, printed and handwritten]; “GBIF-GISHym 3792” [white, printed]; “ Lectotypus, Poecilosoma tridens Konow, 1896 Des. M. Heidemaa & M. Prous 2009 ” [red, printed]; “ Empria tridens (Konow, 1896) det. M.Prous 2008” [white, printed]; paralectotypes: 2 ɗ, all SDEI.

Empria (Triempria) konowi Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1929: 39 –40. Type locality: Sarepta [Russia]. Lectotype (here designated) Ψ: [original labels as in Figs 29, 30]; “ LECTOTYPUS Empria konowi Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1929 Ψ M.Heidemaa & M.Prous des.” [red, printed]; “ Empria tridens (Konow, 1896) det. M.Prous 2008” [white, printed]; paralectotype Ψ [original labels as in Figs 31, 32]; all SIZ; syn. nov.

Empria (Triempria) gussakovskii Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1929: 40 –41. Type locality: Kostroma District [Russia], Lectotype (here designated) Ψ: [original labels as in Figs 33, 34]; “ LECTOTYPUS Empria gussakovskii Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1929 Ψ M.Heidemaa & M.Prous des.” [red, printed]; “ Empria tridens (Konow, 1896) det. M.Prous 2008” [white, printed]; SIZ; syn. nov.

Empria (Empria) caucasica Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1929: 38 –39. Type locality: North-West Caucasus, Kluchor, beside Teberda [original description] “Nord-West-Kaukasus, Kluchor, neben Teberda” [Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russia]. Synonymy according to Conde (1940), see Notes.

Host plants. Rubus idaeus and possibly Rubus fruticosus complex. According to Conde (1934) also Geum, but because no ex ovo rearings were done, it is possible that he observed larvae of E. basalis.

Distribution. Palaearctic. The verified country records are: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, Mongolia, Russia (Amur Oblast, Kamtschatka Krai, Kostroma Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Primorskiy Kray, Sakhalin Oblast, Stavropol Krai, Volgograd Oblast), Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.

Key characters. Posterior margin of pronotum and paired patches mostly on abdominal terga 2–6 unpigmented; tegulae and metatibia in basal 1/3 vary from unpigmented to black. Ratio of flagellum length to head breadth in females mostly 1.9–2.3, in males mostly 2.4–3.1, and eye length to head length 1.6–2.2. Number of serrulae 16–18, triangular in shape (Figs 42, 45). Valviceps with short lobe, forming inconspicuous notch between valviceps and valvura (Figs 49–50); valvura to valviceps length ratio mostly 0.52–0.63.

Notes. Dovanar-Zapolskij (1929) did not designate the holotype of E. konowi but only labelled one female as “m. [mihi] typus ” (from Sarepta) and at least two females (from Sarepta and from Stavropolj) as “m. paratypus ” (original labels of 2 syntype Ψ are illustrated in Figs 29–32). Though Conde (1940) stated that the type of Empria konowi was from Sarepta (“Die Type stammt aus Sarepta”), he examined in fact only one syntype female (“" Paratype " aus Stavropolj 4.V.1921 ” [not examined, probably lost]). Because there were additional (syntype) females of E. konowi (at least the two from Sarepta) which Conde had not examined, the statement by Conde (1940) does not constitute a valid lectotype designation before 2000 (Articles 74.5, 74.6, ICZN 1999). Also, for E. gussakovskii Dovnar- Zapolskij, 1929 neither the holotype was fixed by the author nor explicitly indicated in the original description that there was only one specimen. No syntypes of Empria caucasica Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1929 were found among Dovnar-Zapolskij’s type material. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that it represents E. alector or E. basalis, because these two resembling species were unknown to Conde or not recognized by him (Conde 1940).


Published as part of Prous, Marko, Heidemaa, Mikk & Soon, Villu, 2011, Empria longicornis species group: taxonomic revision with notes on phylogeny and ecology (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), pp. 1-39 in Zootaxa 2756 on pages 26-28, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.200947


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Empria tridens Konow, 1896 sec. Prous, Heidemaa & Soon, 2011


  • Konow, F. W. (1896) Verschiedenes aus der Hymenopteren-Gruppe der Tenthrediniden. Wiener entomologische Zeitung, 15, 41 - 59.
  • Dovnar-Zapolskij, D. P. (1929) Einige neue oder wenig bekannte Arten der Gattung Empria Lep. (Hymenoptera), mit einer Bestimmungstabelle der palaarktischen Arten. Russkoje entomologitscheskoje obozrenije, 23, 37 - 47.
  • Conde, O. (1940) Eine Revision der mir bekannten Empria-Arten (Hym. Tenthr.) und einige Bemerkungen zum Wesen der systematischen Forschungsarbeit. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1 - 4, 162 - 179.
  • Conde, O. (1934) Ostbaltische Tenthredinoidea, II. Teil. Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga, 61, 168 - 196.
  • ICZN (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition. London, 306 pp.