Published February 22, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Overview of learning materials aimed to educate students of languages and linguistics for the 21st century job market

  • 1. University of Bologna
  • 2. University of Belgrade


The core of the UPSKILLS project is constituted by the creation of learning content dedicated to topics deemed to be of particular importance for twenty-first century students of languages and linguistics. This learning content should help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed for the contemporary job market, which offers numerous new opportunities both within and beyond traditional language-oriented professions, but which also requires skills not typically included, or at least insufficiently present in university curricula. However, UPSKILLS is not alone in wishing to bring the knowledge and skills of language and linguistics students more up-to-date with the job market, and some resources relevant for the topics it aims to address have already been created in other projects, within university curricula or in other related contexts. In order to avoid duplicating materials that have already been made available by others, the first step in the creation of UPSKILLS learning content is the present overview of existing materials.


UPSKILLS IO3 Task 1 - Overview of existing learning materials.pdf

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