Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) vagans Meigen 1826


Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) vagans Meigen, 1826

(Figs 76–77)

Sarcophaga vagans Meigen, 1826: 26.

Sarcophaga nepos Rondani, 1860: 390.

Sarcophaga frenata Pandellé, 1896: 182.

Sarcophaga bajkalensis Rohdendorf, 1925: 56.

Hartigia anastrenua Baranov, 1942: 621, syn. nov. Heteronychia (Eupierretia) vagans ssp. sachalinensis Verves, 1978b: 185.

Type material examined. Sarcophaga vagans: Syntype Ƥ: [round label] 2090 / 40 // Sarcophaga / vagans / Ƥ // Holotype Ƥ / Sarcophaga / vagans Meig. (MNHN) [terminalia dissected (by R. Richet) and placed in Canada balsam in a small slide pinned beneath the source specimen; first abdominal segments glued to the upper surface of the square of material used to enclose the slide].

Remarks. Meigen (1826) described Sarcophaga vagans on both sexes, as confirmed by the original identification label pinned beneath the syntype found in MNHN, as well as by the relatively low position of the female on the pin. The type series therefore consisted of at least two specimens (in all probability just the pair), and Richet’s labelling of the above female of Sarcophaga vagans as “ holotype ” is incorrect. The female, with a pentagonal vaginal plate, corresponds to S. (H.) vagans as treated by Rohdendorf (1937, as “ Pierretia (Eupierretia) frenata ”), Pape (1987), Povolný and Verves (1997) and Richet et al. (in press) (Figs 76–77).

Sarcophaga nepos: Lectotype 3 (designated by Pape 1988): 1033 // = cruentata / sec. Typ. Pand. / det. Böttch- er // LECTOTYPE 3 / Sarcophaga / nepos Rond. / T. Pape det. // Heteronychia / vagans (Meig.) / T. Pape det. 1986 (MZUF).

Sarcophaga frenata: Lectotype 3 (designated by Pape 2004b): 3 / 2217 // LECTOTYPE 3 / Sarcophaga / frenata Pnd. / T. Pape det. 2002 (MNHN) (see Pape 2004b).

Hartigia anastrenua: Holotype 3: Croatia / Zagreb / 22.V.1931. // N. Baranov / Coll. 1960 // [red label] Type No. / 65730 / U.S. N.M. // Hartigia / anastrenua / sp. n. / N. Baranov // HOLOTYPE / Hartigia / anastrenua / BAR. /det. / Sabrosky // Sarcophaga / (Heteronychia) / vagans / Meigen, 1826 / det. D. Whitmore 2008 (USNM) [holotype with most of abdomen and terminalia detached and placed in glycerin in a microvial pinned beneath the source specimen].

Heteronychia (Eupierretia) vagans ssp. sachalinensis: Holotype 3: [transliterated from Cyrillic] Yuzhn.- Sachalinsk / 23.5.1957 / Violovich // Holotypus Hetero - / nychia (Eupierretia) va - / gans sachalinensis Verves // Sarcophaga / vagans / det. D. Whitmore 2007 (ZIN) [terminalia detached from abdomen and placed in glycerin in a microvial pinned beneath the source specimen].

Additional material examined. Austria: Hochkar, 4.VIII.1995, D. Povolný leg., 5 3 (MMBC); Muggendorf, VII. 1999, 1 3 (ZMUC); Niedere Tauern, Solker pass, 1900m, 7–8.VIII.1995, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Schladminger Tauern, Donnersbachwald, 1600m, 5–7.VIII.1995, M. Barták leg., 2 3 (ZUMC); Seefeld, 19.VII.1960, A. Collart leg., 2 3 (IRSNB); Staatz, 9.V.1996, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 (MMBC). Belgium: Fonds de Forêt, 15.VIII.1946, A. Collart leg., 1 3 (IRSNB). Croatia: Zagreb, N. Baranov leg. several 3 (USNM); same locality, 18.IX.2003, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 (MMBC). Czech Republic: Beskydy, Horní Lomná, nr. Mionši, 26– 28.VII.1996, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Beskydy, Murinkovy vrch, 950m, M. Barták leg., 10.VI.1995, M. Barták leg., 2 3 (ZMUC); Brno, Rajhrad, 21.V.1941, 1 3 (MMBC); same locality, 4.VI.1941, 1 3 (MMBC); same locality, 23.VI.1942, 2 3 (MMBC); same locality, 14.VIII.1942, 2 3 (MMBC); Brno, Rudka, 18.V.1945, 1 3 (MMBC); Horní Lomná, Hruška, 780m, 10–11.VIII.1997, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Hrubý Jeseník Mts., Velká Kotlina, 1200m, 7.VII.2004, M. Barták leg., 3 3 (ZMUC); Kanice, 23.VII.1942, 2 3 (MMBC); Lednice, 7.VI.1977, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 (MMBC); Mnichovice, 350m, 20–21.VII.1996, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Pálava, 17.VII.2001, D. Povolný leg., 2 3 (MMBC); St. Jan, 6.VII.1995, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 (MMBC); Šumava, Malá Niva, 750m, 20–22.VII.1997, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Šumava, Popelná, 950m, 4.VII.1988, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Šumava-Plechý, 1050m, 22.VII.1992, M. Barták leg., 4 3 (ZMUC); Vráž u Písku, 400m, 2.VI.1993, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); same locality, 30.V.1994, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); same locality, 1– 3.VI.2002, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Zaječí, 16–28.VIII.2002, D. Povolný leg., 5 3 (MMBC). France: Hautes-Alpes, Montgenèvre, 1800m, 12.VII.1990, M. Barták leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Haute Savoie: nr. Ardent, la Lecherette, 22.VI.2000, T. Pape leg., 1 3 (NHRS); Mont Ouson, above Col du Corbier, 27.VI.2000, T. Pape leg., 2 3 (NHRS); Val-d’Oise, Carnelle, 10. VI.1911, 1 3 (ZMUC). Germany: Weisbaden, 28.VI–3.VII.1909, 2 3 (NHRS); same locality, 7.VI.1910, 1 3 (NHRS). Hungary: Debrecen, R.T. Webber leg., 1 3 (USNM); Kiskunság National Park, 23.VIII.1986, 1 3 (ZMUC). Italy: Abruzzi, L’Aquila prov.: Anversa degli Abruzzi, Sorgente Cavuto, 520m, 30.VII.1997, P. Cerretti leg., 2 3 (CNBFVR); Barrea, Colle della Croce, 1200m, D. Whitmore et al. leg., 1 3 (CNBFVR); Opi, Valle Fredda, 1300m, beech forest, 22.V.2005, D. Whitmore et al. leg., 2 3 (CNBFVR); Chieti prov.: Abetina di Rosello, 940m, 21.V.2005, D. Whitmore et al. leg., 1 3 (CNBFVR); Palena, 1300m, 19.VIII.2000, M. Mei leg., 1 Ƥ (MZUR); Emilia-Romagna, Parma prov., Corniglio, nr. Sella del Marmagna, 1747m, 10.VII.2010, D. Whitmore leg., 2 3 (CNBFVR); Latium, Rome prov.: Orvinio, La Spineta, 800m, 21.V.2000, M. Mei leg., 2 3 (MZUR); Tenuta della Cervelletta, 4.V.1999, M. Mei leg., 1 3 (MZUR); same locality, 19.IX.1999, M. Mei leg., 1 3 (CNBFVR); same locality, 22.IX.1999, M. Mei leg., 1 Ƥ (MZUR); same locality, 9.X.1999, M. Mei leg., 1 3 (MZUR); same locality, 2.IV.2000, M. Mei leg., 1 3 (MZUR); same locality, 13.V.2000, M. Mei leg., 1 Ƥ (MZUR); same locality, 3.VII.2000, M. Mei leg., 1 3 (MZUR); Lombardy, Mantova, Marmirolo, Bosco della Fontana, 25m, 7.IX.2001, S. Vanin leg., 1 3 (CNBFVR); Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento prov., Storo, 9–16.VII.1986, S. Andersen leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Tuscany, Florence, 10–18.V.1986, T. Pape leg., 1 3 (ZMUC). Norway: Kongsvoll, 12–20.VII.1985, O. Karsholt & V. Michelsen leg., 1 3 (ZMUC). Russia: Leningrad region, several 3 (USNM); Tyva, Eastern Sayan Ridge, Karzanak, nr. Mina, 6.VII.1959, Grunin leg., 1 3 (YVC). Serbia: Deliblato National Park, 22.VII.1983, 2 3 (ZMUC); Golubac, N. Baranov leg., several 3 (USNM). Slovakia: Burda, 1–16.VII.1976, Čepelák leg., 3 3 (MMBC); Hlohovec, 12.VIII.1989, Z. Mélek leg., 1 3 (ZMUC). Spain: Costa Brava, Malgrat de Mar, 21.VI–4.VII.1996, D. Povolný leg., 16 3 (MMBC); same locality [no date], D. Povolný leg., 6 3 (MMBC); Lerida, Sorpe, 1200–1300m, 19–22.VI.1982, S. Andersen et al. leg., 1 3 (ZMUC). Sweden: Abiskojokk, Ridonjira, 23.VII.1995, A.C. Pont leg., 1 3 (NHRS). Switzerland: [no locality, no date] J.T. Skovgaard leg., 1 3 (ZMUC); Glarus, Klöntal, Vorauen, 8.VIII.1995, B. Merz leg., 1 3 (NHRS). Ukraine: Kosov, 28.V.1975, O. Victorova leg., 1 3 (MMBC).

Remarks. The holotype of Hartigia anastrenua is conspecific with Sarcophaga (H.) vagans. I also agree with the recent synonymy of Sarcophaga bajkalensis with S. (H.) vagans proposed by Verves and Khrokalo (2006).


Published as part of Whitmore, Daniel, 2011, New taxonomic and nomenclatural data on Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), with description of six new species, pp. 1-57 in Zootaxa 2778 on pages 50-51, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.201885


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Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) vagans Meigen, 1826 sec. Whitmore, 2011


  • Meigen, J. W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Funfter Theil. Schulz, Hamm, xii + 412 pp.
  • Rondani, C. (1860) Sarcophagae italicae observatae et distinctae. Commentarium XVIII pro Dipterologica italica. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, 3, 374 - 393.
  • Pandelle, L. (1896) Etudes sur le muscides de France. II e partie (suite). Revue d'Entomologie, 15, 1 - 230.
  • Rohdendorf, B. B. (1925) Nouvelles especes palearctiques du genre Sarcophaga Mg., Bott (Diptera, Tachinidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 19, 53 - 60.
  • Baranov, N. (1942) Sarcophagen in unabhangigen Staate Kroatien. Veterinarski Arhiv, 12, 497 - 659.
  • Verves, Yu. G. (1978 b) New and little known species of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) from Siberia and Far East. In: Cherepanov, A. I. (Ed.), [Taxonomy and ecology of Siberian arthropods (new and poorly known for the Siberian fauna)]. Akademiia Nauk SSR. Sibirskoe Otdelenie. Biologisheskii Institut, pp. 184 - 187. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Rohdendorf, B. B. (1937) Fam. Sarcophagidae. (P. 1). Fauna USSR, 19. Edition de l'Akademie des Sciences de l'URSS, Moscow, Leningrad, xv + 501 pp. + [1]. [In Russian with German summary.]
  • Pape, T. (1987) The Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 19. E. J. Brill / Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., Leiden, Copenhagen, 203 pp. + 2 pls.
  • Povolny, D. & Verves, Yu. G. (1997) The flesh-flies of Central Europe (Insecta, Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Spixiana Supplement, 24, 1 - 260.
  • Pape, T. (1988) A revision of the Palaearctic Sarcophagidae described by C. Rondani. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde (Serie A), 416, 1 - 22.
  • Pape, T. (2004 b) The Sarcophagidae (Insecta: Diptera) described by Louis Pandelle. Zootaxa, 772, 1 - 64.
  • Whitmore, D., Birtele, D. & Mason, F. (2008 a) Stratiomyidae, Syrphidae and Sarcophagidae (Diptera: Brachycera) from the understorey and canopy of a riparian forest ecosystem in Italy. In: Hardersen, S., Mason, F., Viola, F., Campedel, D. & Cassol, M. (Eds), Research on the natural heritage of the reserves Vincheto di Celarda and Val Tovanella (Belluno province, Italy). Conservation of two protected areas in the context of a LIFE Project. Quaderni Conservazione Habitat, 5. Arti Grafiche Fiorini, Verona, pp. 239 - 251.
  • Whitmore, D. & Richet, R. (2007) Short notes 41. Diptera, Sarcophagidae. In: Nardi, G. & Vomero, V. (Eds), Artropodi del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio: ricerche preliminari. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati, 4. Cierre edizioni, Verona, p. 431.
  • Villeneuve, J. (1911) Dipterologische Sammelreise nach Korsika - (Dipt.) (Schluß). Tachinidae. Deutsches Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1911, 117 - 130.
  • Verves, Yu. G. & Khrokalo, L. A. (2006) 123. Fam. Sarcophagidae. In: Sidorenko, V. S. (Ed.), Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. IV. Diptera and Siphonaptera. Dal'nauka, Vladivostok, pp. 64 - 178.