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Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Notioceramus anomalus Fisher 1940


Notioceramus anomalus Fisher, 1940

(Figures 13 A–D)

Fisher, 1940: 119; A.M. Clark 1962: 23 (key); Mein, 1992: 244

Distribution. Off Valdivia, Chile, Trinity Peninsula, South Shetland Islands, Bransfield Strait, South Georgia Island, Scotia Sea. 73-3714 m

Material examined. South Pacific. USNM 1090958. Off Valdivia, Chile. 39˚06S, 73˚33’W. 73 m. col. Univ. Southern California. (1 dry spec. R=3.2, r=1.6).

Weddell Quadrant. USNM E35072 Off South Georgia Island. 56°11’S, 38°36’W, 3520– 3136 m, Coll. R/V Eltanin 1 Mar. 1966 (1 dry spec. R=2.9, r=1.1); USNM E53633, South of Burdwood Bank, Scotia Sea 55°00’S, 58°50’W, 2782–2891 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin 4 Dec. 1962. (1 dry spec. R=2.7, r=1.4); USNM E53634 SE of Burdwood Bank, Scotia Sea. 55°07’S, 55°50’W, 2873–2891 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin, 22 Dec. 1962. (1 dry spec. R=2.6, r=1.1), USNM E13635.Trinity Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula. Bransfield Strait. 63˚31.24’ S, 59˚ 16.06’W. 213– 311 m. Coll. Squires and Pawson aboard R/V Eastwind. 5 Feb. 1966 (2 dry spec. R=3.3, r=1.6; R=2.3, r=1.3); USNM E13723. North of D’Urville Island, Bransfield Strait, Trinity Peninsula. 62°38’ 54” S, 56° 10’ 12”W, 426 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin, 2 Jan 1963. (1 dry spec. R=3.9, r=2.1); USNM E13724. South Shetland Islands, Bransfield Strait, South of King George Island.62˚14.12’S, 58˚17.12’W, 552 m. Coll. USARP, R/V Eltanin, 3 Jan 1963 (2 dry specs, R=3.2, r=1.5; R=2.9, r=1.4); USNM E13726, Trinity Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula, Bransfield Strait. 63˚40.04’ S, 57˚ 50.04’W, 662–1120 m. Coll. USARP, R/V Eltanin 5 Jan 1963. (1 dry spec. R=2.9, r=1.9); USNM 1081973 South of South Georgia Island, Scotia Sea. 58°04’S, 37°50’W to 58°05’S, 37°44’W. 3166–3255 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin 30 Aug 1963 (1 dry spec. R=4.3, r=2.2); USNM 1082937 East of Montagu Island, South Sandwich Islands, Scotia Sea. 58°13’S, 25°44’W to 58°16’S, 25°40’W. Coll. R/V Eltanin 3 May 1963 (R=2.6, r=1.1); USNM 1082949 South Georgia Island, Scotia Sea. 55°01’S, 39°55’W to 55°10’S, 39°46’W. 2886–3040 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin 8 Feb. 1966 (21 dry specs. R=3.6, r=1.8; R=3.6, r=1.8; R=4.0, r=2.0; R=3.8, r=2.0; R=3.5, r=1.7; R=3.6, r=1.5; R=3.6, r=1.8; R=4.2, r=1.8; R=3.9, r=1.9; R=3.9, r=1.9; R=2.0, r=0.9; R=2.0, r=0.9; R=4.0, r=2.0; R=3.5, r=1.9; R=4.2, r=2.2; R=4.2, r=1.9; R=3.2, r=1.4; R=3.6, r=1.8; R=3.6, r=1.8; R=3.6, r=1.6; R=3.7, r=2.2). USNM 1082951 Scotia Sea. 58°06’S, 44°56’W to 58°10’S, 44° 47’W. 2800 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin 15 Feb. 1963. (1 dry spec. R=3.3, r=1.6). USNM 1084426, South of South Georgia Island, 56°53’S, 37°33’W to 56°52’S, 37°32’W, 3138–3144 m. Coll. R/V. Eltanin 28 Aug 1963 (R=2.5, r=1.2); USNM 1086348 SW of South Georgia Island, Scotia Sea. 55°02’S, 44°21’W to 55°11’S, 44°23’W. 3623–3714 m., Coll. R/V Eltanin, 12 Feb. 1963 (3 dry specs. R=3.4, r=1.5; R=3.7, r=1.5; R=2.7, r=1.3); USNM 1090950 South of Wiencke Island, Palmer Archipelago. 64°50’30”S, 63°15”W 146– 104 m. Coll. R/V Eastwind 29 Jan 1966 (3 dry specs. R=3.6, r=1.9, R=2.6, r=1.3, R=2.8, r=1.4), USNM 1091144 East of South Georgia Island 56°04’S, 33°59’W to 56°00, 33°57’ W. 3138–3239 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin 8 Sept. 1963 (2 dry specs. R=~3.8, r=1.7 armtips broken, R=3.3, r=1.3); USNM 1091172 South Orkney Islands, Scotia Sea. 60°02’S, 49°14’W to 59°55’S, 49°14’W, 3819–3876 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin, 7 March 1963 (1 dry spec. R=3.1, r=1.3); USNM 1121093 SW of South Georgia Island, Scotia Sea 55°56’S, 44°43’W, 3486 m. Coll. R/V Eltanin 13 Feb. 1963, (2 dry specs. R=2.0, r=0.9; R=1.5, r=0.6); USNM 1121464 South of Anvers Island, Palmer Archipelago. 64°50’30”S, 63°15’00’W, 104– 146 m. Coll. D. Pawson and D. Squires aboard R/V Eastward, 29 Jan 1966. (5 dry specs.+numerous specimen fragments R=3.4, r=1.7, R=3.3, r=1.7, R=3.6, r=1.7, R=3.3, r=1.6, R=2.4, r=1.3). CASIZ 162494 Elephant Island 60°0S, 38°47”38” 2896–2896.0 m, Coll. R. Mooi and S. Lockhart aboard PFS Polarstern (1 wet spec. R=3.8, r=1.7). CASIZ 162497 Elephant Island 60°49.42” 55°39.56”, 453– 455 m. Coll. R. Mooi and S. Lockhart aboard PFS Polarstern. (1 wet spec. R=4.2, r=2.1). CASIZ 174607 Bransfield Strait 62°30’35”, 56°30”00, 328–329.0 m. Coll. S. Lockhart aboard R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya 25 Feb 2006 (2 wet specs. R=3.7, r=2.0; R=4.0, r=2.0). CASIZ 175997 Bransfield Strait 62°15”S, 59°34’12”W, 461–481 m, Coll. S. Lockhart and V. Smith aboard R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya 20 Feb 2006 (2 wet specs. R=3.3, r=1.8; R=3.8, r=2.2); CASIZ 175999 Bransfield Strait 62°37’ 11”S, 56° 37’11”, 227 m. Coll. S. Lockhart and V. Smith aboard R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya 22 Feb 2006 (1 wet spec. R=~4.0, r=2.2, arms upturned); CASIZ 176007 Bransfield Strait 63°00, 58° 4’12”, 225 m. Coll. S. Lockhart and V. Smith aboard R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya 25 Feb 2006 (1 wet spec., R=3.7, r=1.8). CASIZ 176021 Bransfield Strait 63°4’ 47”, 58° 35’ 24”, 126–135 m, Coll. S. Lockhart and V. Smith aboard R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya 21 Feb 2006 (1 wet spec. R=3.3, r=1.4).

Description. Body stout, stellate (R:r=1.8–2.1) with arms short, triangular. Disk thickened. Interbrachial arcs weakly curved to linear (Fig. 13 A).

Abactinal plates flattened, tightly abutted forming relatively thin parchment-like disk surface. Individual abactinal plates quadrate to irregularly shaped overlapping to closely abutted, varying in size with largest closest to disk becoming smaller adjacent to superomarginal contact. Internal views of abactinal disk surface show plates overlain by relatively thin dermis. Abactinal surface covered by dense cover of granules continuous with marginal plate surface (Fig. 13 A, B). Granules, two to nine per plate (six to eight on most), coarse to moderately, spherical, to cylindrical hemispheres in shape, varying in size but forming continuous cover over abactinal surface (Fig. 13 A, B). Madreporite irregularly round with deep sulci (Fig. 13 B). Papulae present on radial regions but weakly so (approximately a dozen papulae per radial region) and absent from interradial and other areas on disk.

Marginal plates, 30–34 in each interradius (armtip to armtip), wide, quadrate in shape with 1:1 correspondance between superomarginals and inferomarginals (Fig. 13 D). Each plate covered by 18–25 coarse spherical to hemispherical granules identical to those present on abactinal surface (Fig. 13 D). Approximately 12–15 of these granules form a weak peripheral boundary around the edge of each marginal plate but the majority of the granular covering is continuous with granules on the abactinal surface. Marginal plates are more discrete on smaller individuals (e.g., R=2.7) becoming obscured in larger specimens (R=3.3) as granular cover appears to present a continuous abactinal cover. Terminal plate large, bare, prominent on armtips.

Actinal plates scalar, rounded to irregular in shape, arranged in chevron-formation and forming overlapping, thin parchment-like layer over actinal intermediate regions. Each plate covered by two to nine (usually six to eight) coarse, rounded, blunt to slightly pointed granules. Granules form dense cover over actinal surface, becoming especially crowded and more distinct from inferomarginal granules in larger specimens (R=3.3). Actinal granules slightly larger on average then those on adjacent inferomarginal series. Furrow spines two to three (mostly two), oval to quadrate in cross section, compressed. Subambulacral spines, one to two, immediately adjacent to furrow spines, thickened, quadrate to round in cross-section (Fig. 13 C). Granule-like spines, thick, blunt, short between subambulacral spines and rounded granules on actinal surface. Furrow spines, blunt, quadrate in cross-section on oral plate, four with large primary spine on plate directed into mouth.

Pedicellariae were not observed on any of the specimens studied herein but Fisher (1940: 120) makes note of three-valved pedicellariae on the first and second adambulacal plate.


Published as part of Mah, Christopher L., 2011, Taxonomy of high-latitude Goniasteridae (Subantarctic & Antarctic): one new genus, and three new species with an overview and key to taxa, pp. 1-48 in Zootaxa 2759 on pages 32-34, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.276783


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Notioceramus anomalus Fisher, 1940 sec. Mah, 2011


  • Fisher, W. K. (1940) Asteroidea. Discovery Reports, 20, 69 - 306.
  • Clark, A. M. (1962) Asteroidea. B. A. N. Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929 - 1931, B 9, 68 - 70.
  • Mein, B. (1992) Beitrag zur Kenntnis antarktischer Seesterne (Asteroidea, Echinodermata). Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 89, 239 - 259.