Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
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List of Spionidae species reported from or likely to be found in shallow waters around Britain and Ireland

Aonides oxycephala (M. Sars, 1862) Polydora hoplura Claparède, 1868

Aonides paucibranchiata Southern, 1914 Polydora limicola Annenkova, 1934

Atherospio disticha Mackie & Duff, 1986 Prionospio caspersi Laubier, 1962

Atherospio guillei (Laubier & Ramos, 1974) Prionospio cirrifera Wirén, 1883

Aurospio banyulensis (Laubier, 1966) Prionospio dubia Maciolek, 1985

Aurospio dibranchiata Maciolek, 1981 Prionospio ehlersi Fauvel, 1928

Boccardia aff. polybranchia (Haswell, 1885) Prionospio fallax Söderström, 1920

Boccardia proboscidea Hartman, 1940 Prionospio malmgreni Claparède, 1868

Boccardia semibranchiata Guérin, 1990 Prionospio multibranchiata E. Berkeley, 1927

Boccardiella ligerica (Ferronnière, 1898) Prionospio plumosa (M. Sars, 1872)

Dipolydora armata (Langerhans, 1880) Prionospio pulchra Imajima, 1990

Dipolydora caulleryi (Mesnil, 1897) Prionospio steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867

Dipolydora coeca (Örsted, 1843) Pseudopolydora antennata (Claparède, 1868)

Dipolydora flava (Claparède, 1870) Pseudopolydora aff. paucibranchiata (Okuda, 1937)

Dipolydora giardi (Mesnil, 1896) Pseudopolydora pulchra (Carazzi, 1893)

Dipolydora quadrilobata (Jacobi, 1883) Pygospio elegans Claparède, 1863

Dipolydora saintjosephi (Eliason, 1920) Scolelepis bonnieri (Mesnil, 1896)

Dipolydora socialis (Schmarda, 1861) Scolelepis cantabra (Rioja, 1918)

Dispio uncinata Hartman, 1951 Scolelepis foliosa (Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833)

Laonice appelloefi Söderström, 1920 Scolelepis korsuni Sikorski, 1994

Laonice bahusiensis Söderström, 1920 Scolelepis mesnili (Bellan & Lagardère, 1971)

Laonice blakei Sikorski & Jirkov in Scolelepis squamata (Müller, 1806) Sikorski et al., 1998 Scolelepis tridentata (Southern, 1914)

Laonice cirrata (M. Sars, 1851) Spio arctica (Söderström, 1920)

Laonice norgensis Sikorski, 2003 Spio armata Thulin, 1957

Laonice sarsi Söderström, 1920 Spio decoratus Bobretzky, 1870

Laubieriellus salzi (Laubier, 1970) Spio filicornis (O.F. Müller, 1776)

Malacoceros ciliatus (Keferstein, 1862) Spio goniocephala Thulin, 1957

Malacoceros fuliginosus (Claparède, 1868) Spio malmgreni Sikorski in Jirkov, 2001

Malacoceros giardi Quatrefages, 1843 Spio martinensis Mesnil, 1896

Malacoceros jirkovi Sikorski, 1992 Spio multioculata (Rioja, 1918)

Malacoceros tetracerus (Schmarda, 1861) Spio setosa Verrill, 1873

Malacoceros vulgaris (Johnston, 1827) Spio theeli (Söderström, 1920)

Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873) Spio tzetlini Sikorski in Jirkov, 2001

Marenzelleria wireni Augener, 1913 Spiophanes bombyx (Claparède, 1870)

Microspio atlantica (Langerhans, 1881) Spiophanes kroyeri Grube, 1860

Microspio mecznikowiana (Claparède, 1868) Spiophanes urceolata Imajima, 1991

Polydora calcarea (Templeton, 1836) Spiophanes wigleyi Pettibone, 1962

Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1838) Streblospio benedicti Webster, 1879

Polydora cornuta Bosc, 1802 Streblospio shrubsolii (Buchanan, 1890)

Polydora hermaphroditica Hannerz, 1956


Published as part of Radashevsky, Vasily I., 2012, Spionidae (Annelida) from shallow waters around the British Islands: an identification guide for the NMBAQC Scheme with an overview of spionid morphology and biology, pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 3152 on page 30, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.209619


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  • Claparede, E. (1868) Les Annelides Chetopodes du Golfe de Naples. Ramboz et Schuchardt, Geneve et Bale, 500 pp.
  • Southern, R. (1914) Archiannelida and Polychaeta. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 31, 1 - 160.
  • Mackie, A. S. Y. & Duff, A. A. (1986) Atherospio disticha gen. et sp. nov. (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from Loch Tuirnaig, west coast of Scotland. Ophelia, 25, 139 - 146.
  • Maciolek, N. J. (1985) A revision of the genus Prionospio Malmgren, with special emphasis on species from the Atlantic Ocean, and new records of species belonging to the genera Apoprionospio Foster and Paraprionospio Caullery (Polychaeta, Annelida, Spionidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, London, 84, 325 - 383.
  • Maciolek, N. J. (1981) Spionidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Galapagos Rift geothermal vents. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 94, 826 - 837.
  • Soderstrom, A. (1920) Studien uber die Polychatenfamilie Spionidae. Inaugural-Dissertation. Almquist & Wicksells, Uppsala, 286 pp.
  • Malmgren, A. J. (1867) Annulata polychaeta Spetsbergiae, Gronlandiae, Islandiae et Scandinaviae hactenus cognita. Ofversigt af Konglingar Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, Stockholm, 24, 127 - 235.
  • Orsted, A. S. (1843) Annulatorum danicorum conspectus. Fasc. I. Maricolae. Sumtibus Librariae Wahlianae, Hafniae, 52 pp.
  • Claparede, E. (1870) Les Annelides Chetopodes du Golfe de Naples. Supplement. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, 20, 365 - 542.
  • Mesnil, F. (1896) Etudes de morphologie externe chez les Annelides. I. Les Spionidiens des cotes de la Manche. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique, 29, 110 - 287.
  • Eliason, A. (1920) Polychaeta. Biologisch-faunistische Untersuchungen aus dem Oresund. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, N. F., Avd. 2, 16, 1 - 103.
  • Audouin, J. V. & Milne Edwards, H. (1833) Classification des Annelides, et description de celles qui habitent les cotes de la France. Annales des Sciences naturelles, Paris, 30, 411 - 425.
  • Sikorski, A. V. (2003) Laonice (Polychaeta, Spionidae) in the Arctic and the North Atlantic. Sarsia, 88, 316 - 345.
  • Keferstein, W. (1862) Untersuchungen uber niedere Seethiere. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 12, 1 - 147.
  • Johnston, G. (1827) Contributions to the British Fauna. Journal of Zoology, London, 3, 321 - 336.
  • Templeton, R. (1836) A catalogue of the species of annulose animals, and of rayed ones, found in Ireland, as selected from the papers of the late J. Templeton, Esq., of Cranmore, with localities, descriptions, and illustrations. Magazine of Natural History, London, 9, 233 - 243.
  • Pettibone, M. H. (1962) New species of polychaete worms (Spionidae: Spiophanes) from the east and west coast of North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 75, 77 - 88.
  • Johnston, G. (1838) Miscellanea Zoologica. III. - The British Ariciadae. Magazine of Zoology and Botany, Edinburgh, 2, 63 - 73.
  • Buchanan, F. (1890) Hekaterobranchus shrubsolii, a new genus and species of the family Spionidae. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, 31, 175 - 200.
  • Hannerz, L. (1956) Larval development of the polychaete families Spionidae Sars, Disomidae Mesnil, and Poecilochaetidae n. fam. in the Gullmar Fjord (Sweden). Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala, 31, 1 - 204.