Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Udeina Michaelsen 1910


Genus Udeina Michaelsen, 1910 emend. Plisko, 2004

Holoscolex Ude, 1905: 421 (preoccupied by Cognetti de Martiis 1904).

Udeina Michaelsen, 1910: 53.

Yagansia [partim] Michaelsen, 1899b: 237.

Udeina Michaelsen, 1910: 53, 1912: 4; Stephenson 1930: 671, 828; Pickford 1937: 416; Reynolds & Cook 1976: 62; Plisko 2004: 293; Blakemore 2008: 6.

Udeina Michaelsen, 1910 (applied for several species of Parachilota): Ljungström 1969: 370, Ljungström 1972b: 110.

Udeina Michaelsen 1890 [printing error for 1910]: Zicsi 1998: 443.

Type species. Yagansia kinbergi Michaelsen, 1899b: 443.

Remarks. Ljungström (1969, 1972b) understood the balantine reduction in Udeina species as a variation occurring between avesiculate, acanthodrilinae species accredited by Pickford (1937) to Parachilota. Consequently, when describing new avesiculate species he did not make distinction between acanthodrilinae or balantine features and all his new species were placed in the genus Udeina Michaelsen, 1910. The majority of these species belong to genus Parachilota Pickford, 1937 (see above and Plisko 2004, 2008).


Published as part of Plisko, Jadwiga Danuta, 2012, An annotated checklist of the South African Acanthodrilidae (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae: Acanthodrilinae, Benhamiinae), pp. 4-58 in Zootaxa 3458 on page 44, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.282224


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Udeina Michaelsen, 1910 sec. Plisko, 2012


  • Plisko, J. D. (2004) Review of the balantine genus Udeina Michaelsen, 1910 with descriptions of six new species in South Africa (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Acanthodrilinae). African Invertebrates, 45, 287 - 313.
  • Ude, H. (1905) Terricole Oligochaeten von den Inseln der Sudsee und verschiedenen anderen Gebieten der Erde. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 82, 405 - 501.
  • Cognetti de Martiis, L. (1904) Oligocheti dell'Ecuador. Bolletino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della Reale Universita di Torino, 19 (474), 1 - 18.
  • Michaelsen, W. (1899 b) Revision der Kinberg'schen Oligochaeten-Typen. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-akademiens Forhandlingar, 56, 413 - 448.
  • Stephenson, J. (1930) Oligochaeta. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 978 pp.
  • Pickford, G. E. (1937) A monograph of the Acanthodriline earthworms of South Africa. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. 612 pp.
  • Reynolds J. W. & Cook, D. G. (1976) Nomenclatura Oligochaetologica. A catalogue of names, descriptions and type specimens of the Oligochaeta. Ottawa: Runge Press. 217 pp.
  • Blakemore, R. J. (2008) Review of Southern Ocean, South Atlantic and Subantarctic Island earthworms updated from Lee (1994). Available from http: // www. annelida. net / earthworm / Subantarctic / Subantarctic % 20 Species. pdf (accessed 10 January 2012).
  • Ljungstrom, P. O. (1969) On the earthworm genus Udeina (Acanthodrilidae, Oligochaeta) in South Africa. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 182, 370 - 379.
  • Ljungstrom, P. O. (1972 b) Taxonomical and ecological notes on the earthworm genus Udeina and a requiem for the South African acanthodrilines. Pedobiologia, 12 (2), 100 - 110.
  • Michaelsen, W. (1890). Beschreibung der von Herrn Dr. Franz Stuhlmann im Mundungsgebiet des Sambesi gesammelten Terricolen. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, 7, 21 - 50.
  • Zicsi, A. (1998) Neue und seltene terrestrische Oligochaeten aus Sudafrika. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg, 95, 59 - 77.
  • Plisko, J. D. (2008) New South African Acanthodrilinae earthworm species, with new data for some earlier known members of the genus Parachilota (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae). African Invertebrates, 49 (2), 21 - 36.