Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Priopoda Holmgren


Key to the Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic species of genus Priopoda Holmgren

1. Female............................................................................................. 2

- Male............................................................................................... 13

2. Body brown to reddish brown, except posterior portion of mesoscutum, anterior half of propodeum and main portion of first tergum intangibly brownish black. (Male unknown). CHINA (Henan)............................. P. aurantiaca Sheng

- Body at least with mesoscutum and propodeum black......................................................... 3

3. Mesosternum and main portion of mesopleuron yellow to yellowish brown. CHINA (Jiangxi), RUSSIA (Sakhalin).......................................................................................... P. sachalinensis (Uchida)

- Mesosternum and mesopleuron black...................................................................... 4

4. Basal one or two terga black, remainder brown to reddish brown................................................ 5

- Terga black, at least basal and apical terga black, median terga brown to reddish brown............................ 11

5. Face entirely black. Legs entirely yellowish red.............................................................. 6

- Face yellow to yellowish brown, with or without median longitudinal blackish spot, or hind femur black................ 7

6. Face and mesopleuron finely punctate (Figs 2, 3). Mesopleuron with longitudinal impression (Fig. 3) Propodeal carina com- plete (Fig. 1). Metasoma apically compressed. Ovipositor with shallow impression (Fig. 4). Clypeus yellowish apically (Fig. 2). Second metasomal tergite brownish. NEPAL (Bagmati).............................. P. impressa Reshchikov sp.n.

- Face and mesopleuron impunctate. Mesopleuron with longitudinal impression. Propodeal carina incomplete. Metasoma not compressed apically. Ovipositor with distinct notch. Clypeus entirely black. Second metasomal tergite medially black and its periphery reddish yellow. (Male unknown). JAPAN.......................................... P. miyoshii (Uchida)

7. Metasomal tergites impunctate. NEPAL (Bagmati).................................... P. lisanevichi Reshchikov sp.n.

- Metasomal tergites coarsely punctate...................................................................... 8

8. Area superomedia of propodeum without lateral carina. Costula absent. (Male unknown). CHINA (Jiangxi, Liaoning).............................................................................................. P. auberti Sheng

- Area superomedia with lateral carina. Costula present......................................................... 9

9. Hind coxae and femora brown, tibiae and tarsi yellowish brown. (Male unknown). CHINA (Jiangxi), JAPAN................................................................................................ P. owaniensis (Uchida)

- Hind femora and dorsal profiles of hind coxae and tibiae black, ventral profiles of coxae and tibiae brown, tarsomeres whitish yellow. CHINA (Jiangxi)......................................................... P. uniconcava Sheng & Sun

10. Flagella with white ring. Third tergum yellowish brown, remainder black. Dorsal profiles of hind coxae black, ventral yellow- ish brown. CHINA (Jiangxi)......................................................... P. dentata Sheng & Sun

- Flagella without white ring. At least second to fourth terga yellowish brown.................................... 11

11. Speculum absent or indistinct. Terga and hind coxae entirely black. (Male unknown). CHINA, JAPAN....................................................................................................... P. otaruensis (Uchida)

- Speculum distinct. Median terga yellowish to reddish brown. Hind coxae, at least in ventral profile, brown or yellowish brown................................................................................................... 12

12. Fore wing vein 3rs-m as long as 2rs-m. Postpetiole with shallow median longitudinal concavity. Face entirely black. Hind coxae brown. (Male unknown). CHINA.............................................. P. nigrifacialis Sheng & Sun

- Fore wing vein 3rs-m longer than 2rs-m. Postpetiole slightly convex. Face whitish yellow with median longitudinal brownish black spot. Dorsal profile of hind coxa black, ventral yellowish brown. CHINA................ P. biconcava Sheng & Sun

13. Apical margin of subgenital plate with very shallow notch. Mesopleuron with longitudinal impression (Fig. 3). NEPAL (Bag- mati)......................................................................... P. impressa Reshchikov sp.n.


Published as part of Reshchikov, Alexey V., 2012, Priopoda Holmgren, 1856 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from Nepal with a key to the Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic species, pp. 133-142 in Zootaxa 3478 on page 134, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.213018


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