Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Coenosia wrangelensis Sorokina, 2012, sp. nov.


Coenosia wrangelensis sp. nov.

Figs 3 A–C

Type material: Holotype male, RUSSIA, Wrangel Island, middle part of the River Mamontovaya, 71º10’N 179º46’W, 8,20. vii.2006, О. Khruleva (SZNM). Paratype male, same data as holotype (SZNM).

Etymology: The species name is based on the type-locality, Wrangel Island.

Diagnosis: The species is very closely similar to the Holarctic Coenosia octopunctata (Zetterstedt, 1838) and to the Nearctic Coenosia alaskensis Huckett, 1965. These two species differ only by the wide parafacial and strongly developed seta at the middle of hind tibia in C. alaskensis. The new species can be recognized as follows: very small species (3.0– 3.2 mm), hind tibia without any pd, one pair of strong presutural dc, mid and hind femora yellow on basal 1/3, all tibiae darkened, mid and hind tibiae seem brownish, scutum with 3 distinct brown narrow longitudinal vittae along dc and ac rows and brown dusted between dc setae, reaching the apex of scutellum, sternite 5 small, without long setae at the apex.

The new species can be incorporated into the key of Sorokina (2009a: 4) to Siberian Coenosia by the following couplets:

8 All femora black, at most with apices narrowly yellow........................................................ 9 - At least mid and hind femora yellow on basal 1/3........................................................... 12 9–11 Couplets as in Sorokina (2009)

12 At least apical half or third of hind femur black............................................................ 12a - All femora completely yellow; only one pair of presutural dorsocentrals......................................... 13 12a Two pairs of presutural dorsocentral setae, the anterior pair 1/2 or 1/3 as long as posterior pair; scutum with 2 distinct brown

narrow longitudinal vittae along dorsocentral setae, without brown dust; mid and hind femora yellow on basal 2/3, all tibiae

yellow........................................................................ C. octopunctata (Zetterstedt) - One pair of presutural dorsocentral setae; scutum with 3 distinct brown narrow longitudinal vittae along dc and ac setae, with

brown dust between dc; mid and hind femora yellow on basal 1/3, all tibiae darkened............. C. wrangelensis sp. nov. 13 Couplet as in Sorokina (2009)

Description: Male: body 3.0– 3.2 mm, wing 3.2–3.5 mm.

Head: Ground-colour black with dense whitish-grey pruinosity. In lateral view, facial edge insignificantly projecting beyond level of profrons. Frontal vitta black, with dense brown dust in frontal view, 3 times as wide as a fronto-orbital plate. Frontal triangle with dense brown dust, not reaching middle of frons by far. Frons with 2-3 pairs of strong frontal setae. Width of parafacial about as wide as postpedicel and becoming a little narrower at middle. Height of gena 2 times width of postpedicel. Antenna black, postpedicel ca. 1.5 times as long as wide. Arista black, short-pubescent, with longest individual hairs shorter than basal diameter of arista. Palpus brownish. Proboscis long, shining, without apical teeth.

Thorax: Black, grey-brownish dusted. Prosternum bare. Ground-setulae of postpronotal lobe setulose, not spinulose. Scutum with 3 distinct brown narrow longitudinal vittae along dc and ac rows and brown dusted between dc setae, reaching the apex of scutellum. Presutural ac in 2 uneven rows; 1 + 3 dc. Two proepisternal setae. Apical and basal scutellars well developed and equal in length.

Legs: Fore femur black with apex narrowly yellow, mid and hind femora yellow on basal 1/3, trochanters yellow; tibiae yellow-brownish, fore tibia lighter; all tarsomeres brown. Pulvilli elongate. Fore tibia with 1 strong long p. Mid tibia with 1 ad, and 1 longer pd at middle. Hind tibia with 1 strong av in apical half, 1 strong ad at middle and without any pd; av and ad not close together, preapical ad strong but only half as long as the strong preapical d, without strong preapical pd. Mid femur with a complete row of pv, one median pv much longer than the others, 3-4 weak av in basal half, with 1 strong a and 2 strong p preapical setae. Hind femur with a complete row of short strong pv and one much longer pd at middle, with row of short av in basal half and with 2-3 long av in apical half.

Wing: Light coloured, with a slight yellow tinge and white base. Costa with weak spinules. Calypters white; lower calypter no longer than upper one. Haltere light yellow.

Abdomen: Black with thick whitish-grey dust, elongate, cylindrical. Tergites 3–5 with indistinct rounded brown sports. Sternite 1 bare, sternite 5 as in Fig. 3C.

Terminalia: as in Figs 3A, B.

Female: unknown.

Habitat: Dry sites with a hummocky mixed grass-willow-moss-grassy (Kobresia, Carex) cover (Fig. 2 B).

Method of capture: By sweep net.

Distribution: Russia, Wrangel Island.


Published as part of Sorokina, Vera S., 2012, Two new species and new records of Muscidae (Diptera) from Wrangel Island, Russia, pp. 483-492 in Zootaxa 3478 on pages 487-489, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.210905


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Coenosia wrangelensis Sorokina, 2012


  • Huckett, H. C. (1965) The Muscidae of Northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Diptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 42, 1 - 370.
  • Sorokina, V. S. (2009 a) A key to Siberian flies of the genus Coenosia Meigen (Diptera, Muscidae) with the descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa, 2308, 1 - 28.