Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
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Exocora nogueirai Lemos & Brescovit, 2013, new species


Exocora nogueirai new species

Figs. 10 A–E; 11A–F; 12A, B; 15E; 16E; 17

Type: Holotype 1ɗ, from Caucaia do Alto (23°41'19''S; 47°01'15''W), Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil, 18–28/VI/2002, A. A. Nogueira et al. col. (IBSP 143772). Paratypes: 2ɗ1Ψ, from Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande (Área C) (23º42'55”S; 46º56'46”W), Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil, 3/XII/2002 (MCN 131417), 2ɗ9Ψ, from Fragmento Florestal Lacerda (23º42'57”S; 47º06'52”W), same locality, 11/XII/2002 (IBSP 131422, 131423); 1ɗ2Ψ, from Caucaia do Alto (23°41'19''S; 47°01'15''W), same locality, 18–28/VI/2002 (MZSP 48843, IBSP 143767), all collected by A. A. Nogueira et al. col.

Etymology: The specific name is in honor of the collector of all specimens, André do Amaral Nogueira. The name is a noun in the genitive.

Diagnosis: The male palp of Exocora nogueirai n. sp. resembles that of E. medonho n. sp., but it differs by presenting on the dorsal part of the lamella characteristica a rounded rim (Figs 10 A–C; 12A, B). Females differ from E. medonho n. sp. by the size of the dorsal plate, which is as wider than high (Figs 10 D; 15E), and by the height of the copulatory duct, which is the half of the membranous sac in E. nogueirai n. sp. (Figs 10 E; 16E).

Description: Male (Holotype IBSP 143772): Total length 1.46. Carapace 0.68 long, 0.6 wide. Carapace yellow with lateral dark markings, in "V" shape. Sternum 0.38 long, 0.44 wide, yellowish, with dark margin. Clypeus 0.12 high. Chelicerae promargin with 2 teeth, retromargin with 3 teeth. Abdomen pale brown, with few dark marking, concentrated near the spinnerets and with spots throughout the abdomen (Figs 11 A, B). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.08, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME-AME 0.01, PME-PME 0.04, AME- ALE 0.02, PME-PLE 0.01. Eyes projected above the clypeus. Ocular area with thick bristles (Figs 11 A, B). Coxa IV separation 1.4 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.78/0.74/0.52/0.7; patella I 0.24; tibia I 0.76; metatarsus I 0.76; tarsus I 0.48. Legs yellowish, with dark markings on each articles. Tibia I prolateral macroseta thick and sinuous, in a "S" shape (Fig. 11 C). TmI 0.16. Palpal tibia without apophysis. Protegulum present. Radix small. Embolus long and filiform, with posterior origin, curves to ectal side and runs anteriorly, getting into the lamella characteristica. Embolic membrane long projected anteriorly (Figs 10 A–C; 12A, B).

Female (Paratype IBSP 143767): Total length 1.48. Carapace 0.62 long, 0.54 wide. Sternum 0.36 long, 0.4 wide. Carapace and sternum color pattern as in male. Clypeus 0.1 high. Chelicerae promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 5 teeth. Abdomen color pattern as in male, but with larger white spots (Figs 11 D, E). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME-AME 0.01, PME-PME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.03, PME-PLE 0.02. Eyes poorly projected and with fewer bristles in ocular area (Fig. 11 E). Coxa IV separation 1.8 times their width. Leg formula I-II-IV-III. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.72/0.68/0.52/0.7; patella I 0.22; tibia I 0.62; metatarsus I 0.66; tarsus I 0.42. Legs color pattern as in male. Tibia I prolateral macroseta thinner and straight (Fig. 11 F). TmI 0.21, dorsal tibial macrosetae 2-2-2-2. TmIV absent. Epigynalventral plate prominent. Spermathecae rounded. Copulatory ducts originate from the posterior side of the spermathecae, oriented anteriorly at the ectal side, curving ventrally and open into a copulatory opening mesally. Fertilization ducts oriented mesally, with origin on the posterior side of the spermatheca (Figs 10 D, E; 15E; 16E).

Variation: Males (n=10): Total length 1.38–1.64; carapace length 0.66–0.78; carapace width 0.56–0.66; femur I length 0.78–0.84. Females (n=10): Total length 1.5–1.78; carapace length 0.66–0.74; carapace width 0.54–0.6; femur I length 0.68–0.78.

Distribution: Known only for Cotia, São Paulo, Brasil (Fig. 17).

Material examined (N=43): BRAZIL, São Paulo: Cotia, Caucaia do Alto, (23°41'19''S; 47°01'15''W), 4ɗ8Ψ, 18–28/VI/2002 (IBSP 38092, 143764, 143766, 143769–143772); Fragmento Florestal Beto/Jamil, (23º42'57”S; 47º04'25”W), 1ɗ, 07/XII/2002 (IBSP 131428); Fragmento Florestal Dito André, (23º44'07”S; 47º03'32”W), 1ɗ3Ψ, 10/XII/2002 (IBSP 131419–131421); Fragmento Florestal Lacerda, (23º42'57”S; 47º06'52”W), 2ɗ15Ψ, 11/XII/2002 (IBSP 131424–131427); Fragmento Florestal Lila, (23º43'43”S; 47º06'55”W), 3Ψ, 18/III/2003 (IBSP 131430); Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, (23°36'14''S; 46°55'8''W), 3ɗ3Ψ, 8/III/2003, (IBSP 131416; 131418) all collected by A. A. Nogueira et al. col.


Published as part of Lemos, Yuji & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2013, New species of the spider genus Exocora Millidge, 1991 (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Brazil, pp. 261-278 in Zootaxa 3599 (3) on pages 271-274, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3599.3.4,


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sp. nov.
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Exocora nogueirai Lemos & Brescovit, 2013