Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Exocora ribeiroi Lemos & Brescovit, 2013, new species


Exocora ribeiroi new species

Figs 6 A–D; 7A–F; 15C; 16C; 17

Types: Holotype 1ɗ, from Estação Biológica Costão da Serra (28º66'19''S, 49º62'37''W), Siderópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1/VII/2006, R. A. Teixeira et al. col. (IBSP 84839). Paratype: 1Ψ, from Rio Molha (28º31'S; 49º19'W), Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 23/X/2006 – 25/I/2007, R. Teixeira col. (IBSP 129743); 2ɗ4Ψ, from Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata (29°26'S; 50°35'W), São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 18/V/2002, R. Ott col. (MCN 39413), 1ɗ1Ψ, 2/I/2001, R. Ott col. (MCN 39414).

Etymology: The species name is in memory of Jair Aparecido Ribeiro, a great friend, who fought cancer until his last day. The name is a noun in genitive.

Diagnosis: Specimens of Exocora ribeiroi n. sp. resemble those of E. girotii n. sp., differing in the shape of the anterior part of lamella characteristica, which is straight and curved dorsally (Figs 6 A, B). Females of E. ribeiroi n. sp. can be diagnosed by the opening of the atrium, wider in E. girotii n. sp., and by the distance between the copulatory ducts, which are more separated than in the other species in the genus (Figs 6 C, D; 15C; 16C).

Description: Male (Holotype IBSP 84839): Total length 1.92. Carapace 0.88 long, 0.72 wide; orange with dark lateral markings. Sternum 0.46 long, 0.5 wide, orange with darkened margins. Clypeus 0.16 high. Chelicerae promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 3 teeth. Abdomen pale brown with strong dark markings along the entire surface (Figs 7 A, B). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.1, PME 0.08, PLE 0.1, AME-AME 0.02, PME-PME 0.02, AME-ALE 0.03, PME-PLE 0.03. Eyes projected. Bristles present in ocular area (Fig. 7 B). Coxa IV separation 1.14 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.94/0.86/0.6/0.8; patella I 0.3; tibia I 0.92; metatarsus I 0.92; tarsus I 0.54. Legs orange with darkened markings on each articles. Tibia I prolateral macroseta thick and curved (Fig. 7 C). TmI 0.22. Palpal tibia without apophysis. Protegulum present. Radix small. Embolus long, filiform, with origin at the posterior part of the embolic division, runs to the ectal side curving several times. Embolic membrane small (Figs 6 A, B).

Female (Paratype IBSP 129743): Total length 1.8. Carapace 0.82 long, 0.66 wide. Sternum 0.46 long, 0.46 wide. Clypeus 0.1 high. Chelicerae promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 5 teeth. Body color pattern same as male (Figs 7 D, E). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.09, PME 0.09, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.02, PME-PME 0.02, AME-ALE 0.03, PME-PLE 0.03. Eyes as observed in males, but with less bristles in ocular area (Fig. 7 E). Coxa IV separation 1.16 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.8/0.76/0.58/0.74; patella I 0.26; tibia I 0.74; metatarsus I 0.74; tarsus I 0.46. Legs pattern same as male, tibia I prolateral macroseta straighter (Fig. 7 F). TmI 0.22. Epigynum ventral plate prominent (Figs 6 C; 15C). Spermathecae oblong. Copulatory ducts long and coiled, with its origin in the ventral part of the spermathecae. Fertilization duct originating from the dorsal part of the spermatheca, running ectally (Figs 6 D; 16C).

Variation: Males (n=5): Total length 1.72–2.06; carapace length 0.92–1.02; carapace width 0.78–0.88; femur I length 1.0–1.1. Females (n=10): Total length 1.68–2.08; carapace length 0.8–0.88; carapace width 0.66–0.76; femur I length 0.76–0.88.

Distribution: States of São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil (Fig. 17).

Material examined (N=17): BRAZIL, São Paulo: São José do Barreiro, Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina (22º43'S; 44º36'W), 1ɗ, 28/IV–3/V/2002, Equipe Biota col. (IBSP 60020); Santa Catarina: Campo Belo do Sul (27°53'56''S; 50°45'39''W), 1Ψ, 23–27/XI/2007, T. G. Pinto col. (MCN 4207); Rio Grande do Sul: São Francisco de Paula, Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata (29°26'S; 50°35'W), 4ɗ11Ψ, 4/IX/2001, R. Ott col. (MCN 39409-39410; 39412; 39415; 39417).


Published as part of Lemos, Yuji & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2013, New species of the spider genus Exocora Millidge, 1991 (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Brazil, pp. 261-278 in Zootaxa 3599 (3) on page 268, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3599.3.4,


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sp. nov.
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Exocora ribeiroi Lemos & Brescovit, 2013