Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Smeringopina kinguele Huber, 2013, new species


Smeringopina kinguele new species

Figs. 25, 115–119, 163, 173, 184–189, 240–245

Type. ♂ holotype from Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, between Tchimbélé and Kinguélé (0°33.8’N, 10°18.8’E), 520 m a.s.l., forest near river, 10.viii.2011 (B.A. & S.R. Huber), in ZFMK (Ar 10190).

Other material examined. GABON: Estuaire: Monts de Cristal, between Tchimbélé and Kinguélé, same data as holotype, 2♂ 8♀ 3 juvs. in ZFMK (Ar 10191); same data, 1♀ 1 juv. in pure ethanol, in ZFMK (Gab 193).

Etymology. The name is a noun in apposition, derived from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Smallest known Smeringopina species (body length about 2.4 mm), easily distinguished from congeners by S-shaped procursus with fringed membranous processes ventrally (Figs. 184–185), distinctive modification of clypeus (pair of slender, weakly sclerotized processes at rim), and by shape of epigynum (wide and short anterior plate, very large posterior plate; Figs. 163, 188).

Male (holotype). Total body length 2.4, carapace width 0.85. Leg 1: 17.1 (4.1 + 0.3 + 4.2 + 7.2 + 1.3), tibia 2: 2.5, tibia 3: 1.8, tibia 4: 3.0; tibia 1 L/d: 68. Distance PME-PME 95 µm, diameter PME 80 µm, distance PME-ALE 35 µm, distance AME-AME 35 µm, diameter AME 45 µm. Carapace ochre-yellow with brown posterior mark connected with brown mark posteriorly on ocular area, brown lateral margins; clypeus with light brown pattern, sternum dark brown; legs light brown, with small black marks (especially proximally on femora), tips of femora and tibiae whitish, no darker rings; abdomen ochre-gray with dark pattern dorsally, laterally, and ventrally, ventral dark bands without lateral constriction. Habitus as in Figs. 115–116, ocular area slightly elevated, secondary eyes with very indistinct ‘pseudo-lenses’; clypeus with pair of slender, weakly sclerotized processes at rim; shallow thoracic pit and pair of shallow furrows diverging behind pit. Chelicerae as in Fig. 186, with lateral apophyses in very distal position, with small frontal apophyses near tips of clypeus projections, without modified hairs. Palps as in Figs. 117–119; coxa unmodified; trochanter with strong ventral apophysis with sclerotized cones distally (Fig. 242); femur with large retrolateral apophysis directed toward ventrally, without prolateral modification, with low weakly sclerotized ventral hump distally; prolateral femur-patella joint only slightly shifted toward ventrally; tarsus with some longer and slightly stronger hairs dorsally; procursus as in Figs. 184–185, S-shaped with fringed membranous processes ventrally, without hinge; bulb with slender sclerotized process arising from weakly sclerotized protrusion (sperm duct opens at basis of slender process; Figs. 187, 243). Legs without spines and curved hairs, with few vertical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia 1 at 2%; prolateral trichobothrium present on all tibiae; pseudosegments barely visible. ALS with seven spigots each; gonopore with two epiandrous spigots (Fig. 240).

Variation. Tibia 1 in 2 other males: 4.7, 4.9.

Female. In general similar to male; clypeus unmodified. Tibia 1 in 8 females: 3.2–3.7 (mean 3.5). Epigynum anterior plate wide and short, with pair of indistinct small pockets about 300 µm apart (Figs. 163, 188, 245); posterior plate relatively large, weakly curved; internal genitalia as in Figs. 173, 189, and 241. ALS with seven spigots each (Fig. 244).

Natural history. Collected under dead leaves on the ground in a well preserved very humid forest near a river.

Distribution. Known from type locality only (Fig. 114).


Published as part of Huber, Bernhard A., 2013, Revision and cladistic analysis of the Guineo-Congolian spider genus Smeringopina Kraus (Araneae, Pholcidae, pp. 1-160 in Zootaxa 3713 (1) on page 15, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3713.1.1,


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sp. nov.
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Smeringopina kinguele Huber, 2013