Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Key to the adult females of Fiorinia species known from China

1. Interantennal process present............................................................................ 2

- Interantennal process absent............................................................................ 17

2. L1 prominent, approximately as long as wide or somewhat longer than wide; with 4 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium.................................................................................................... 3

- L1 elongate, distinctly sunken into apex of pygidium; with 1–8 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium............... 5

3. Pygidium broader than long, without a notch on lobule of L2; anterior spiracles with 3–5 trilocular pores.. F. euonymi Young

- Pygidium triangular, with 2 small notches on lobule of L2; anterior spiracles with less than 3 trilocular pores............. 4

4. Marginal gland spines equal to or slightly longer than L1; gland spines absent on angle of pygidium.... F. fuzhouensis Young

- Marginal gland spines obviously longer than L1; with 2–4 gland spines on angle of pygidium........ F. turpiniae Takahashi

5. Marginal gland spines absent on pygidium; marginal macroducts present or absent on pygidium....................... 6

- Both marginal gland spines and marginal macroducts present on pygidium........................................ 9

6. With 1 pair of lobes, L2 degenerate; both marginal gland spines and marginal macroducts absent on pygidium.................................................................................................. F. saprosmae Green

- With 2 pairs of lobes; marginal gland spines absent on pygidium but marginal macroducts present on pygidium........... 7

7. With 4 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium; marginal gland spines absent on prepygidial area................................................................................................ F. coronata Williams & Watson

- With 3 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium; marginal gland spines present on prepygidial area................... 8

8. With 2–4 marginal gland spines on abdominal segment II, plus 1 on III; 1–4 gland tubercles on mesothorax and 27–33 on the metathorax and abdominal segment I...................................................... F. arengae Takahashi

- With 1 or 2 marginal gland spines on abdominal segment II, plus 1 on III; 1 or 2 gland tubercles on mesothorax, 2 or 3 on metathorax and 3–6 on abdominal segment I................................................ F. taiwana Takahashi

9. Dorsal macroducts present on prepygidial area............................................................. 10

- Dorsal macroducts absent on prepygidial area.............................................................. 11

10. Pygidium with submedian dorsal macroducts present plus some submarginal dorsal macroducts on angle of base of pygidium; with 4–7 gland spines on prepygidial area...................................................... F. horii Kuwana

- Pygidium without submedian dorsal macroducts but with 1 dorsal macroduct on each of abdominal segments I, III and IV; sub- marginal dorsal macroducts absent on angle of base of pygidium; with 3 or 4 gland spines on prepygidial area................................................................................................. F. vacciniae Kuwana

11. Pygidium with only 1 submedial dorsal duct in front of dorsal sclerotization.................... F. formosensis Takahashi

- Pygidium without submedial dorsal ducts................................................................. 12

12. Each L2 a low broad, serrate process..................................................................... 13

- Each L2 well-developed and bilobulate................................................................... 14

13. Pygidium with a few small dorsal ducts scattered around base and with up to 20 gland tubercles in an interrupted row on mar- gin as far as mesothorax..................................................................... F. theae Green

- Pygidium with a few small dorsal ducts present on base and on submedial area of abdominal segment II and proceeding two segments; prepygidial region with 31–38 gland tubercles arranged in an interrupted row between prothorax and abdominal segment II......................................................................... F. proboscidaria Green

14. Pygidium with 8 pairs of marginal gland spines and 8 pairs of marginal macroducts, with 1 submarginal macroduct on base of pygidium........................................................................... F. hisakakii Takahashi

- Pygidium with fewer than 8 marginal gland spine and fewer than 8 pairs of marginal macroducts; without submarginal mac- roducts on pygidium.................................................................................. 15

15. Pygidium with 2 pairs of marginal gland spines and 3 or 4 marginal macroducts............... F. rhododendri Takahashi

- Pygidium with more than 2 pairs of marginal gland spines and with 3 pairs of marginal macroducts................... 16

16. With 4 pairs of marginal gland spine on pygidium; anterior spiracles with 4 trilocular pores; with 2 or 3 very small tubercles on each side of head...................................................................... F. randiae Takahashi

- With 5 pairs of marginal gland spine on pygidium; anterior spiracles with 2 trilocular pores; without tubercles laterally on head................................................................................... F. smilaceti Takahashi

17. With 3 pairs of lobes; L1 projecting from pygidium.......................................................... 18

- With fewer than 2 pairs of lobes; L1 sunken into or projecting from pygidium..................................... 19

18. With 5 pairs of marginal gland spines on pygidium; anterior spiracles with 3–7 trilocular pores, posterior spiracles with 0 or 1 trilocular pore; with 7 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium.................................. F. yunnanensis Hu

- With 6 pairs of marginal gland spines on pygidium; anterior spiracles with 4 or 5 trilocular pores, posterior spiracles with 0 or 1 trilocular pore; with 6 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium............................... F. pinicorticis Ferris

19. With 1 pair of lobes, L2 degenerate...................................................................... 20

- With 2 pairs of lobes, L2 bilobulate...................................................................... 21

20. L1 sunken into pygidium; with 4 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium; without submarginal macroducts on pygidium............................................................................................ F. citri Young

- L1 projecting from pygidium; with 7 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium; with a submarginal macroducts on each of abdominal segments VI and VII....................................................... F. rhododendricola Tang

21. A sclerotized area present on anterior margin of head; with 28–32 gland tubercles on cephalothorax plus abdominal segment I..................................................................................... F. dinghuensis sp.n

- Without a sclerotized area on anterior margin of head; with or without gland spines on cephalothorax but, if present, less than

28................................................................................................. 22 22. Without marginal gland spines on pygidium................................................................ 23

- With marginal gland spines on pygidium.................................................................. 25

23. Submedian dorsal duct absent; with 1 or 2 marginal gland spines on abdominal segment II.............. F. linderae Takagi

- Submedian dorsal duct present; marginal gland spines present on abdominal segments III or IV as well as II............ 24

24. L1 with 4 obvious notches on inner margins but without notches on outer margins; L2 present, divided; with 1 small, short gland spine present anteriorly on each of abdominal segments II, III and IV; with 2 or 3 submedial macroducts on segment IV.................................................................................... F. tianshuiensis sp.n.

- L1 with 2 obvious notches on inner margins and with 3 notches on outer margins; L2 much reduced, at most represented by a slight prominence; with a short gland spine on each of abdominal segments II and III; submedial macroducts absent............................................................................................... F. minor Maskell

25. Pygidium with marginal macroducts on pygidium, but without submarginal or submedial macroducts.................. 29

- Pygidium with both marginal macroducts and submarginal or submedial macroducts............................... 26

26. With 2 pairs of marginal gland spines on pygidium.......................................................... 27

- With 3 or 4 pairs of marginal gland spines on pygidium...................................................... 28

27. L1 not divided; with 2 pairs of marginal gland spines on prepygidium area; with 4 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium...................................................................................... F. quercifolii Ferris

- L1 divided; with 5 pairs of marginal gland spines on prepygidium area; with 6 pairs of marginal macroducts on pygidium........................................................................................... F. externa Ferris

28. With 2 marginal gland spines on pygidium plus 5 or 6 marginal gland spines on prepygidial area; anterior spiracle with 8–15 trilocular pores; with 7–9 submarginal dorsal ducts in basal corner of pygidium.......................................................................................................................... F. japonica Kuwana

- With 3 marginal gland spines on pygidium plus 7 marginal gland spines on prepygidial area; anterior spiracle with 3–6 trilocular pores; without submarginal dorsal ducts in basal corner of pygidium................... F. fioriniae (Targioni-Tozzetti)

29. Pygidium without submedian and submarginal dorsal ducts; marginal gland spines short, about 1–3 times longer than L1 or shorter than L1...................................................................................... 30

- Pygidium with 1 or 2 small submedian dorsal ducts present in front of dorsal sclerotization; marginal gland spines on lateral of margins of L1 and L2 about 4 times longer than L1............................................ F. p i n ic o l a Maskell

30. Pygidium with 8 marginal macroducts.................................................................... 31

- Pygidium with fewer than 8 marginal macroducts........................................................... 32

31. Marginal gland spines on lateral margins of L1 and L2 shorter than L1; with 11 marginal gland spines on prepygidial area....................................................................................... F. keteleeriae Young

- Marginal gland spines on lateral margins of L1 and L2 longer than L1; with 8 marginal gland spines on prepygidial area........................................................................................... F. separata Takagi

32. Pygidium with 7 marginal macroducts; inner lobule of L2 smaller than outer lobule; L2 without notches................ 33

- Pygidium with 3 marginal macroducts; inner lobule of L2 similar in size to outer lobule; L2 with 3 notches on inner lobule and 3 or 4 on outer lobule.............................................................. F. cunninghamiana Young

33. Anterior spiracles with 7–9 trilocular pores; marginal gland spines on lateral margins of L1 and L2 longer than L1; with 6–8 marginal gland spines on prepygidial area..................................................... F. myricae Young

- Anterior spiracles with 3 or 4 trilocular pores; marginal gland spines on lateral margins of L1 and L2 shorter than L1; with 1 or 2 marginal gland spines on prepygidial area................................................ F. camelleosae Young


Published as part of Wei, Jiufeng, Zhang, Bin & Feng, Jinian, 2013, Two new species of Fiorinia Targioni-Tozzetti (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae) from China, pp. 92-100 in Zootaxa 3641 (1) on pages 94-95, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3641.1.10,


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