Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Karaops nyangumarta Crews, 2013, sp. nov.


Karaops nyangumarta sp. nov.

(Figs 25–28, 37)

Type material. Holotype: female, Southern Flank to Jinidi Rail, 98.5 km of Newman [23˚4’14” S 118˚49’16” E, Western Australia, Australia], 5 August 2011, N. Watson, J. Tatler, Biota (WAM T117876).

Paratype: 1 male, Southern Flank to Jinidi Rail, 98.5 km of Newman, [23˚4’14” S 118˚49’16” E, Western Australia, Australia], 5 August 2011, N. Watson, J. Tatler, Biota (WAM T117875).

Other material examined. AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 1 male, 83 km E of Meenatheena Outcamp, SITE NE12, 21˚17’18.1” S 121˚14’14.5” E, 29 July 2003 – 11 October 2004, CALM PILBARA SURVEY, ethylene glycol pitfalls (WAM T79399).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Nyangumarta language that is indigenous to the type locality. This name is to be treated as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Females of K. nyangumarta sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species using characters of the epigyne. Ventrally, on the epigynal plate there are two ovate depressions located posteriorly, separated by a small median septum (Fig. 25). Males of K. nyangumarta sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species by having an embolus that rests in a large trough of the conductor, the tip of which is twisted and directed distally (Fig. 27).

Description. Female (holotype):

Colour. Dorsal shield of prosoma brown with darker marks medially and laterally; sternum pale yellow; chelicerae yellow-brown with darker infuscations anteriorly and laterally; maxillae pale yellow-brown, lightening distally; labium pale yellow-brown, lightening distally; opisthosoma dorsally reddish-brown, with red, dark, and grey setae, and greyish horizontal w-shaped marks; ventrally pale yellow; legs light reddish-yellow, darkening distally; annulations clearly visible, not entirely encircling femora, with open centres on femora and tibiae, with red setae.

Prosoma. 0.82 times longer than broad; clypeus 0.13 high.

Eyes. AER nearly straight; PER recurved; PME larger than AME, PLE largest, ALE smallest; eye group width 1.34; eye diameters, AME 0.16, ALE 0.11, PME 0.27, PLE 0.50; interdistances AME-ALE 0.36, PME-PLE 0.34, ALE-PLE 0.29, AME-PME 0.04; ocular quadrangle AME-AME 0.14, PME-PME 0.46.

Sternum. 0.89 times longer than broad.

Chelicerae. Promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 2 teeth.

Female pedipalp. Claw with more than 6 teeth.

Epigyne (Fig. 25). Lateral lobes only distinct posteriorly; median ovate excavation divided by small median septum, extending approximately 1/3 way up epigynal plate to bilobed hood; copulatory openings located beneath hood.

Vulva (Fig. 26). Narrow copulatory ducts extend anteriorly then curve posterolaterally; a small pair of spermathecae located at the top of curve; ducts curve dorsally into larger, round spermathecae; fertilisation ducts located posteriorly, extending anterolaterally.

Opisthosoma. Damaged, so unable to determine if caudal setal tufts are present.

Legs. Leg I only slightly shorter than legs II and IV (Leg III missing); leg formula unknown (at least one leg missing); leg IV longest; tarsal claws without teeth; spination: leg I, Fm pr 1-1-1, d 1-1-1, rl 0; Ti d 0, v 2-2 -2-2-2; Mt v 2-2 -2-2; leg II, Fm pr 0-0-1, d 1-1-1, rl 0; Ti v 2-2 -2-2-2; Mt v 2-2 -2-2; leg IV, Fm pr 0-0-1, d 1-1-1, rl 0; Ti 0; Mt 0.

Measurements. Total length 7.37. Dorsal shield of prosoma length 2.64, width 3.21. Sternum length 1.52, width 1.70. Opisthosoma length 4.73, width 6.54. Pedipalp: Fm 0.79, Pt 0.45, Ti 0.63, Ta 0.73, (total) 2.60. Leg I: Fm 3.00, Pt 1.20, Ti 2.68, Mt 2.04, Ta 1.18, (total) 10.10. Leg II: Fm 3.66, Pt 1.34, Ti 3.04, Mt 2.54, Ta 1.16, (total) 11.74. Leg IV: Fm 3.80, Pt 1.05, Ti 3.20, Mt 2.50, Ta 1.41, (total) 11.96.

Male (from 23˚4’14” S 118˚49’16” E, Southern Flank to Jinidi Rail, 98.5 km of Newman, Western Australia, Australia; WAM T117875):

Colour. Dorsal shield of prosoma yellow-brown, with slightly darker marks laterally; sternum pale yellow; chelicerae pale yellow with darker infuscations anteriorly; maxillae pale yellow; labium pale yellow; opisthosoma dorsally yellow-brown with dark horizontal markings and several dark flecks and spots; ventrally pale yellow; legs yellow-brown annulations present on all segments of all legs, except femora of legs I, which have a black area prolaterally along the length of the femora; annulations on other segments do not entirely encircle femora and have open centres.

Prosoma. 0.94 times longer than broad; clypeus 0.05 high.

Eyes. AER slightly recurved; PER recurved; PME larger than AME, PLE largest, ALE smallest; eye group width 1.23; eye diameters, AME 0.21, ALE 0.09, PME 0.23, PLE 0.34; interdistances AME-ALE 0.36, PME-PLE 0.27, ALE-PLE 0.25, AME-PME 0.02; ocular quadrangle AME-AME 0.11, PME-PME 0.43.

Sternum. 0.66 times longer than broad.

Chelicerae. Promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 2 teeth.

Pedipalp (Figs 27–28). Fm, spination d 0-1-2; RTA with 2 apophyses, dorsal apophysis longer than ventral apophysis, narrow, curving ventrally, pointed at tip, ventral apophysis quadrate, rounded at edges; cymbium round to triangular; conductor large, arising mediolaterally, somewhat crescent shaped, undulate at tip, which curves ventrally and anteriorly, with large trough that mostly covers embolus; embolus long and slender, arising from large tegular lobe, tapering abruptly, beginning at 8 o'clock, terminating at 1 o'clock; MA with wide base, tapering distally, pointed at tip, curving ventrally, then laterally, with single pointed process.

Legs. Leg I only slightly shorter than legs III and IV (Leg II missing); leg formula unknown (at least one leg missing); leg III longest; tarsal claws without teeth; spination: leg I, Fm pr 0-1-1, d 1-1-1, rl 1-1-1; Ti d 0, v 2-2 -2- 2-2; Mt v 2-2 -2-2; leg III, Fm pl 0-0-1, d 1-1-1, rl 0-1-1; Ti 2-2; Mt 2-0; leg IV, Fm pr 0-0-1, d 1-1-1, rl 0-1-1; Ti v 2-2; Mt v 1 -0.

Measurements. Total length 6.77. Dorsal shield of prosoma length 3.20, width 3.39. Sternum length 1.18, width 1.78. Opisthosoma length 3.57, width 3.61. Pedipalp: Fm 0.98, Pt 0.45, Ti 0.43, Ta 0.98, (total) 2.84. Leg I: Fm 4.49, Pt 1.39, Ti 3.51, Mt 3.32, Ta 1.50, (total) 14.21. Leg II: Absent. Leg III: Fm 5.14, Pt 1.43, Ti 4.20, Mt 4.15, Ta 1.70, (total) 16.62. Leg IV: Fm 4.83, Pt 1.23, Ti 3.71, Mt 3.95, Ta 1.70, (total) 15.42.

Distribution. Apparently widespread throughout the Pilbara, although only known from two localities, but they are over 300 km apart (Fig. 37).

Life history and habitat preferences. Under rocks in gorge on the Governor.


Published as part of Crews, Sarah C., 2013, Thirteen new species of the spider genus Karaops (Araneae: Selenopidae) from Western Australia, pp. 443-469 in Zootaxa 3647 (3) on pages 461-463, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3647.3.3,


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Karaops nyangumarta Crews, 2013