Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Australocosmica bernoulliensis Criscione & Köhler, 2013, n. sp.


Australocosmica bernoulliensis n. sp.

Figs 3 A, 4A, B, 6A

Holotype. Australia, WA, Kimberley, Bonaparte Archipelago: Sta. KC-031, 15.8 km NW of Cape Brewster, small unnamed island 1 km E of Bernoulli Island, -15.018, 124.795 (coll. V. Kessner, A. Longbottom, 12 July 1988) (WAM S84058). Paratypes. Australia, WA, Kimberley, Bonaparte Archipelago: same data as for holotype, 4 wet (WAM S83028), 5 wet (FMNH 219112), 22 dry (WAM S83027), 22 dry (FMNH 219111); Sta. KC-030, Bernoulli Island, 16.5 km NW of Cape Brewster, -15.023, 124.785 (coll. V. Kessner, A. Longbottom, 12 July 1988), 10 dry (WAM S83025), 9 dry (FMNH 219103), 12 wet (WAM S83026), 12 wet (FMNH 219104). Other material. Australia, WA, Kimberley, Bonaparte Archipelago: Sta. KC-033, Coronation Islands, 5.6 km NE of Cape Brewster, unnamed island, -15.073, 124.945 (coll. V. Kessner, A. Longbottom, 13 July 1988), 7 dry (WAM S83029), 8 dry (FMNH 219117).

Etymology. In reference to Bernoulli Island group, including the type locality, Latinized adjective.

Description. Shell (Figs 3 A, 4A, B). Diameter and height average; shape broadly conical. Whorls with slightly angulate periphery, moderately shouldered underneath suture. Axial ribs weak. Colour brownish-horn to light brown. Genitalia (Fig. 6 A). Penial length equivalent to Ń of anterior part of oviduct (= vagina and free oviduct). Inner penial wall posteriorly with three corrugated longitudinal pilasters, anteriorly with longitudinal folds extending into atrium. Vaginal about half as long as penis and free oviduct. Spermoviduct more than three times longer than free oviduct and 1.5 times longer than albumen gland.

Remarks. Shell colour darker than other congeners except A. augustae and A. rotunda. On average smaller than A. augustae, A. crassicostata, A. pallida, A. rotunda and A. sanctumpatriciusae, larger than other congeners; more elevated than A. buffonensis, A. nana, A. sanctumpatriciusae and A. vulcanica, flatter than other congeners; with larger number of whorls than other congeners except A. augustae A. crassicostata and A. pallida. Sculpture finer than in A. augustae, A. sanctumpatriciusae, A. crassicostata, A. rotunda and A. nana. Inner penial wall sculpture similar to that of A. augustae but with corrugated longitudinal pilasters. This is Solem’s (1991) manuscript species 78, erroneously considered by Köhler (2011b) as endemic to Coronation Island. However, this species has not been collected on Coronation Island but only on an unnamed island SE of it, on Bernoulli Island and on another small unnamed island E of the former. Additionally, in Köhler’s (2011; Fig. 1) map the two latter localities are erroneously labelled with ‘NSP 79’ (= A. crassicostata).


Published as part of Criscione, Francesco & Köhler, Frank, 2013, Six new species of Australocosmica Köhler, 2011 from the Kimberley islands, Western Australia (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Camaenidae), pp. 101-115 in Zootaxa 3608 (2) on page 105, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3608.2.1,


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