Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Key to species of Paradiopatra

1 Peristomial cirri absent (Fig. 1 C)........................................................................ 2

- Peristomial cirri present (Fig 3 C)........................................................................ 6

2 Branchiae present.................................................................................... 3

- Branchiae absent..................................................................................... 4

3 Branchiae from chaetiger 16 or later as single filaments (Fig 2 D)......................... Paradiopatra acirrata n. sp.

- Branchiae from chaetiger 8–10 with up to three filaments......................... Paradiopatra gracilis Imajima, 2009

4 Two anterior pairs of parapodia with subulate ventral cirri..................... Paradiopatra abyssalis (Imajima, 1999)

- Three anterior pairs of parapodia with subulate ventral cirri.................................................... 5

5 Pseudocompound falcigers present on the first four pairs of parapodia............ Paradiopatra antarctica (Monro, 1930)

- Simple falcigers present on the first three pairs of parapodia..................... Paradiopatra minuta (McIntosh, 1885)

6 Subacicular hooks starting from chaetiger 9, rarely from chaetigers 8–11.......................................... 7

- Subacicular hooks starting from chaetiger 12 or later........................................................ 26

7 Branchiae present.................................................................................... 8

- Branchiae absent.................................................................................... 21

8 Branchiae from chaetiger 3, rarely from chaetigers 4 or 5, well developed with not less than seven filaments............. 9

- Branchiae from chaetiger 6 (very rarely on chaetiger 5) or later, single or pectinate with not more than six branchial filaments.................................................................................................. 10

9 Best developed branchiae with 7–11 filaments; median antenna shorter than lateral antennae; pseudocompound falcigers with moderately long hoods...................................................... Paradiopatra parva (Moore, 1911)

- Best developed branchiae with 14–18 filaments; median antenna equal in length to lateral antennae; pseudocompound fal- cigers with long hoods.................................................. Paradiopatra furcatoseta (Monro, 1937)

10 Branchiae from chaetiger 6, rarely from chaetiger 7.......................................................... 11

- Branchiae from chaetiger 8 or later....................................................................... 16

11 Branchiae single, rarely bifid; median antenna more than half as long as lateral antennae........................... 12

- Branchiae pectinate, with more than three filaments in adults; median antenna less than half as long as lateral antennae... 13

12 Frontal lips ovoid; (Fig. 12 C); pseudocompound falcigers clearly bidentate........ Paradiopatra lepta (Chamberlin, 1919)

- Frontal lips trapeziform; pseudocompound falcigers indistinctly bidentate.... Paradiopatra litabranchia (Chamberlin, 1919)

13 Two anterior pairs of parapodia with subulate ventral cirri; pseudocompound falcigers with weakly developed distal append- ages and very long acutely pointed hoods................................................................. 14

- Three anterior pairs of parapodia with subulate ventral cirri; pseudocompound falcigers with well-developed distal appendages and moderately long pointed hoods..................................................................... 15

14 Subacicular hooks always from chaetiger 9............................... Paradiopatra quadricuspis (M. Sars, 1872)

- Subacicular hooks always from chaetiger 8.................................... Paradiopatra yasudai Imajima, 1999

15 Maxillae I with slender tapering distal parts; maxillae IV with 10–11 small teeth; simple tapering chaetae usually present on third pair of parapodia................................................... Paradiopatra pauli (Annenkova, 1952)

- Maxillae I with relatively wide distal shafts; maxillae IV with 5–6 large teeth; simple tapering chaetae absent................................................................................... Paradiopatra striata (Ushakov, 1950)

16 Uni- or tridentate pseudocompound falcigers present at least in some parapodia................................... 17

- All pseudocompound falcigers bidentate................................................................. 20

17 Four pairs of parapodia with bi- to tridentate pseudocompound falcigers............. Paradiopatra simplex Imajima, 1999

- Three pairs of parapodia with uni-, bi- or tridentate pseudocompound falcigers.................................... 18

18 Uni- to bidentate pseudocompound falcigers (Fig. 13 C–E); branchiae single or bifid.............................. 19

- Uni-, bi- and tridentate pseudocompound falcigers; branchiae present from chaetigers 16–17, usually with 4–5 (rarely between 6–8) filaments.......................................................... Paradiopatra ehlersi (McIntosh, 1885)

19 Branchiae as single filaments present for short region; subacicular hooks from chaetiger 9.................................................................................................. Paradiopatra variabilis n. sp. (in part)

- Branchiae single or bifid, continuing to posterior end; subacicular hooks from chaetigers 10–11................................................................................................ Paradiopatra crassa Imajima, 1999

20 Branchiae from chaetigers 10–13; median antenna equal in length or slightly shorter than lateral antennae; ceratophores with three or four rings; ventral cirri on modified parapodia digitiform.......... Paradiopatra bihanica (Intes & Le Loeff, 1975)

- Branchiae from chaetigers 7–9; median antenna less than half length of lateral antennae; ceratophores with 6–8 rings; ventral cirri on modified parapodia pyriform.............................. Paradiopatra pyricirra Budaeva & Fauchald, 2011

21 Frontal lips globular (Fig. 8 B); tubes covered with shell fragments, foraminiferans, echinoid spines, etc. (Fig. 8 A)...... 22

- Frontal lips ovoid (Fig. 12 C); tubes smooth, without foreign objects (tubes of P. imajimai, P. variabilis and P. longicappa unknown).......................................................................................... 23

22 Uni- to weakly bidentate falcigers (Fig. 9 B, C); eyes present; paired subacicular hooks unequal (Fig. 9 D)............................................................................................... Paradiopatra piccola n. sp.

- Clearly bidentate falcigers; eyes absent; paired subacicular hooks equal............. Paradiopatra fragosa (Ehlers, 1887)

23 First two pairs of parapodia with pseudocompound falcigers................................... P. longicappa n. sp.

- First three pairs of parapodia with pseudocompound falcigers................................................. 24

24 Two pairs of eyes present; postchaetal lobes present on first five pairs of parapodia....... Paradiopatra okai Imajima, 1999

- Eyes absent; postchaetal lobes present on first 8–9 pairs of parapodia........................................... 25

25 Pectinate chaetae with 13–15 teeth; mandibles slender with very large protomandibles (Fig. 4 D) Paradiopatra imajimai n. sp.

- Pectinate chaetae with 17–20 teeth; mandibles robust with moderately sized protomandibles (Fig. 13 G)....................................................................................... Paradiopatra variabilis n. sp. (in part)

26 Branchiae present from chaetigers 13–19, with up to four very long and slender filaments on median segments.............................................................................. Paradiopatra fauchaldi Buzhinskaya, 1985

- Branchiae absent.................................................................................... 27

27 Ceratophores of antennae with lateral projections (Fig. 7 A)................................................... 28

- Ceratophores of antennae without lateral projections......................................................... 30

28 Anterior modified parapodia with unidentate pseudocompound falcigers, rarely indistinctly bidentate pseudocompound fal- cigers, or simple or pseudocompound tapering chaetae..................... Paradiopatra hartmanae (Kirkegaard, 1980)

- Anterior modified parapodia with bi- and tridentate pseudocompound falcigers.................................... 29

29 First three pairs of parapodia with bi- and tridentate pseudocompound falcigers.... Paradiopatra papillata (Kucheruk 1979)

- First two pairs of parapodia with bi- and tridentate pseudocompound falcigers............................................................................................ Paradiopatra capbretonensis Aguirrezabalaga et al., 2002

30 Unidentate pseudocompound falcigers present at least in some anterior parapodia....... Paradiopatra unica Imajima, 1999

- Unidentate pseudocompound falcigers absent.............................................................. 31

31 Aciculae of anterior parapodia unusually long, extending as far as falcigers and limbate chaetae from prechaetal lobe (Fig. 11 A–C)...................................................................... Paradiopatra spinosa n. sp.

- Aciculae of anterior parapodia extending to about half length of falcigers or less from prechaetal lobe.................. 32

32 Four pairs of subulate ventral cirri; all pseudocompound falcigers clearly tridentate.. Paradiopatra fiordica (Fauchald, 1982)

- Three pairs of subulate ventral cirri; bi- and tridentate pseudocompound falcigers present............................................................................................... Paradiopatra hispanica (Amoureux, 1972)


Published as part of Paxton, Hannelore & Budaeva, Nataliya, 2013, Paradiopatra (Annelida: Onuphidae) from eastern Australian waters, with the description of six new species, pp. 140-164 in Zootaxa 3686 (2) on pages 162-163, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3686.2.2,


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  • Imajima, M. (2009) Deep-sea benthic polychaetes off Pacific coast of the northern Honshu, Japan. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs, 39, 39 - 192.
  • Imajima, M. (1999) Onuphidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan, excluding the genus Onuphis. National Science Museum Monographs, 16, 1 - 115.
  • Monro, C. C. A. (1930) Polychaete worms. Discovery Reports, Cambridge, 2, 1 - 222.
  • McIntosh, W. C. (1885) Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by the H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during the Years 1873 - 1876 Zoology, 12, 1 - 554. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 59771
  • Moore, J. P. (1911) The polychaetous annelids dredged by the U. S. S. ' Albatross' off the coast of southern California in 1904. III Euphrosynidae to Goniadidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 62, 234 - 318.
  • Monro, C. C. A. (1937) Polychaeta. The John Murray Expedition Scientific Reports, 4, 243 - 321.
  • Chamberlin, R. V. (1919) The Annelida Polychaeta. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 48, 1 - 514.
  • Sars, G. O. (1872) Diagnoser af nye Annelider fra Christianiafjorden, efter Professor M. Sars's efterladte Manuskripter. Forhandlinger Fra Videnskabs-Selskabet I Christiania, 1871, 406 - 417.
  • Annenkova, N. P. (1952) New species of bristle-worms (Polychaeta). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 12, 148 - 154. [in Russian]
  • Ushakov, P. V. (1950) Polychaetes from the Sea of Okothsk. Issledovaniya dal'nevostochnykh Morei SSSR, 2, 140 - 236. [in Russian]
  • Budaeva, N. & Fauchald, K. (2011) Phylogeny of the Diopatra generic complex with a revision of Paradiopatra Ehlres (sic), 1887 (Polychaeta: Onuphidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 163, 319 - 436. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.2011.00701. x
  • Ehlers, E. (1887) Reports on the results of dredging, under the direction of L. F. Pourtales, during the years 1868 - 1870, and of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877 - 78), and in the Caribbean Sea (1878 - 79), in the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake ", Lieut. - Com. C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. 31. Report on the annelids. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 15, 1 - 335.
  • Buzhinskaya, G. N. (1985) Polychaeta of the shelf off south Sakhalin and their ecology. Akademia Nauk Zoologicheskii Institut Issledovania Fauna Morei, 30, 72 - 224. [in Russian]
  • Kirkegaard, J. B. (1980) Abyssal benthic polychaetes from the northeast Atlantic Ocean, southwest of the British Isles. Steenstrupia, 6, 81 - 98.
  • Kucheruk, N. V. (1979) New species of the family Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from the Pacific. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 58, 1227 - 1230. [in Russian]
  • Aguirrezabalaga, F., Ceberio, A. & Paxton, H. (2002) Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic) with the description of Paradiopatra capbretonensis sp. nov. Steenstrupia, 27, 19 - 28. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3989 / scimar. 2006.70 s 1141
  • Fauchald, K. (1982) Revision of Onuphis, Nothria and Paradiopatra (Polychaeta: Onuphidae) based upon type material. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 356, 1 - 109. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00810282.356
  • Amoureux, L. (1972) Annelides Polychetes recueillies sur les pentes du talus continental, au large de la Galice (Espagne) campagnes 1967 et 1968 de la ' Thalassa'. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 13, 63 - 89.