Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Hydrellia schneiderae Júnior, Mathis & Couri, 2014, sp. nov.


Hydrellia schneiderae sp. nov.

(Figs.: 27.1–27.7, 28.1–28.2 and 29)

Diagnosis. Frontal vitta silvery brown with some golden microtomentum, especially in ocellar triangle; frontoorbital plate transitional, silvery brown to black; fronto-orbits black; antennae mostly grayish black; pedicel with 1 distinct spine like setae dorsally and 1 well-developed setula behind this; 7–9 aristal rays; maxillary palpus yellow to pale yellow; well-developed dorsocentral setae 0+1; notopleuron transitional, mostly silvery gray; joints yellow to orange yellow; ctenidial setae along anteroventral margin of forefemur weakly developed; forebasitarsomere darkened; mid and hind tarsi yellow to dark orange yellow becoming dark brown apically; anterior margin of sternite 5 shallowly convex, anterior corners forming acute angles, posterior margin with a deep, broad, medial sulcus, arms bent medially, densely microsetulose on inner margin and with numerous spinoid setulae on inner medial margin, with a small cleft on inner apical margin, bearing 1 apical robust spine like seta and 2–3 short subapical smaller spinoid setulae (figs. 27.1 and 27.2); surstylus larger than wide, posterior margin deeply concave, narrow medially, with a small, broad, mid apical cleft, forming broad lateral arms (figs. 27.1 and 27.7).

Description. Head: broader than high; frons broader than high; frontal vitta silvery brown with some golden microtomentum, especially in ocellar triangle; fronto-orbital plate transitional, silvery brown to black; fronto-orbits black; ocellar setae much reduced, three or more times shorter than pseudopostocellar setae; both proclinate and lateroreclinate fronto-orbital setae present, with a third smaller setula between them, anterior fronto-orbital seta 1.5–2.0 times shorter than posterior seta; antennae mostly grayish black; pedicel with 1 distinct spine like setae dorsally, 1 well-developed setula behind this and 2–3 ventral hair like setulae, anterior setulae usually well developed; first flagellomere with dorsoapical micropubescence; 7–9 aristal rays; face narrow, golden yellow, in lateral view nearly vertical but with a small dorsal carina; 6–7 primary facial setae and 1 minute shallowly declinate dorsal secondary facial setula; lunule silver; gena, postgena and lower occiput silvery gray, dorsal occiput brownish microtomentose, genal groove black; 1 genal seta; 1 postgenal setula well developed; maxillary palpus yellow to pale yellow, spatulate, with 3–5 setulae; epistomal ratio: 1.97; mesofacial ratio: 2.97; vertex ratio: 7.20; eye-to-gena ratio: 5.87; head ratio: 1.32.

Thorax: mesonotum brown microtomentose over black; well-developed dorsocentral setae 0+1, last presutural dorsocentral seta with half-length of postsutural seta; 3 scutellar setae, mid pair reduced; 1 postpronotal seta; 1 mesokatepisternal seta; pleural areas below notopleuron bluish gray; postpronotum silvery gray; notopleuron transitional, anterior margin brown microtomentose, posterior margin silvery gray; posterodorsal margin of anepisternum with sparse brown microtomentum. Wings: length 2.41–2.46 mm; hyaline with pale brown venation; knob of halter fluorescent yellow, stem brown; costal sections indices: II/I: 2.47; III/IV: 3.02; V/IV: 3.80; vein M ratio: 4.04. Legs: mostly silvery gray; joints yellow to orange yellow; ctenidial setae along anteroventral margin of forefemur weakly developed; posterior margin of hind femur glossy brown; forebasitarsomere darkened; mid and hind tarsi yellow to dark orange yellow becoming dark brown apically.

Abdomen: grayish brown microtomentose dorsally. Male terminalia: anterior margin of sternite 5 shallowly convex, anterior corners forming acute angles, posterior margin with a deep, broad, medial sulcus, arms bent medially, densely microsetulose on inner margin and with numerous spinoid setulae on inner medial margin, with a small cleft on inner apical margin, bearing 1 apical robust spine like seta and 2–3 short subapical smaller spinoid setulae (figs. 27.1 and 27.2); surstylus larger than wide, posterior margin deeply concave, narrow medially, with a small, broad, mid apical cleft, forming broad lateral arms (figs. 27.1 and 27.7); phallapodeme in ventral view Yshaped (fig. 27.5), in lateral view sinuous (fig. 27.6); postsurstylus with a semicircular inner medial membrane (fig. 27.2); pregonite long, rod-like (fig. 27.2); aedeagus in ventral view fusiform, slightly expanded medially (fig. 27.3), in lateral view with dorsal margin sinuous, with a midbasal cleft, on ventral margin with a pointed, shallowly recurved, process (fig. 27.4); cerci in ventral view reniform (fig. 27.1); epandrium broad, in ventral view forming an inverted U (fig. 27.1). Female terminalia (fig. 28.1): tergite 7 twice smaller than tergite 6; tergite 8 reduced, cell-like; hypoproct flap like; sternite 6 roundly quadrate in ventral view; sternite 7 wider than large, roundly rectangular; sternite 8 truncate at anterior margin and slightly concave at posterior margin; ventral receptacle as wide as large (fig. 28.2), extended process J-shaped.

Material examined. Holotype male (MNRJ): “ Brazil, Paraná, Parque Iguaçú (25°33.4'S, 49°13.6'W; 880 m); 19.Jan.2010; D. & W. N. Mathis”. Paratypes: Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Floresta da Tijuca (22°57'27.60''S, 43°16'26.08''W, 507 m), 17.XI.2011; F. A. Rodrigues Jr. (1 male, 2 female; MNRJ). Paraná, Bocaiúva do Sul (25° 14.9'S, 49° 8.9'W; 890 m), 16.II.2010, D. and W. N. Mathis (1 male; USNM).

Distribution. Neotropical: Brazil (Paraná and Rio de Janeiro).

Etymology. The specific epithet, schneiderae, was assigned in recognition to Marcela Alves Schneider, whose help and support to FARJ in field work in Rio de Janeiro was essential and without which this work would not be the same.

Notes. Hydrellia schneiderae sp. nov. belongs to the griseola species group. Externally, we cannot consistently distinguish this species of others from the same species group and rely primarily on structures of the male terminalia to differentiate them.


Published as part of Júnior, Francisco De Assis Rodrigues, Mathis, Wayne Nielsen & Couri, Márcia Souto, 2014, Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Ephydridae) from Brazil with an emphasis on the faunas from the states of Parana and Rio de Janeiro, pp. 501-541 in Zootaxa 3753 (6) on pages 534-537, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.6.1,


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sp. nov.
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Hydrellia schneiderae Júnior, Mathis & Couri, 2014