Published May 22, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Homotropus collinus


Homotropus collinus (Stelfox 1941, Homocidus) (comb. nov.)

Homocidus simulans Stelfox 1941

Diagnosis. Fore wing length 4.5–6.2 mm. Antenna with 20–21 flagellomeres in both sexes; in females, apical flagellomeres with multiporous plate sensilla also present ventrally, in males with narrow, long tyloids 7 to 14/15. Face strongly coriaceous, punctures disappearing against the background sculpture. Clypeus strongly excised, with lobes rounded. Mesopleuron strongly coriaceous on lower half, smooth on upper half, in females often also strongly punctate, especially along anterior margin, which are very distinct on upper half but almost disappearing against the coriaceous background on lower half; in males, punctures usually less pronounced. Mesoscutum coriaceous and finely punctate. Hind coxa with hind surface coriaceous. Fore wing areolet closed, vein 3rs-m usually pigmented. Propodeum with carination reduced to pleural carina, lateral longitudinal carina and apical parts of median longitudinal carinae, mainly coriaceous. Metasoma of both sexes dorsoventrally depressed. First tergite without median dorsal carinae but with numerous longitudinal wrinkles on lateral areas, 1.0–1.2 times as long as wide in females, 1.2–1.5 times in males; second tergite basally with some strong longitudinal wrinkles, 0.55–0.7 times as long as wide in females, 0.7–0.9 times in males, second tergite 0.8–1.0times as long as first tergite; spiracle of third tergite dorsal, above lateral fold.

Colouration of females. Antenna dark brown. Head and mesosoma black, with yellow or brownish central face patch separated from dark yellow on clypeus, yellow on often part of mouthparts, sometimes hind corner of pronotum, tegula, upper mesepimeron; scutellum black. Legs including all coxae orange, fore coxa with yellow apex, hind tibia white to yellow with a dark apex, hind tarsus dark. Metasoma black.

Colouration of males. As in females but with yellow ventrally on antenna, entire face, lower half of propleuron, hind corner of pronotum, large shoulder marks, subtegular ridge, and entire mesepimeron.

Material examined. Lectotype ♀ of Homocidus collinus Stelfox: United Kingdom, Perthshire, Rannoch., leg. R.B.Benson. 1♀, at BMNH. Paralectotypes ♂ and ♀: United Kingdom, Perthshire, Rannoch, leg. R.B.Benson, 1.–4.VI.1931. 1♂; Invernessshire, Aviemore, G.C.C., leg. Champion, 1910. 1♀, both at BMNH. Holotype ♀ of Homocidus simulans Stelfox: Ireland, Dublin, Glenasmole, 31. VIII. 1937, 1♀, at USNM.

New for Sweden: Uppland, leg. Lundblad. 1♀, at NRM. New for Switzerland: Vaud, Bussigny, 410m, N46.543, E6.5521, leg. Beaumont, 3.VI.1961. 1♀, at MZL.

Finland (4), Iceland (4), Sweden (4), Switzerland (2), United Kingdom (3).

Distribution. Western Palaearctic.


Published as part of Klopfstein, Seraina, 2014, Revision of the Western Palaearctic Diplazontinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), pp. 1-143 in Zootaxa 3801 (1) on page 63, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3801.1.1,


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Collection code
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Type status
holotype , lectotype , paralectotype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Homotropus collinus (Stelfox, 1941) sec. Klopfstein, 2014


  • Stelfox, A. W. (1941) Description of six new species of Bassine Ichneumon flies, with notes on some others. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 46 B, 109 - 119.