Edosa curvidorsalis Yang, Wang & Li, sp. nov.
Edosa curvidorsalis Yang, Wang & Li, sp. nov.
(Figs 2, 16 g, 18c, 19f, 31, 62, 85)
Type material. Holotype ♂, CHINA: Mt. Dahong (31°31΄N, 112°56΄E), Suixian, Suizhou, Hubei Province, 30.ix.2008, leg. Yunli Xiao, genitalia slide No. YLL10146.
Paratypes: CHINA: Hubei Province: 3 ♂, 1 ♀, same data as holotype except dated 30.ix, 1.x.2008, genitalia slide Nos. XYL08086m, YLL 10137 m, YLL 10145 m, XYL08087f; 3 ♂, 2 ♀, Kongshan Dong (30°58΄N, 113°18΄E), Jingshan County, 2.x.2008, leg. Yunli Xiao, genitalia slide Nos. XYL08072, YLL 10143 m, YLL10144f; 1 ♂, Mt. Wudang (32°30΄N, 111°09΄E), Shiyan, 6.IX.2012, leg. Jinwei Li. Fujian Province: 2 ♀, Maodi (26°42΄N, 118°05΄E), Nanping, 850 m, 23.ix.2002, leg. Xinpu Wang, genitalia slide No. XYL03088; 1 ♂, Xiamen University Botanical Garden (24°26΄N, 118°06΄E), 85 m, 19.vi.2011, leg. Jing Zhang; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, same data but 19.vi., 8.x,19,20. xi.2011, leg. Xiaofei Yang; 1 ♂, same data but 18.iv.2012, leg. Zhibo Wang; 1 ♀, same place but 220 m, 8.ix.2010, leg. Yinghui Sun & Jing Zhang, genitalia slide No. YLL10193f. Gansu Province: 1 ♂, Fanba, Wenxian (32°56΄N, 104°40΄E), 718 m, 18.vii.2005, leg. Haili Yu, genitalia slide No. YLL10134; 1 ♂, Bifenggou, Wenxian, 860 m, 9.vii.2005, leg. Haili Yu, genitalia slide No. YLL10140. Guizhou Province: 2 ♂, 2 ♀, Suoluo (28°26΄N, 106°01΄E), Chishu, 240 m, 21,22. ix.2000, leg. Haili Yu, genitalia slide Nos. XYL03067m, XYL03068f; 1 ♂, Lijiaba, Mayang River (28°32΄N, 108°29΄E), 700 m, 1.x.2007, leg. Hui Zhen, genitalia slide No. XYL10154; 7 ♂, 3 ♀, Maojiacun, Mayang River, 800 m, 3−5.x.2007, leg. Hui Zhen, genitalia slide Nos. JQ07332m, YLL 10006 m, YLL 10151 m, YLL 10152 m, YLL 10153 m, YLL10007f; 12 ♂, 36 ♀, Linjiang (28°09΄N, 105°54΄E), Xishui County, 500 m, 24−28.ix.2000, leg. Haili Yu, genitalia slide Nos. XYL03058m, XYL03062m, YLL0155m, YLL 10158 m, YLL 10164 m, YLL 10165 m, XYL03057f, XYL03059f, XYL03060f, XYL03061f, XYL03063f, XYL04199f, YLL10156f, YLL10157f, YLL10159f, YLL10160f, YLL10161f. Jiangxi Province: 1 ♀, Xiashan, Yifeng County (28°23΄N, 114°48΄E), 1.vii.1980, Academia Sinica, genitalia slide No. XYL03156; 1 ♀, Xiaodongxi (26°28΄N, 114°11΄E), 1.vii.1978, Academia Sinica, genitalia slide No. XYL03164; 1 ♂, Mt. Dadi (28°28΄N, 118°10΄E), 15.vii.1986, genitalia slide No. XYL03161. Hainan Province: 2 ♂, Nancha River, Mt. Bawang (19°04′N 109°02′E), 600 m, 9,10. vi.2007, leg. Zhiwei Zhang & Weichun Li, genitalia slide Nos. YLL09050, YLL10090. Hunan Province: 4 ♂, 4 ♀, Ketouxiang (27°40΄N, 111°16΄E), Xinhua County, 3,10,11. viii.2004, leg. Yunli Xiao, genitalia slide Nos. XYL04190m, YLL 10148 m, XYL04205f; 1 ♀, Baituoxiang (27°45΄N, 112°43΄E), Xiangtan City, 29.viii.2004, leg. Yunli Xiao. Henan Province: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Lingshansi (31°54΄N, 114°13΄E), Luoshan County, 350 m, 23.v.2003, leg. Haili Yu, genitalia slide Nos. YLL 10168 m, XYL03092f; 2 ♂, Huanglianshu, Jiyuan (35°04΄N, 112°36΄E), 700 m, 7.vi.2000, leg. Haili Yu, genitalia slide Nos. XYL03097, YLL10215; 5 ♂, 4 ♀, Shuiliandong (32°21΄N, 113°22΄E), Tongbai County, 300 m, 11.ix.2000, leg. Houhun Li & Karsholt, genitalia slide Nos. XYL03064m, XYL03065m, XYL03091m, YLL 10201 m, YLL 10203 m, XYL03090f, YLL10204f, YLL10205f; 1 ♂, Huangshian (33°40΄N, 111°39΄E), Xixia County, 890 m, 19.vii.1998, leg. Houhun Li, genitalia slide No. XYL04237; 1 ♂, Shaolinsi (34°30΄N, 112°56΄E), Songshan, Dengfeng, 700 m, 16.vii.2002, leg. Xinpu Wang, genitalia slide No. XYL04236; 2 ♂, Liulou, Zushixiang, Gushi County (32°10΄N, 115°41΄E), 120 m, 16,20. vi.1995, leg. Guangyun Yan, genitalia slide Nos. XYL03070, XYL04224. Shaanxi Province: 7 ♂, 2 ♀, Jinshui (33°17΄N, 107°51΄E), Yangxian, 420 m, 21,22. v.1995, leg. Hongjian Wang, genitalia slide Nos. XYL04198m, XYL04103m, XYL03100f; 1 ♀, Mazhuan (33°14΄N, 107°43΄E), Yangxian, 600 m, 18.v.1995, leg. Hongjian Wang; 1 ♂, Jiangba, Yangxian (33°13΄N, 107°32΄E), 480 m, 19.v.1995, leg. Hongjian Wang, genitalia slide No. XYL03098; 2 ♂, Shicao (34°44΄N, 109°57΄E), Yangxian, 450 m, 16.v.1995, leg. Hongjian Wang; 1 ♂, Shangdong, Ziyang County (32°30΄N, 108°31΄E), 300 m, 22.v.1994, leg. Jin Zhou, genitalia slide No. XYL03126; 1 ♂, Tieyupu (33°37΄N, 110°31΄E), Danfeng County, 680 m, 28.v.1994, leg. Jin Zhou, genitalia slide No. XYL04240; 1 ♀, Qianpo (32°50΄N, 110°05΄E), Baihe County, 680 m, 16.v.1994, leg. Jin Zhou, genitalia slide No. XYL03140. Sichuan Province: 4 ♂, Pingquan (30°20΄N, 104°38΄E), Jianyang, 350 m, 4.v.1994, leg. Jin Zhou, genitalia slide Nos. XYL03111, XYL03112. Yunnan Province: 1 ♀, Tianxing Town, Daguan County (27°44΄N, 103°55΄E), 830 m, 9.v.1982, leg. Zhengjin Luo, genitalia slide No. XYL03127; 1 ♀, Mengyuan (21°42΄N, 101°23΄E), Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, 640 m, 12.viii.2010, leg. Yinhui Sun & Lixia Li, genitalia slide No. YLL10064. Zhejiang Province: 2 ♂, 5 ♀, Mt. Wuyan (27°21΄N, 119°55΄E), Taishun County, 400 m, 1.viii.2005, leg. Yunli Xiao, genitalia slide Nos. XYL05028m, XYL08095m, YLL10179f, YLL10183f, YLL10184f; 2 ♀, same data but 680 m, 2.viii.2005, genitalia slide No. YLL10009; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data but 250 m, 4.viii.2005, genitalia slide No. XYL08091m.
Diagnosis. The male genitalia of this new species are similar to those of E. carinata sp. nov., but can be distinguished from the latter by the uncus lobe hooked at the apex, the valva with an elliptical basal process and a digitate medial process, the aedeagus differentiated into a horned ventral section and an S-shaped dorsal section, both sections without carina. In E. carinata sp. nov., the uncus lobe is sharp at the apex, the valva has an almost rounded basal flange and a small rounded-triangular medial process, the aedeagus is not differentiated into two sections, but has carinae.
Description. Adult (Fig. 31). Wingspan 9.0−17.0 mm. Head yellowish white to pale orange yellow. Antenna 0.9× length of forewing; scape pale orange yellow above, yellowish white below, with a few blackish pecten bristles; flagellum unicolorous, dusty yellow. Labial palpus yellowish brown to pale orange brown, with scattered darker scales on inner surface, dark brown on outer surface. Thorax and tegula brown to blackish brown. Forewing index 0.3−0.35, uniformly yellowish brown except individual scales dark tipped in some specimens; retinaculum present; cilia pale yellow with brown tips, with three well-defined cilia lines. Hindwing grayish brown; male with a single short, slender evenly curved frenular bristle, female with two or three slender bristles of equal length; cilia pale gray. Fore and mid legs grayish brown mixed with darker scales; hind leg yellowish brown mixed with darker scales.
Pregenital abdomen. First tergum with medial 1/3 sclerotized. In male, coremata present in eighth segment; eighth sternite 0.25× as long as wide, without caudal process; eighth tergite tapered, without caudal process. In female, seventh sternite deeply concave at middle on posterior margin.
Male genitalia (Fig. 62). Vinculum gently concave at middle on anterior margin, semicircularly concave on posterior margin; medial process absent from ventrocaudal margin. Tegumen 0.5× depth of vinculum, gently concave on anterior margin, semicircularly concave on posterior margin, articulated with vinculum, forming an Xshaped rim at joint. Uncus with broad furcate base, forming a bell-shaped membraneous section with tegumen; uncus lobe 2.0× depth of medial vinculum, not twisted, basal half fused, distal half separated, with sparse short setae, apex melanized, slightly extrorse; basal half and distal half linked by membrane; digitate process arising from base of uncus lobe laterally, linked with apodeme by narrow membrane; sclerite absent between uncus lobes. Valva triangular, broad at base, narrowed to blunt apex; costal margin straight, with a lobate, almost rounded basal process and a large, digitate medial process; ventral margin convex in basal 2/5, forming a shallow ventral lobe, distal 3/5 somewhat straight; basal margin concave in semicircle ventrally, with small, triangular ‘secondary apodeme’ close to apodeme; inner surface unmodified. Juxta fused with vinculum angularly, stout, short, about 0.15× length of aedeagus, slightly humped in dorsal midline. Aedeagus 0.8× length of valva, double-walled, differentiated into two sections: ventral section stout, gently narrowed to apex, distal 1/3 bifurcate, forming two horned processes, slightly bent dorsad; dorsal section arising from half to two thirds of ventral section, tubular, curved in S shape, apex blunt. Bulbus ejaculatorius 2.5× length of aedeagus, slightly expanded at basal 1/4, where ductus ejaculatorius is coiled; subdistal section expanded semicircularly; distal section expanded, narrower than subdistal section.
Female genitalia (Fig. 85). Ovipositor length 2.6−3.2 mm. Eighth tergite rectangular, posterior margin slightly concave at middle, with sparse setae, microtrichiate on posterior half. Eighth sternite bowknot-shaped, protruded ventrad, forming two plates: internal plate with a minute knot at middle near posterior margin, which is surrounded by a rounded, weakly sclerotized section with radiate crimples; external plate microtrichiate posterolaterally, with a pair of large, triangular processes on posterior margin. Ostium at middle of eighth sternite, between two plates. Antrum short, cylindrical; ductus bursae as long as corpus bursae. Colliculum comprising a clubbed process with spinose, bifurcate, bean-shaped apices arising from a broadly flanged, flower-like apodeme at junction of ductus bursae and corpus bursae, invaginated into corpus bursae to level of second ring; second ring at posterior 1/5 of corpus bursae, with a short, apron-like dorsal extension anteriorly; inception of ductus seminalis at middle of apron-like extension. Corpus bursae ovate, posterior 1/5 thick-walled; signum absent.
Distribution. China (Fujian, Gansu, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang).
Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix curv-, meaning curved, and the Latin dorsalis, meaning dorsal, referring to the dorsal section of the aedeagus curved in S shape.
Remarks. The valva is variable in this new species (Figs 62 a, b): the apex is usually blunt, but has a mastoid process in some specimens; the digitate medial process of the costal margin is usually located at middle, but placed near distal 1/3 and somewhat triangular in some specimens.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Tineidae
- Genus
- Edosa
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Lepidoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Yang, Wang & Li
- Species
- curvidorsalis
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Edosa curvidorsalis Yang, Wang & Li, 2014