Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Campylomma diversicorne Reuter 1878


Campylomma diversicorne Reuter, 1878

Distribution in Iran. Ardabil (Linnavuori 2007; Ghahari et al. 2011), Bushehr (Linnavuori 2010), East Azarbaijan (Khaghaninia et al. 2010c), Fars (Linnavuori 2010; Zarei et al. 2012), Golestan (Khormali 2000; Ghahari & Ostovan 2006; Ghahari et al. 2011; Ghahari 2013), Guilan (Linnavuori 2007), Hamadan (Abd-Rabou & Ghahari 2006 under the combination Calocoris diversicornis Reuter), Hormozgan (Wagner 1968a; Linnavuori 2004b), Ilam (Linnavuori 2010), Isfahan (Rakhshani et al. 2010), Kerman (Reuter 1904; Wagner 1958; Mehrnejad & Linnavuori 2012; Memand et al. 2012), Kermanshah (Linnavuori 2010), Khorasan (Wagner 1957; Abd-Rabou & Ghahari 2006; Linnavuori & Modarres Awal 1999; Havaskary et al. 2010), Khuzestan (Farahbakhsh 1961; Linnavuori 2010), Kordestan (Linnavuori 2010; Ebrahimi et al. 2012), Kuhgiloyeh & Boyerahmad (Linnavuori 2010), Markazi (Arkani et al. 2011), Mazandaran (Ghahari & Ostovan 2006; Ghahari et al. 2011), Sistan & Baluchestan (Wagner 1957), Tehran (Linnavuori 2007), West Azarbaijan (Linnavuori 2010), Zanjan (Linnavuori 2007), Iran (no locality cited) (Kerzhner & Josifov 1999), generally distributed (Modarres Awal 1997c).

General distribution, host and prey. Irano-Turanian species, extending from the Balkan Peninsula to the Middle East, Central Asia, China and Pakistan. C. diversicorne living on numerous plants and is a predator of aphids, Noctuidae, mites (Modarres Awal 1997c) and Aleyrodidae (Ghahari & Ostovan 2006).

Comments. The braconid wasp, Leiophron (Euphorus) deficiens Ruthe, 1856 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae) was collected from Qaemshahr (Mazandaran province) as the parasitoid of C. diversicorne (Efil et al. 2009).


Published as part of Ghahari, Hassan & Chérot, Frédéric, 2014, An annotated catalog of the Iranian Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha), pp. 1-101 in Zootaxa 3845 (1) on page 54, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3845.1.1,


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Campylomma diversicorne Reuter, 1878 sec. Ghahari & Chérot, 2014


  • Linnavuori, R. E. (2007) Studies on the Miridae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. II. List of species. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 47, 17 - 56.
  • Ghahari, H., Cherot, F., Moulet, P., Carpintero, D. L., Linnavuori, R. E., Sakenin, H. & Ostovan, H. (2011) Heteroptera (Insecta) fauna of Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands. Entomologie faunistique, 64, 3 - 13.
  • Khaghaninia, S., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R., Askari, O. & Fent, M. (2010 c) An introduction to true bugs fauna of Gunber valley including two new records for Iranian fauna (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5 (2), 354 - 360.
  • Zarei, A., Dousti, A. & Fallahzadeh, M. (2012) Fauna survey of family Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Darab - Fars. Proceedings of 20 th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, 99 pp.
  • Khormali, S. (2000) Mirid bugs damaging cotton in Gonbad region and investigation on dominant species. Proceedings of 14 th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 43 pp.
  • Ghahari, H. & Ostovan, H. (2006) Predator arthropods' fauna of whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces and their feeding efficiency. Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Science, 12 (6), 171 - 180. [in Persian, English Summary]
  • Abd-Rabou, S. & Ghahari, H. (2006) Predators of whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Iran. Trends in Entomology, 5, 41 - 46.
  • Wagner, E. (1968 a) Contribution a la fauna de l'Iran. 7. Hemipteres: Heteropteres (pro parte). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, N. S., 4, 437 - 453.
  • Linnavuori, R. E. (2004 b) Heteroptera of the Hormozgan province in Iran II. Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha, Cimicomorpha (Nabidae, Anthocoridae, Miridae). Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica, 48, 85 - 98.
  • Rakhshani, H., Ebadi R., Hatami, B., Rakhshani, E. & Gharali, B. (2010) A survey of alfalfa aphids and their natural enemies in Isfahan, Iran, and the effect of alfalfa strip-harvesting on their populations. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 30 (1), 13 - 28.
  • Reuter, O. M. (1904) Capsidae persicae D: N. A. Zarudny collectae enumeratae novaeque species descriptae. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo Nuseya Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, 9, 5 - 16.
  • Wagner, E. (1958) Heteropteren aus Iran 1956, II. Hemiptera-Heteroptera (Familie Miridae). Ergebnisse der Entomologischen Reisen Willi Richter, Stuttgart, im Iran 1954 und 1956 - Nr. 18. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, 12, 1 - 13.
  • Mehrnejad, M. R. & Linnavuori, R. E. (2012) Four major mirid bugs of pistachio trees in Iran. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, 79 (2), 277 - 279. [Archive of Scientific Information Database. Available from: http: // www. sid. ir / en / ViewPaper. asp]
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  • Linnavuori, R. E. & Modarres Awal, M. (1999) Studies on the Heteroptera of the Khorasan province in N. E. Iran. II. Cimicomorpha: Miridae. Entomologica Fennica, 10, 215 - 231.
  • Farahbakhsh, G. (1961) Order Heteroptera. In: Farahbakhsh, G. (Ed.), Checklist of important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Tehran, pp. 24 - 28.
  • Ebrahimi, A., Hosseini, R. & Vafai Shoushtari, R. (2012) A faunal study of plant bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) in Ghorveh and its counties (Kurdistan province, Iran). Entomofauna, 33 (4), 25 - 40.
  • Arkani, T., Hosseini, R. & Vafaei Shoushtari, R. (2011) Faunistic study of plant bugs (Miridae) and determination of dominant species in the agricultural farmlands and gardens of Arak and suburbs. Journal of Entomological Research, 3 (2), 85 - 93. [in Persian, English summary]
  • Kerzhner, I. M. & Josifov, M. (1999) Miridae. In: Aukema, B. & Rieger, C. (Eds.), Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic region. Vol. 3. Cimicomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, pp. 1 - 577.
  • Modarres Awal, M. (1997 c) Family Miridae. In: Modarres Awal, M. (Ed.), List of agricultural pests and their natural enemies in Iran. Ferdowsi University Press, Mashhad, pp. 73 - 75.
  • Efil, L., Guclu, C. & Belokobylskij, S. A. (2009) Leiophron (Euphorus) deficiens Ruthe (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae), a parasitoid of Campylomma diversicornis (Reuter) (Heteroptera, Miridae) in Turkey. Journal of Entomological Research Society, 11 (3), 65 - 73.