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Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tambana plumbea Butler 1881


Tambana plumbea (Butler, 1881)

(Figs 15, 16, 94, 124)

Plataplecta plumbea Butler, 1881, Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1881: 184. Type-locality: Japan, Tokyo. Holotype: female, coll. NHM.

Synonymy: Rusina ripleyi Holland, 1889, Transactions of the American Entomological Society 16: 74 Type-locality: Japan, Fukushima, Shirakawa. Syntypes: coll. CMNH.

References. Draudt 1950: 11 (Trisuloides naumanni, referred as plumbea by misidentification); Sugi 1982; I:670, II:302, Pl, 164:10–13 (Anacronicta); Chen 1982: 72, Pl. 2:6; Chen 1999: 72 (Anacronicta; probably Tambana naumanni, referred as plumbea by misidentification); Speidel & Kononenko 1998: 554 (Tambana); Kononenko 2003: 268; 2005:132; 2010: 173, Pl. 21:13–14, genit. 108: 3 male, 180: 1 female (Tambana); Hacker & Zilli 2007: 225, genit. 18 male (Tambana).

Material examined. Types. Holotype, female, Japan, Tokyo Maries 80–25/ Plataplecta plumbea Butler Type / Type, coll. NHM (examined by photo). Other material examined. JAPAN, Hokkaido: 1 male, Kushiro Pref., Kiritap-Moor, 43°05′N, 145°05′E, Kinoshita S. leg., 24.vii.1987, coll. GB/ ZSM; Honshu: 1 female, Kyoto Pref., Mt. Ohe, 680 m, 80 km NW, Kyoto, Tango, 36°36′N, 134°42′E, Kinoshita S. leg.,, coll. GB/ ZSM; 1 male, 1 female, Nagano Pref., Abo Pass, 1812 m, Minami Azumi (subalpine zone), 44°08′N, 140°48′E, Kinoshita S. leg., vii–viii.1980, coll. GB/ ZSM; 1male, Iwate Pref., Mt. Nanashigure, Nishine, 500 m, 39°50′N, 141°00′E, Yoshimoto H. leg., 2.viii.1981, coll. GB/ ZSM; RUSSIA: 1 male, 1 female, Sakhalin, Urozhainoe near Aniva 10–, V. Kononenko leg., slide VK 277 male,, slide VK 276 female, coll. IBSS Vladivostok; 1 male, Sakhalin “Amurland, Blagoveschensk [wrong labelled locality, the species is known in Russia only from Sakhalin and South Kurile Islands], 6.viii.1992, leg. Danchenko, coll. PG.

Diagnosis. Adult (Figs 15, 16). Wingspan 38–42 mm. Differs from T. naumanni and T. burmana by smaller size, strongly bipectinate male antennae, the species differs by biserrate antennae, shorter and more quadrangular forewing shape, less developed silver-shining suffusion, presence of greyish-bronze ground colour of forewing and patches of grey-whitish dusting and by distinct black, dentate crosslines.

Male genitalia (Fig. 94). The male genitalia differ from T. naumanni and T. burmana by shape of valva, strong, apically positioned harpe and short vesica armed with two patches moderate cornuti. Uncus rather broad, short slightly extended apically; tegumen broad, somewhat shorter than vinculum, with small penicular extensions; vinculum V-shaped; transtilla with broad lobes; juxta shield-like, rounded, valva moderate long, with parallel margins, slightly constricted distally, having oblique distal margin; harpe lies in distal part of valva, moderate long, almost straight, slightly extend distal margin of valva; tipped apically; costal surface of valva with prominent rounded bulge under base of harpe. Aedeagus moderate in length, curved, slightly extended apically; carina short, sclerotised, scobinate; vesica tubular, bearing subbasal and subapical patches of small and moderate cornuti.

Female genitalia (Fig. 124). The female genitalia differ from T. naumanni and T. burmana by well-expressed antrum, short, membranous ductus bursae and, ribbed sclerotised patch in the caudal part of bursae bearing prominent lateral extension. Ovipositor quadrangular, papillae anales moderate broad; antrum triangular, sclerotised; ductus bursae relatively short, membranous, in joining with corpus bursae sclerotised; corpus bursae elongated sack-like, with sclerotised ribbed patch in joining with ductus bursae and large extension in caudal part.

Distribution and bionomy. Russian Far East (Sakhalin Isl., South Kurile Islands), Japan. The species has been reported from China and Vietnam in literature probably by misidentification of externally closed species (T. burmana, T. naumanni). Moth flies in end of May, June, July, August, in two generations. The known foodplant is Sasa kurilensis (Poaceae).


Published as part of Behounek, G., Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2015, A revision of the genus Ta mb ana Moore, 1882 with description of eight new species and one subspecies (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Pantheinae). Revision of Pantheinae, contribution XIII, pp. 301-351 in Zootaxa 4048 (3) on pages 309-310, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4048.3.1,


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Tambana plumbea Butler, 1881 sec. Behounek, Han & Kononenko, 2015


  • Butler, A. G. (1881) Descriptions of new genera and species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera from Japan. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1 - 23, 171 - 200, 579 - 600. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1881. tb 00882. x
  • Holland, W. J. (1889) Descriptions of new species of Japanese Heterocera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 16, 71 - 76.
  • Draudt, M. (1950) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Agrotiden-Fauna Chinas aus den Ausbeuten Dr. H. Hone ' s, Mitteilungen der Munchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 40 (1), 1 - 174.
  • Sugi, S. (1982) Noctuidae (except Herminiinae). In: Inoue, H., Sugi, S., Kuroko, H., Moriuti, S. & Kawabe, A. (Eds.), Moths of Japan, 1, pp. 669 - 913; 2, pp. 334 - 405, pls. 37, 164 - 223, 229, 278, 355 - 380. [In Japanese with English synopsis].
  • Chen, Y. - X. (1982) Iconographia Heterocerorum Sinicorum III. Noctuidae, Agaristidae. Institue of Zoology, Academia Sinica. Science Press. Beijing, pp. 237 - 390.
  • Chen, Y. - X. (1999) Lepidoptera Noctuidae. Fauna Sinica. Insecta Vol. 16. Science press, Beijing, lxxiii + 1596 pp. + 68 pls. [in Chinese].
  • Speidel, W. & Kononenko, V. S. (1998) A review of the subfamilies Pantheinae and Acronictinae from North Vietnam with description of new species of Tambana Moore, 1882 and Anacronicta Warren, 1909. Esperiana, 6, 547 - 566.
  • Kononenko, V. S. (2003) Family Noctuidae. In: Lehr P. A. (Ed.), Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. V. Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Pt 4. Vladivostok, Dal'nauka, 688 pp.
  • Hacker, H. H. & Zilli, A. (2007) Revisional notes on the Genus Thiacidas Walker, 1855, with descriptions of Thiacidinae subfam. nov. and eleven new species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Esperiana Memoir, 3, 179 - 246.