Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Micronephthys Friedrich 1939



Genus Micronephthys Friedrich, 1939

? Micronephthys sphaerocirrata (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Cognetti-Varriale & Zunarelli-Vandini 1978; Crema et al. 2001; Simonini et al. 2004, 2007, 2008; Castelli et al. 2008.

OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Nephthys sphaerocirrata Wesenberg-Lund, 1949. REMARKS: Ravara et al. (2010) consider that presence of M. sphaerocirrata in the Mediterranean Sea needs further confirmation. The records of M. sphaerocirrata in the Adriatic Sea may refer to M. stammeri (Augener 1932) (A. Castelli, pers. comm.).

* Micronephthys stammeri (Augener, 1932)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Augener 1932; Banse 1959; Katzmann 1972, 1973a, 1983; Amoureux 1983b; Fassari 1983; Ambrogi et al. 1987; Požar-Domac 1994; Cantone & Di Pietro 2002; Ravara et al. 2010. NEW RECORDS: BM11, BM12, BM14, BM15, BM16, BM17, BM18, BM19, BM20, BM21, BM28, BM34, BM53, BM54, BM73, BM91, BM98, BM99.

OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Nephtys stammeri (Augener, 1932); Micronephthys maryae San Martin, 1982.


Published as part of Mikac, Barbara, 2015, A sea of worms: polychaete checklist of the Adriatic Sea, pp. 1-172 in Zootaxa 3943 (1) on pages 56-57, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3943.1.1,


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Micronephthys Friedrich, 1939 sec. Mikac, 2015


  • Cognetti-Varriale, A. M. & Zunarelli-Vandini, R. (1978) Distribution des Polychetes sur les fonds meubles infralittoraux du Molise (Adriatique). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 19, 37 - 45.
  • Crema, R., Prevedelli, D. & Castelli, A. (2001) Effect of submerged structures on the diversity of macrozoobenthos in the Northern Adriatic Sea. In: Faranda, F. M., Guglielmo, L. & Spezie, G. (Eds), Mediterranean Ecosystems: Structures and Processes. Springer - Verlag Italia, pp. 367 - 374. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 88 - 470 - 2105 - 1 _ 48
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  • Ravara, A., Cunha, M. R. & Pleijel, F. (2010) Nephtyidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from southern Europe. Zootaxa, 2682, 1 - 68.
  • Augener, H. (1932) Die Polychaeten und Hirudineen des Timavogebiets in der Adria. Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tier, 63, 657 - 681.
  • Banse, K. (1959) Polychaeten aus Rovinj. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 169, 295 - 313.
  • Katzmann, W. (1972) Die Polychaeten Rovinjs (Istrien / Jugoslawien). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 188, 116 - 144.
  • Katzmann, W. (1973 a) Contributo alla conoscenza dei policheti del Mare Adriatico (Medio Adriatico - Fondi mobili tra 10 e 230 metri di profondita). Quaderni del Laboratorio di Technologia della Pesca, 1 (5), 143 - 155.
  • Katzmann, W. (1983) Bemerkungen zur Systematik, Okologie und Tiergeographie der mitteladriatischen Weichbodenpolychaeten. Annalen des Naturhistorichen Museums in Wien, 84 / B, 87 - 122.
  • Amoureux, L. (1983 b) Les Annelides Polychetes de la Mer Adriatique. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 19, 7 - 13.
  • Fassari, G. (1983) Policheti e molluschi delle Bocche del Cattaro (Jugoslavia). Animalia, 10 (1 / 3), 41 - 46.
  • Ambrogi, R., Bedulli, D. & Fontana, P. (1987) Raccolta dei dati sul macrobenthos marino nella zona antistante la Centrale di Porto Tolle. Fase pre - operazionale (1979 - 1982). ENEL, Direzione Studi e Ricerche, Centro Ricerca Tecnica e Nucleare, Servizio Ambiente, 1 - 20.
  • Pozar-Domac, A. (1994) Index of the Adriatic Sea Polychaetes (Annelida, Polychaeta). Natura Croatica, 3, (Supplement 1), 1 - 23.
  • Cantone, G. & Di Pietro, N. (2002) Policheti bentonici della Fossa di Pomo (Medio Adriatico). Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 9 (1), 494 - 500.