Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tarsonops coronilla Ruiz & Brescovit, 2015, new species


Tarsonops coronilla, new species

Figures 37–54

Types. Holotype male and paratype female taken with pitfall traps from Cerro de la Coronilla (N 18.01628, W- 99.52875), Tepecoacuilco de Trujano, Guerrero, Mexico, 855 m asl, X.2009, T. López, C. Quijano, A. Valdez, deposited in CNAN (9728 and CNAN 9726, respectively).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males and females differ from those of T. irataylori in having a ventral translucent keel on the anterior metatarsi (figs. 50–52); from T. clavis and T. sectipes in having femur I more than three times longer than wide and from T. ariguanabo, T. sternalis and T. systematicus in having several false sutures throughout most of the tarsal length, rather than only in the middle part (figs. 51–54).

Description. Male (holotype): Carapace light yellowish orange, broad, almost subcircular only gradually narrowed anterior of eyes (fig. 37), pars cephalica slightly depressed, pars thoracica short, strongly sloping posteriorly (fig. 39); thoracic groove absent; clypeus with few dorsally directed strong bristles. Two oval eyes on slightly elevated black ocular tubercle separated by about two–thirds their diameter (fig. 37). Chelicerae light yellowish orange. Endites yellowish orange, broadly convergent, but not touching (fig. 40). Labium yellowish orange, triangular, fused to sternum along posterior groove, with distinct invaginations both sides of base (fig. 40). Sternum light orange, about as wide as long, surface with fine reticular lines, with few weak pits, numerous stiff setae around a darker edge (fig. 40). Coxae light gray. Legs yellowish orange; femur I elongate, almost four times longer than wide; anterior legs with ventral translucent keel on metatarsi, translucent fan-shaped extension of membrane between anterior metatarsi and tarsi (fig. 52); membranes between femora and patellae, and between tibiae and metatarsi projected; trichobothria present on metatarsi and tarsi; all tarsi and metatarsi with several false sutures, on tarsi occupying most of length, on metatarsi starting from middle part, not reaching junction with tarsus (figs. 52, 54). Tarsi with three claws, inferior claw shorter than paired ones, distinctly protruding from onychium; onychium projected in anterior legs. Male palp with cymbium pointed, bulb sub-spherical, with retrolateral groove which divides partially one third (fig. 43); embolus thin, pointed, curved upward at middle on lateral position (figs. 42, 43), straight ventrally (fig. 41). Abdomen dorsally immaculate light gray (fig. 37), lighter ventrally. Spinnerets six, in typical caponiid arrangement. Total length 3.6. Carapace 1.5 long, 1.2 wide. Two oval eyes equal size, 0.11 major diameter, 0.09 minor diameter. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.1/ patella 0.8/ tibia 1.0/ metatarsus 1.0/ tarsus 0.3; II: 1.2/ 0.9/ 1.2/ 1.3/ 0.3; III: 1.3/ 0.9/ 1.4/ 1.2/ 0.4; IV: 1.4/ 1.0/ 1.6/ 1.3/ 0.5. Leg formula: 4321. Sternum 1.0 long, 0.8 wide. Palpal tibia 0.3 long.

Female (paratype): Coloration as in male but slightly darker (fig. 38). Carapace, eyes, thoracic groove, chelicerae, endites, labium, sternum as in male (figs. 44, 49). Femur I elongate, almost four times longer than wide; other anterior legs modification as in male (figs. 50, 51); membranes between femora and patellae, and between tibiae and metatarsi projected (fig. 50); trichobothria on metatarsi and tarsi; all tarsi and metatarsi with several false sutures, on tarsi occupying most of length, on metatarsi starting from middlet, not reaching junction with tarsus (figs. 51, 53). Tarsal claws as in male. External genitalia with sclerotized plate as in figure 45; internal genitalia with slightly concave sclerotized wall of bursa, membranous receptaculum formed by median, short, dorsally curved duct, leading to wide, large sac (figs. 46–48). Total length 3.9. Carapace 1.7 long, 1.4 wide. Two oval eyes equal size, 0.12 major diameter, 0.1 minor diameter. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.2/ patella 0.9/ tibia 1.1/ metatarsus 1.1/ tarsus 0.4; II: 1.3/ 1,0/ 1.2/ 1.3/ 0.4; III: 1.5/ 1.0/ 1.5/ 1.3/ 0.4; IV: 1.5/ 1.0/ 1.7/ 1.3/ 0.7. Leg formula: 4213. Sternum 1.3 long, 1.1 wide. Palpal tibia 0.5 long.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Mexico.


Published as part of Ruiz, Alexander Sánchez & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2015, On the taxonomic placement of the Cuban spider Nops ariguanabo Alayón and the description of a new Mexican Tarsonops (Araneae, Caponiidae), pp. 131-143 in Zootaxa 3914 (2) on pages 139-143, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3914.2.3,


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sp. nov.
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Tarsonops coronilla Ruiz & Brescovit, 2015