Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Athetina Casey 1910


ATHETINA Casey 1910

Acrotona Thomson 1859

Acrotona Thomson 1859: 38. Type species: Aleochara aterrima Gravenhorst, 1802, by original designation; ICZN (1961), Opinion 600.

Notes: There are 347 valid species of Acrotona distributed worldwide, with two species apparently adventive in New Zealand.

Acrotona aterrima (Gravenhorst 1802)

Aleochara aterrima Gravenhorst 1802: 83. Type locality: [Brunswick, Germany]. Type depository: ZMHB? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Hammond ms in NZAC (identification with "?"). Distribution: Europe, Algeria, Russia (European, Siberia), Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Korea; New Zealand (intro).

Acrotona lugensides Newton 2015

Acrotona lugensides Newton 2015: 9 (replacement name for Homalota lugens Motschulsky 1858: 257). Note: as valid species (as lugens), not synonym of fungi, Smetana (2004); as adventive in New Zealand (as lugens), Maddison (2010). Distribution: Indies orientales; intro New Zealand (NZ (intro)).

= Homalota lugens Motschulsky 1858: 257 (preoccupied, not Homalota lugens Kiesenwetter 1844 (JPH; JSH in Acrotona)). Type locality: Indes orientales. Type depository: ZMUM? #?ST.

Amischa Thomson 1858

Amischa Thomson 1858: 33. Type species: Aleochara analis Gravenhorst, 1802, by monotypy. Notes: There are 60 valid species of Amischa worldwide, with three adventive in New Zealand.

Amischa analis (Gravenhorst 1802)

Aleochara analis Gravenhorst 1802: 76. Type locality: Brunsuiga [Brunswick, Germany]. Type depository: ZMHB? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Kuschel (1990), Emberson (1998); redescription, Klimaszewski et al. (2011). Distribution: Europe, Russia (European to Far East), Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Algeria, Tunisia, Azores, Madeira, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan; intro Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Chatham Is. (AK; MC,NO,SO, CH (intro)).

Amischa decipiens (Sharp 1869)

Homalota decipiens Sharp 1869: 179. Type locality: England: Chatham; Weymouth; Southend; Hammersmith; Charlton. Type depository: BMNH? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Kuschel 1990, Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997). Distribution: Europe, Turkey, Tunisia, Canary Is., Madeira; intro. New Zealand (AK,WN; MC (intro)).

Amischa nigrofusca (Stephens 1832)

Aleochara nigrofusca Stephens 1832: 129 (attributed to Kirby MSS). Type locality: Holme-juxta-mare, in Norfolk [England]. Type depository: BMNH? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997). Distribution: Europe, Russia (n European), Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, Madeira, Kazakhstan; intro. New Zealand (MC (intro)).

Atheta Thomson 1858

Atheta Thomson 1858: 36 (without species). Type species: Aleochara graminicola Gravenhorst, 1806, designated by Thomson (1859: 39); ICZN (1961), Opinion 600.

subgenus Alaobia Thomson 1858: 36. Type species: Homalota ochracea Erichson, 1837 (= Atheta scapularis (Sahlberg, C.R., 1831)), by monotypy.

subgenus Microdota Mulsant & Rey 1873a: 160 (without description). Type species: Microdota sericea Mulsant & Rey, 1873 (= Atheta amicula (Stephens, 1832)), designated by Blackwelder (1952: 244).

subgenus Ceritaxa Mulsant & Rey 1873a: 164 (without description). Type species: Ceritaxa spissata Mulsant & Rey, 1873 (= Atheta dilaticornis (Kraatz, 1856)), by monotypy.

subgenus Datomicra Mulsant & Rey 1873b: 355. Type species: Homalota celata Erichson, 1837, designated by Fenyes (1918: 22).

subgenus Oreostiba Ganglbauer 1895: 219. Type species: Homalota tibialis Heer, 1839, designated by Fenyes (1918: 24).

subgenus Dimetrotina Casey 1911: 143. Type species: Dimetrota vaniuscula Casey, 1911, by monotypy.

Notes: There are about 1700 valid species of Atheta worldwide, placed in nearly 90 subgenera, but some of these subgenera are considered separate genera by some authors while other athetine genera (e.g., Acrotona and Philhygra) are sometimes treated as subgenera of Atheta, so these numbers and the generic/subgeneric concepts are variable. Currently 10 species have been reported from New Zealand, five of them adventive.

Atheta (Microdota) amicula (Stephens 1832)

Aleochara amicula Stephens 1832: 132 (attributed to Kirby MSS). Type locality: Suffolk [England]. Type depository: BMNH? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Kuschel (1990), Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997); redescription, Klimaszewski et al. (2011). Distribution: Europe, northern Africa, Canary Is., Madeira, Azores, Russia (European, Siberia), Turkey, Israel, Korea, China; intro Canada, USA, Mexico, Chile, New Zealand, Campbell I. (AK,TO; MC,CA (intro)).

Remarks. Type material of Atheta (Atheta) cottieri, A. (Acrotona) muggeridgei and A. (Acrotona) zealandica

(synonym of A. pasadenae) are externally similar and share the same locality labels. Specimens from this series

contained in the NZAC were placed under the name A. amicula by Willy Kuschel.

Atheta (Atheta) brouni Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926

Atheta (Atheta) Brouni Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 639 (new name for Gyrophaena atriceps Broun 1880: 89). Note: AK (as atriceps), Kuschel (1990); MC (as atriceps), Bowie et al. (2003). Distribution: New Zealand (AK,ND; MC).

= Gyrophaena atriceps Broun 1880: 89 (preoccupied, not Stephens 1832 (JSH in Atheta); not now congeneric but replaced before 1961 and replacement name in use). Type locality: vicinity of Whangarei Harbour. Type depository: BMNH LT♂ (des. Klimaszewski et al. 2003:125)

Atheta (Atheta) cottieri Cameron 1945

Atheta (Atheta) cottieri Cameron 1945: 166. Type locality: New Zealand: Palmerston. Type depository: BMNH HT. Note: Kuschel (1990), as intro (origin unknown). Distribution: New Zealand (WI).

Remarks. Cameron based his description on a single specimen that we have confirmed as the Holotype. See

comment under A. amicula.

Type material examined. Holotype (BMNH): card-mounted, “ Type [round label with red border] // from dry rot

lesions on swede Palmerston North New Zealand. W. Cottier. Feb 1930 [in Cameron’s hand] // Brit. Mus. 1946-60

[in Cameron’s hand] // Atheta (s. str) cotteri TYPE Cam. [in Cameron’s hand, “ type ” written in red ink] // cotteri

Cam. i.l. B.M. N. Zeal.”.

Atheta kingorum Klimaszewski & Marris 2003

Atheta kingorum Klimaszewski & Marris 2003: 124. Type locality: Three Kings Is. N[ew] Z[ealand]: Great I., Castaway Valley. Type depository: NZAC HT♂, 17PT. Distribution: New Zealand (TH (Great I.)).

Atheta (Oreostiba) maruiana Cameron 1950

Atheta (Oreostiba) maruiana Cameron 1950: 24. Type locality: Westland: Maruia Springs, South Island. Type depository: BMNH LT; NZAC 6PLT (designated below). Distribution: New Zealand (BR).

Remarks. Cameron did not indicate the number of specimens he examined to name this species. One specimen

was located in the BMNH and several in the NZAC, two of which were placed under the combination “ Amriathaea

antipoda (Bernhauer 1943)” by Kuschel. In order to stabilize this name a lectotype and six paralectotypes are here

designated for the specimens of Atheta (Oreostiba) maruiana.

Type material examined. Lectotype (BMNH): card-mounted, “SYN-TYPE [round label with powder blue border]

// Westland N. Zealand Maruia Springs IX.1948 [in Cameron’s hand] // A (Oreostiba) maruiana Cam. TYPE [in

Cameron’s hand, “ type ” written in red ink] // Atheta maruana Cam [in Bacchus’ hand] M. E. Bacchus det 1971

SYNTYPE // M. Cameron. Bequest. B.M. 1955-147.”. Paralectotypes (NZAC): 4 card-mounted (2 on one card,

another card that has one specimen but with 2 specimens missing), “Maruia Springs Westland South Is. N. Z.[in

Brookes’ hand] // coll. Brookes Sept. 1948. [in Brookes’ hand] // taken from leaf-mould [in Brookes’ hand] //

Atheta. (Oreostiba) maruiana Cameron. [in Brookes’ hand] // Paratype [in Cameron’s? hand, pink underline] // A.

E. Brookes Collection // Paratype [dark blue label]; 2 (card-mounted on same card), “Maruia Springs Westland

South Is. N. Z.[in Brookes’ hand] // coll. Brookes Sept. 1948. [in Brookes’ hand] // taken from leaf-mould [in

Brookes’ hand] // A (Oreostiba) maruiana Cameron. Type [in Cameron’s hand. “ type ” in red ink] // A. E. Brookes Collection // NZAC specimen database record 1007110 // NZ Arthropod Collection Private Bag 92170 Auckland New Zealand NZAC 04065749 [barcode label]”.

Atheta (Datomicra) muggeridgei Bernhauer 1943

Atheta (Datomicra) Muggeridgei Bernhauer 1943: 176. Type locality: Palmerston. Type depository: FMNH LT, 1PLT; BMNH 2PLT (designated below). Distribution: New Zealand (WI).

Remarks. Bernhauer did not indicate the number of specimens he examined. Four specimens labelled as types

were located in the BMNH and the FMNH, and a fifth specimen in the BMNH only had an identification label

handwritten by Bernhauer that was not considered a syntype. In order to stabilize this name, a lectotype (FMNH)

and three paralectotypes (BMNH, FMNH) are here designated from this material of Atheta (Datomicra)

muggeridgei. See comment under A. amicula.

Type material examined. Lectotype (FMNH): card-mounted, “dry rot lesions on swede. Palmerston Nth. W.

Cottier 25/3/30 [in Cameron’s hand] // New Zealand Palmerston Nth 25 March 1930 [in Bernhauer’s hand] //

Muggeridgei Bernh. Typ. Microdota [in Bernhauer’s hand] // Muggeridgei Brnh Typus Datomicra [in Bernhauer’s

hand; red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging

Project [violet label] // Photographed Kelsey Keaton 2014 Emu Catalog [blue label] // FMNHINS 2819065 FIELD

MUSEUM [barcode label]”. Paralectotypes: 1 (FMNH): card-mounted, “dry rot lesions on swede. Palmerston Nth.

W. Cottier 25/3/30 [in Cameron’s hand] // Atheta Muggeridgei Brnh. n. sp. [in Bernhauer’s hand] // Muggeridgei

Brnh. Cotypus Datomicra [in Bernhauer’s hand; red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection //

SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label]”; 1 (BMNH): pointed, “ Type [round label

with red border] // dry rot lesion on swede. Palmerston Nth W. Cottier 25/1/30 [in Cameron’s hand] // Atheta

Muggeridgei Brnh. n. sp. [in Bernhauer’s hand]”; 1 (BMNH): pointed, “Co-type [round label with yellow border] /

/ dry rot lesion on swede. Palmerston Nrth W. Cottier 25/1/30 [in Cameron’s hand] // Pres. By Imp. Inst. Ent. Brit.

Mus. 1931-288.”.

Atheta (Datomicra) nigra (Kraatz 1856)

Homalota nigra Kraatz 1856: 287. Type locality: Wohl über ganz Deutschland. Type depository: SDEI? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997). Distribution: Europe, Russia (European), Turkey, Azores, Canary Is., Korea, China (Yunnan); intro. New Zealand (MC (intro)); intro. Canada (Klimaszewski et al. 2015).

Atheta (Dimetrotina) pasadenae Bernhauer 1906

Atheta (Acrotona) pasadenae Bernhauer 1906: 338. Type locality: [U.S.A.]: California: Pasadena. Type depository: FMNH LT♂, 2PLT (des. Gusarov (2015)). Note: Species previously reported from New Zealand as Atheta zealandica or other synonyms below: Kuschel (1990) as intro.; MC, Bowie et al. (2003); Palaearctic distribution, Assing & Schulke (2006: 112). Distribution: Inaccessible, Tristan da Cunha & Nightingale Is.,? South Africa; intro? USA (CA,NV), Chile, Juan Fernandez Is., Hawaii (Kauai), France, n Africa, Azores, Madeira, Canary Is., New Zealand (AK,MC; WI (intro)).

= Atheta (Acrotona) zealandica Cameron 1945: 167. Type locality: New Zealand: Palmerston. Type depository: BMNH LT♂, 1PLT (des. Leschen in Gusarov (2015)). Note: synonym of A. pasadenae, Gusarov (2015).

= Atheta (Atheta) pseudocoriaria Bernhauer 1943: 175 (preoccupied, not Atheta pseudocoriaria Cameron 1939 (JPH)). Type locality: Nord-Insel: Palmerston; Auckland. Type depository: BMNH LT♂, 4PLT (des. Leschen in Gusarov (2015)); FMNH 6PLT; NZAC 6PLT. Note: implied synonym of zealandica, Cameron (1945), Kuschel (1990: 46).

= Atheta (Atheta) aucklandensis Pace 1987: 436 (new name for Atheta pseudocoriaria Bernhauer 1943:175).

Remarks. The species concept, synonymy, subgeneric assignment and world distribution of this species has been

revised by Gusarov (2015), who discussed additional synonyms not reported from New Zealand. Below we have

indicated 12 additional paralectotypes in FMNH and NZAC not examined or listed by Gusarov (2015).

Type material examined. Atheta (Atheta) pseudocoriaria Bernhauer. Paralectotypes: 6 pinned with minutens

(NZAC, one specimen with an identification label, “ Atheta pseudocoriaria CoType. Bern” in unknown hand), “Co-

type [round label with yellow border] // X dry-rot swede Mr. Gibbs M. C. area Palm. Nth. N. Z. W. Cottier 25/6/31

[in unknown hand] // A [handwritten]”; 1 card-mounted (FMNH), “X dry-rot swede Mr. Gibbs M. C. area Palm.

Nth. N. Z. W. Cottier 25/6/31 [in Cameron’s hand?] // pseudocoriaria Bernh. Typus [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label] // Photographed Kelsey Keaton 2014 Emu Catalog [blue label] // FMNHINS 2819083 FIELD MUSEUM [barcode label]”; 2 (FMNH) card-mounted [1 missing abdomen]: “X dry-rot swede Mr. Gibbs M. C. area Palm. Nth. N. Z. W. Cottier 25/6/31 [in Cameron’s hand?] // A [handwritten] // pseudocoriaria Bernh. Cotypus Atheta s. str. [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label]”; 1 (FMNH) card-mounted: “dry-rot lesions on swede // Palmerston Nth. W. Cottier 25/3/30 [in Cameron’s hand?] // Atheta zealandica Brnh. n. sp. [in Bernhauer’s hand] // pseudocoriaria Bernh. Cotypus Atheta s. st. [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label]”; 1 (FMNH) card-mounted: “Aucklnd N.Z [handwritten, oval red label] // Auckland. [red line] New Zealand. // Sharp Coll 1905-313 // Atheta pseudocoriaria Brnh. [in Bernhauer’s hand] Bernhauer det. // BRIT. MUS. DON. ARROW // pseudocoriaria Bernh. Cotypus Atheta s. st. [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label]”; 1 (FMNH) card-mounted [in 3 pieces, antennae and legs missing]: “Auckland Lawson [handwritten] // Auckland, New Zealand. // 19. [handwritten] // Sharp Coll 1905- 313 // BRIT. MUS. DON. ARROW // pseudocoriaria Bernh. Cotypus [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label]”.

Atheta (Ceritaxa) splendidicollis Bernhauer 1943

Atheta (Ceritaxa) splendidicollis Bernhauer 1943: 175. Type locality: Nord-Insel. Type depository: BMNH LT; FMNH 1PLT (designated below). Note: as implied synonym of Atheta (now Leptostiba) politula, Kuschel (1990). Distribution: New Zealand (NO).

Remarks. Bernhauer did not indicate the number of specimens he examined. Two specimens were hand-labelled

as types in the BMNH and FMNH. In order to stabilize this name a lectotype (BMNH) and one paralectotype

(FMNH) are here designated from material of Atheta (Ceritaxa) splendidicollis.

Type material examined. Lectotype (BMNH): card-mounted, “ Type [round label with red border] // North Island,

N. Zealand. R. N. Parker. // G.C. Champion Coll. B.M. 1927-409. // Atheta splendi-collis [sic] Brnh. Typus [in

Bernhauer’s hand] M. Bernhauer det. //”. Paralectotype (FMNH): card-mounted, “North Island, N. Zealand. R. N.

Parker. // G.C. Champion Coll. B.M. 1927-409. // Atheta splendidicollis Brh. Typ. [in Bernhauer’s hand] Bernhauer

det. // BRIT. MUS. DON. ARROW // splendidicollis Brnh. Typus Ceritaxa. [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] //

Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label] /

/ Photographed Kelsey Keaton 2014 Emu Catalog [blue label] // FMNHINS 2819077 FIELD MUSEUM [barcode


Atheta (Alaobia) trinotata (Kraatz 1856)

Homalota trinotata Kraatz 1856: 272 (should be protected over 2 senior names, teste Smetana (2004: 33)). Type locality: [no locality cited; Deutschland implied]. Type depository: SDEI? #?ST. Note: New Zealand, Hammond ms. Distribution: Europe, Russia (European), Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Canary Is., Madeira; intro. New Zealand (DN (intro)).

Brundinia Tottenham 1949

Brundinia Tottenham 1949: 78 (new name for Metaxya Mulsant & Rey). Type species: Metaxya apricans Mulsant & Rey, 1873 (= Brundinia meridionalis (Mulsant & Rey, 1853)), by autotypy.

= Metaxya Mulsant & Rey 1873a: 181 (preoccupied, not Walker 1856; without description). Type species: Metaxya apricans Mulsant & Rey, 1873 (= Brundinia meridionalis (Mulsant & Rey, 1853)), designated by Blackwelder (1952: 240).

Notes: Brundinia includes 18 valid species scattered worldwide, with one endemic to New Zealand.

Brundinia semipallidula (Bernhauer 1943)

Atheta (Metaxya) semipallidula Bernhauer 1943: 174. Type locality: Wedderburn. Type depository: FMNH LT; BMNH 2PLT (designated below). Distribution: New Zealand (CO).

Remarks. Bernhauer did not specify the exact number of specimens he examined for naming Atheta (Metaxya)

semipallidula. There were two specimens mounted on the same card with a label hand-written “ typus ” in the BMNH and a single specimen in the FMNH. In order to stabilize this name a lectotype (FMNH) and 2 paralectotypes are here designated from material labelled as types of Atheta (Metaxya) semipallidula.

Type material examined. Lectotype (FMNH): card-mounted, “ New Zealand Sharp Coll. [in Bernhauer’s hand] // Wedderburn Lewis. [in Bernhauer’s hand] // Atheta semi-pallidula Brnh. Typus. [in Bernhauer’s hand] Berhauer det. // semipallidula Brnh. Typus Metaxya [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label] // Photographed Kelsey Keaton 2014 Emu Catalog [blue label] // FMNHINS 2819082 FIELD MUSEUM [barcode label]”. Paralectotypes (BMNH): 2, mounted on the same card, “ Type [round label with red border] // 653a [hand, in pencil] // Sharp Coll 1905-313. // New Zealand. [red underline] // Wedderburn Lewis. [in Sharp’s hand] // Atheta semi-pallidula Brnh. Typus. [in Bernhauer’s hand] Berhauer det.”.

Dalotia Casey 1910

Dalotia Casey 1910: 106. Type species: Dimetrota pectorina Casey, 1910 (= Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz, 1856)), by original designation (first sp. rule, p. 90).

Notes: Dalotia includes only the single widespread species below, which is widely adventive in many parts of the world including New Zealand.

Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz 1856)

Homalota coriaria Kraatz 1856: 282 (attributed to Miller in litt.). Type locality: Ueber ganz Deutschland. Type depository: SDEI? #?ST. Note: ex Atheta to Dalotia, Gusarov 2003:89; cultured and used as a biological control agent (e.g., Jandricic et al. 2006) and as a model for larval descriptions of Aleocharinae (Ashe & Watrous 1984); New Zealand, Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997). Distribution: Europe to northern Africa, Korea, Japan, Azores, Madeira, China, India, Oriental, Afrotropical; intro Canada, USA, Neotropical, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Galapagos Is., Australia, South Africa, Madagascar, Mascarenes, Hawaii, New Zealand (TO;MC (intro)).

Geostibasoma Pace 1985

Geostibasoma Pace 1985: 107. Type species: Sipalia antipodum Bernhauer, 1943, by original designation. Notes: There are only four valid species of Geostibasoma, three from China and the Philippines, and one from New Zealand.

Geostibasoma antipodum (Bernhauer 1943)

Sipalia antipodum Bernhauer 1943: 173. Type locality: Pudding Hill. Type depository: FMNH LT, 1PLT; BMNH 2PLT (designated below). Distribution: New Zealand (MC).

Remarks. No specimens originally labeled as Sipalia antipodum were found in BMNH (filed under Amrithea) or

FMNH, but each collection includes specimens labeled as types of Sipalia antarctica Bernhauer with data in

agreement with the published name S. antipodum. Pace (1985: 107) interpreted these specimens as types of S.

antipodum, and suggested that Bernhauer may have changed the name at the last minute in publication but not

relabeled his types. We agree with this interpretation, and accordingly designate here a lectotype and two

paralectotypes for S. antipodum.

Type material examined. Lectotype (FMNH): card-mounted [male with aedeagus dissected out and mounted in

Canadian balsam on a separate transparent card below]: “ New Zealand [red line] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922 -482.

// Sipalia antarctica Bhr. Typ. [in Bernhauer’s hand] Berhauer det. // BRIT. MUS. DON. ARROW // antarctica

Brnh. Typus Sipalia [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Geostibasoma antipodum (BRNH.) [in Pace’s hand] det. R.

Pace 1984 // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label] // Photographed Kelsey Keaton

2014 Emu Catalog [blue label] // FMNHINS 2819121 FIELD MUSEUM [barcode label]”. Paralectotypes: 1

(FMNH) card-mounted [female with a maxilla, labium and spermathecal dissected out and mounted in Canadian

balsam on a separate transparent card below]: “ New Zealand [red line] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922 -482. // Pudding

Hill. 4-5-1912. [in Broun’s hand] // Sipalia circellaris Grav. [in Bernhauer’s hand] Berhauer det. // BRIT. MUS.

DON. ARROW // antarctica Brnh. Cotypus Sipalia [in Bernhauer’s hand, red label] // Chicago NHMus

M.Bernhauer Collection // Geostibasoma antipodum (BRNH.) [in Pace’s hand] det. R. Pace 1984 // SYNTYPE teste D. J. Clarke2014 GDI Imaging Project [violet label]; 1 (BMNH): Type [round label with red border] // New Zealand. [red underline] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922 -482. // Sipalia antarctica Brh. Bernhauer det. Typ. [in Bernhauer’s hand, partly printed].

Liogluta Thomson 1858

Liogluta Thomson 1858: 35. Type species: Homalota umbonata Erichson, 1839 (= Liogluta longiuscula (Gravenhorst, 1802)), by monotypy.

Notes: There are 115 valid species of Liogluta, mainly from Eurasia, but one unidentified species has been reported from New Zealand.

Liogluta undet. sp. (Klimaszewski et al. 1996). Distribution: New Zealand.

Mocyta Mulsant & Rey 1873

Mocyta Mulsant & Rey 1873b: pl.2 (in figure legend only). Type species: Aleochara fungi Gravenhorst, 1806, designated by Blackwelder (1952: 250).

Notes: Mocyta, often treated as a subgenus or synonym of Acrotona or Atheta, includes about 29 valid species worldwide, of which one is adventive in New Zealand.

Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst 1806)

Aleochara Fungi Gravenhorst 1806: 157. Type locality: [Brunsuigae implied] [Brunswick, Germany]. Type depository: ZMHB LT♀ (designated by Mahler 1986, according to Klimaszewski et al. (2015), but not published?). Note: New Zealand, Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997), Emberson (1998); review, as Mocyta, Gusarov (2003); as Acrotona, Smetana (2004); redescription, biology, Klimaszewski et al. (2011, 2015). Distribution: Europe, Russia (European to Far East), Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, northern Africa, Azores, Canary Is.,?Madeira, Kazakhstan, Korea, China, Taiwan, China, India; intro Canada, USA, South Africa, western Africa, New Zealand, Chatham Is. (BR,DN,MC, CH (intro)).

Nehemitropia Lohse 1971

Nehemitropia Lohse 1971: 81 (for Hemitropia auctorum (misidentification)). Type species: Staphylinus sordidus Marsham, 1802 (= Nehemitropia lividipennis (Mannerheim, 1830)), by monotypy. Notes: Nehemetropia includes 8 valid species in the Palaearctic and Oriental regions and Gabon; one of the most widespread of these is also adventive in New Zealand.

Nehemitropia lividipennis (Mannerheim 1830)

Oxypoda lividipennis Mannerheim 1830: 70 (also 1831: 484). Type locality: Finlandiae. Type depository: MZHF? #?ST. Note: New Zealand (as sordida), Kuschel (1990), Sivasubramaniam et al. (1997); redescription, Klimaszewski et al. (2011). Distribution: Europe, Russia (European), northern Africa, Azores, Canary Is., Madeira, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Korea, Japan, China, India; intro Canada, USA, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Africa, Madagascar, New Zealand (AK,TO; MC (intro)). = Staphylinus sordidus Marsham 1802: 514 (preoccupied, not Staphylinus sordidus Gravenhorst 1802:176 (JPH)). Type locality: [Great Britain]. Type depository: BMNH?

Philhygra Mulsant & Rey, 1873

Philhygra Mulsant & Rey 1873a: 160 (without description). Type species: Microdota perdubia Mulsant & Rey, 1873 (= Atheta palustris (Kiesenwetter, 1844)), designated by Blackwelder (1952: 300). Notes: Philhygra, often treated as a subgenus of Atheta (e.g., Smetana 2004) but also as a valid genus (e.g., Klimaszewski et al. 2011, 2013), includes about 150 valid species mainly in the Holarctic and Oriental regions, with a single adventive species in New Zealand.

Philhygra luridipennis (Mannerheim 1830)

Bolitochara luridipennis Mannerheim 1830: 77 (also 1831: 491). Type locality: Petropoli. Type depository: MZHF? 2ST?. Note: New Zealand, Hammond ms; redescription, Klimaszewski et al. (2011). Distribution: Europe, Russia (European), Turkey, Azores, Madeira; intro Canada, New Zealand (intro).


Published as part of Leschen, Richard A. B. & Newton, Alfred F., 2015, Checklist and type designations of New Zealand Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), pp. 301-353 in Zootaxa 4028 (3) on pages 305-312, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4028.3.1,


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  • Casey, T. L. (1910) New species of the staphylinid tribe Myrmedoniini. In: Memoirs on the Coleoptera. Vol. 1. New Era Printing Co., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, pp. 1 - 183.
  • Thomson, C. G. (1859) Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade. I. Berlingska Boktryckeriet, Lund, 290 pp.
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