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Published August 3, 2020 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D8.5 – Data Management Handling Plan


The purpose of the TheFSM project is to deliver an industrial data platform that has the potential to significantly modernize the procedure of how food certification takes place in Europe. By facilitating the exchange and connection of data between different food safety actors who are interested in sharing information critical to certification the project is going to accelerate the pace by which this group adopts digital innovation and offers data-driven services to its clients in around the world.

Following the European Commission’s recommendations this deliverable describes the FAIR management of the research data sets processed for TheFSM.

The Data Management Handling Plan (DMP) shall ensure that TheFSM follows the European Commission’s guidelines on making our data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). The document itself is a living document. This first version of the DMP due already in M6 reflects a relatively early stage of the project. Regular iterations will follow in M24 and in M36 where additional questions corresponding to the more advanced stage and knowledge about the project and its data will be tackled, the pilots will be addressed with a local DMP.

In addition, earlier or irregular updates will be made whenever significant changes arise (e.g. new data, changes in consortium policies or consortium composition).

The objectives of a DMP is to define how data will be created, how it will be documented, who will be able to access it, where it will be stored, who will back it up and whether (how) it will be shared and preserved


TheFSM D8.5_DMP_Final-Submitted_V1.pdf

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European Commission
TheFSM – The Food Safety Market: an SME-powered industrial data platform to boost the competitiveness of European food certification 871703