Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pseudoscalibregma Ashworth 1901


Genus Pseudoscalibregma Ashworth, 1901

Type-species: Scalibregma parvum Hansen, 1879.

Diagnosis. Body elongate, arenicoliform. Prostomium T-shaped with lateral horns. Peristomium achaetous, surrounding prostomium dorsally and forming upper and lower lips of mouth ventrally. Parapodia of posterior segments with dorsal and ventral cirri; interramal papillae present; postsetal lamellae absent. Branchiae absent. Setae include capillaries, lyrate setae, and sometimes few inconspicuous spinous setae among capillaries of setigers 1‒2, blunt, pointed, or bifurcated, representing homologues of lyrate setae; large conspicuous spines absent. Pygidium with long anal cirri.

Remarks. Apart from a more variable morphology of dorsal and ventral cirri, the only character that separates Pseudoscalibregma from Scalibregma is the absence of branchiae. The presence of short spinous setae in the first 1‒2 setigers as occurs in species of Scalibregma was confirmed by Imajima (2009) as part of his description of P. orientalis Imajima, 2009 from Japan and Bakken et al. (2014) as part of their redescription of the type species, P. parvum. I can also confirm after a re-examination of the holotype that P. usarpium Blake, 1981 from Antarctica also has these setae.

Four species of Pseudoscalibregma have been reported from Antarctic seas: (1) P. bransfieldium (Hartman, 1967), (2) P. usarpium, (3) P. papilla Schüller, 2008, and (4) P. h ar t m a na e (Blake, 1981), new combination. A fifth species was found in the LIS-A collections and is described here. Additional descriptive notes are provided for P. bransfieldium.

Character⁄Nο. Setigers 10 14̶15 16 17̶18 20 22̶24 28 30

Length 630μm 850̶900 μm 945̶990 μm 960̶1,221 μm 1300̶1875 μm 2.6̶ 2.8 mm 3.5 mm 5.67 mm

Width 70μm 220̶232 μm 305̶325 μm 353̶407 μm 450̶580 μm 0.62 mm 0.75 mm 0.95 mm

Prοstοmium Bulbοus,rοunded Bulbοus, Rοunded, Inflated, lateral Becοming wide, Brοad, thickened Lateral hοrns well Lateral hοrns fully extended apically pοinted apically bulges, tapering thickened acrοss anteriοr margin, develοped develοped apically tο rοunded subterminally, then lateral hοrns

tip tapering tο rοunded develοping

anteriοr peak

Peristοmium Singlering Single ring Single ring Single narrοw ring single ring dοrsally; Single ring dοrsally, Single ring dοrsally; Single ring dοrsally; dοrsally and dοrsally and dοrsally and dοrsally becοming ventrally enlarging ventral ring expanding ventral ring fοrming three rings ventrally ventrally ventrally ventrally expanded ventrally, anteriοr tο mοuth tο encοmpass upper lip upper and lοwer lips οf encοmpassing the with pads develοping οf mοuth mοuth mοuth

Branchiae Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent 22 Setigers∶ Οne Branchiae present Branchiae present branchial anlage, setigers 2̶5; with 1, 2, setigers 2̶5 with setigers 3̶4; 3, and 4 lοbe(s) individual lοbes 24 Setigers∶ Οne respectively branching branchial lοbe οn

setigers 3̶5

Dοrsal cirri Absent Absent Present, frοm Present Present Present Present Present

abοut setiger


ventral cirri Absent Absent Absent Absent 1̶2 present, pοsteriοr Present Present Present

mοst setigers

Dοrsal pigmented Absent Absent Absent Absent Present Present Present Present

glands setiger 4

Pygidium Bulbοus,rοunded, Bulbοus, divided Bulbοus, Bulbοus, divided intο With additiοnal With additiοnal With additiοnal With 5̶6 additiοnal 2 weakly intο 2 halves divided intο 2 2 halves, with divisiοns οr lοbes divisiοns οr lοbes divisiοns nοw distinct divisiοns distinct develοped halves halves additiοnal divisiοns develοping develοping

οr lοbes develοping

Pygidial cirri Absent 3∶ 1 mid-ventral, 3 cirri present 3̶5 cirri present 5 cirri present 5 cirri present 5 cirri present 5 cirri present

2 dοrsοlateral

Spinοus setae, lyrate 1̶2 spines, 1̶2 spines 1̶2 spines 2̶3 spines setigers 3̶4 spines setigers 3̶4 spines setigers 1- 3̶4 spines setiger 1; 4̶5 spines setiger 1;

, & capillaries setigers 1̶4; setigers 1-4; setigers 1̶4; 1‾ 1̶4; 1̶2 lyrate setae 1̶4; 1̶2 lyrate setae 4; 2̶3 lyrate setae 2̶4 lyrate setae all 3̶4 lyrate setae all lyrate setae absent; lyrate setae 2 lyrate setae setigers 2-4; 3̶5 setigers 2-4; 5̶6 setigers 2-4, and setigers frοm setiger 2; setigers frοm setiger 2; 2̶3 capillaries all absent; 3̶4 setigers 3‾4 capillaries all setigers capillaries all setigers present mοst middle 8‾10 capillaries all 12 οr mοre capillaries setigers capillaries all οnly; 3̶4 and pοsteriοr setigers; setigers all setigers setigers capillaries all 6̶8 capillaries all

setigers setigers

ventral grοοve Absent Initial Medial paired Distinct, surrοunded Lοngitudinal rοw οf Lοngitudinal rοw οf Lοngitudinal rοw οf Large pads in grοοve develοpment, pads present by paired pads paired pads paired pads paired pads frοm setiger 2 tο with paired pads pοsteriοr end

Nuchal οrgans Nοt apparent Nοt apparent Nοt apparent Nοt apparent Large, lateral ciliated Large, lateral ciliated Lateral ciliated Lateral, ciliated grοοves grοοves anteriοr tο grοοves anteriοr tο grοοves anteriοr tο anteriοr tο dοrsal dοrsal peristοmial ring dοrsal peristοmial ring dοrsal peristοmial ring peristοmial ring


Published as part of Blake, James A., 2015, New species of Scalibregmatidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the East Antarctic Peninsula including a description of the ecology and post-larval development of species of Scalibregma and Oligobregma, pp. 57-93 in Zootaxa 4033 (1) on pages 74-75, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4033.1.3,


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Taxonomic concept label
Pseudoscalibregma Ashworth, 1901 sec. Blake, 2015


  • Ashworth, J. H. (1901) The anatomy of Scalibregma inflatum Rathke. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 45, 237 - 309. [London]
  • Hansen, G. A. (1879) Annelider fra den norske Nordhavsexpedition i 1876. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaern, 24, 1 - 17.
  • Imajima, M. (2009) Deep-sea polychaetes off Pacific coast of the northern Honshu, Japan. In: Fugita, T. (Ed.), Deep-sea Fauna and Pollutants off Pacific Coast of Northern Japan. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs, 39, 39 - 192.
  • Bakken, T., Oug, E. & Kongsrud, J. A. (2014) Occurrence and distribution of Pseudoscalibregma and Scalibregma (Annelida, Scalibregmatidae) in the deep Nordic Seas, with the description of Scalibregma hanseni n. sp. Zootaxa, 3753 (2), 101 - 117. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3753.2.1
  • Blake, J. A. (1981) The Scalibregmatidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from South American and Antarctic Seas, collected chiefly during the cruises of the R / V Anton Bruun, R / V Hero and USNS Eltanin. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 94, 1131 - 1162. Available from: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 107603 (Accessed 19 Oct. 2015)
  • Hartman, O. (1967) Polychaetous annelids collected by the USNS Eltanin and Staten Island cruises, chiefly from Antarctic seas. Allan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology, 2, 1 - 387.
  • Schuller, M. (2008) New polychaete species collected during the expeditions ANDEEP I, II, and III to the deep Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in the austral summers 2002 and 2005 - Ampharetidae, Opheliidae, and Scalibregmatidae. Zootaxa, 1705, 51 - 68.