Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cleigastra apicalis Meigen 1826


Cleigastra apicalis (Meigen, 1826)

Figs 9, 10, 12, 14–21.

apicalis Meigen, 1826: 236 (Cordylura). Type-locality: not given.

Remarks. The species was mentioned by Gorodkov (1986: 20) for the European part of Russia without indicating a specific locality and by Humala & Polevoi (2009: 71) from Karelia; and then recorded in the Russian Far East by Ozerov & Krivosheina (2014b: 206).

Material examined. Altay: Lake Teletskoe, Artybash (~ 51.7925N 87.2594E), 17.V.2009, V. Zinchenko (1 ♂, in ISEA); Archangelsk Oblast: bald Teni-Seda (68.1488N 51.8238E), 3.VIII.1978, Gorodkov (2 ♂♂, ZISP); Astrakhan Oblast: Baskunchak salt lake (48.193N 46.813E), 2–4.V.2010, K. Tomkovich (1 ♀, ZMUM); Ikryanoe (46.112N 47.767E), 10.V.2010, K. Tomkovich (1 ♂, ZMUM); Zyuzino (45.751N 47.678E), 8–9.V.2010, K. Tomkovich (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM); Bashkiria: Irgizly (52.9591N 57.0241E), 12.VI.1899, Yakobson & Shmidt (1 ♀, ZISP); Chelyabinsk Oblast: 63 km NNW of Chelyabinsk (55.8N 61.03E), 17–19.V.1992, M. Krivosheina (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM); Karelia: Primorskiy (66.5463N 33.1036E), 5.VII.2010, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♀, ZMUM); Kizhi (62.0663N 35.2377E), 19.VI.1979, Gorodkov (1 ♀, ZISP); Khabarovsk Kray: Manoma River (49.44N 137.41E), 8.VI.2014, N. Vikhrev (1 ♀, ZMUM); Khicha River (49.05N 139.43E), 690 m, 10.VI.2014, N. Vikhrev (1 ♀, ZMUM); Komi: Ust-Tsilma (65.4407N 52.1534E), 9.VIII.1978, Gorodkov (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ZISP); Inta (66.0362N 60.1628E), 7.VII.1961, Gabova (1 ♀, ZISP); Krasnodar Kray: Sochi/Khosta (43.5233N 39.8797E), 19.V.2011, D. Gavryushin (1 ♀, ZMUM); Kursk Oblast: Oboyan' (51.1919N 36.3123E), 20– 21, 25–26.V., 6.IX.2007, A.L. Ozerov (3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, ZMUM); Leningrad Oblast: Gatshina (ca. 59.56N 30.13E), 24.V.1940, A. Stackelberg (1 ♀, ZISP); Gobzhitsy (ca. 58.83N 30.13E), 10.VIII.1931, A. Stackelberg (1 ♀, ZISP); Jukki (ca. 60.11N 30.29E), 13 and 20.VI.1928, A. Stackelberg (1 ♂, ZISP); Luga (ca. 58.73N 29.84E), NW Tolmatschevo, 19.VII.1935, A. Stackelberg (1 ♂, ZISP); Yaschera (58.8945N 29.8206E), 5.VI.1963, A. Stackelberg (1 ♀, ZISP); Moscow and Moscow Oblast: Izmaylovo (55.7867N 37.8350E), 15.V., 3.VII.1983, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM); Andreevskoe (55.9755N 35.6039E), 1.VIII.2011, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♂, ZMUM); Burtsevo (55.9817N 35.5982E, 55.9755N 35.5897E), 5.VIII.2007, 29.V.2010, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM); Burtsevo (55.9377N 37.3886E), 13.V.2010, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♀, ZMUM); Dmitrov env. (56.3163N 37.7258E), 28.VI.2007, 27.V.2009, N.Vikhrev (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMUM); Ivanovskoe (55.9256N 35.6056E), 17.VII.2007, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♂, ZMUM); Lugovaya (56.2037N 37.8233E), 26.VI.1993, A.L. Ozerov (2 ♀♀, ZMUM); Naro-Fominsk (55.3729N 36.7578E), 30.V.2006, 14.V.2010, D. Gavryushin (3 ♂♂, ZMUM); Nizhegorod Oblast: Dzerzhinsk (56.21N 43.62E), 16.VIII.2009, N. Vikhrev (1 ♀, ZMUM); Novosibirsk: (54.8250N 83.1141E), 18. VI.2009, O. Kosterin (1 ♂, ZMUM); Omsk Oblast: near River Irtysh (54.99N 73.32E), 8.VI.2007, O. Kosterin (1 ♀, ZMUM); Rostov Oblast: Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (48.2930N 40.2574E), 22–25.V.2011, D. Gavryushin (1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, ZMUM); Tyumen' Oblast: Lake Varchaty (64.8618N 68.87681E), 27.VIII. and 2.IX.1925, Fridolin (3 ♂♂, ZISP); Shapsha env. (61.085N 69.458E), 1–4.VIII.2010, K. Tomkovich (3 ♂♂, ZMUM).

Diagnostic description. Body-length 4.2–7.2 mm. Fore coxa completely yellow, femora yellow in ground color: fore femur yellow, often with black stripe anteriorly, mid and hind femora yellow with black spot apically; male femora with black hairs ventrally. Sternites 4 and 5 as in Figs 20, 17. Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 18, 19. Ovipositor as in Figs 14–16.

Distribution. Russia (Fig. 21): Altay, Archangelsk Oblast, Astrakhan Oblast, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Kamchatka Kray, Karelia, Khabarovsk Kray, Komi, Krasnodar Kray, Kursk Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Magadan Oblast, Moscow and Moscow Oblast, Nizhegorod Oblast, Novosibirsk, Omsk Oblast, Rostov Oblast, Tyumen' Oblast.—Europe (widespread), Asia (Iraq, Mongolia).


Published as part of Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G., 2015, A review of the genera Cleigastra Macquart, Gonarcticus Becker, Gonatherus Rondani, Hexamitocera Becker, Nanna Strobl, Orthacheta Becker and Spathephilus Becker (Diptera, Scathophagidae) of Russia, pp. 201-258 in Zootaxa 4012 (2) on pages 206-207, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4012.2.1,


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Cleigastra apicalis Meigen, 1826 sec. Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2015


  • Meigen, J. W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Siebenter Theil oder Supplementband. Schultz, Hamm, 412 pp.
  • Gorodkov, K. B. (1986) Family Scathophagidae. In Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 11. Scathophagidae-Hypodermatidae. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 11 - 41.
  • Humala, A. E. & Polevoi, A. V. (2009) On the Insect fauna of south-east Karelia. Trudi Karelskogo nauchnogo centra RAN, 4, 53 - 75.
  • Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G. (2014 b) To the fauna of dung flies (Diptera: Scathophagidae) of Russian Far East. Russian Entomological Journal, 23 (3), 203 - 222.
  • Ovchinnikov, A. N. (2009) The Ovipositor Morphology in the Members of the Family Scathophagidae (Diptera) with Reference to Their Biology. Entomological Review, 89 (6), 623 - 636.